Thursday, March 20, 2025

A Burst Of Energy

 46 degrees ... feels like 29.  Coats and boots are still required in not so sunny California.  The weather guessers say we are looking at two weeks of nothing above 66.  So far that hasn't kept my grass from growing ... or the weeds for that matter.  I called the Weed Man, but they say it's too early in the season, too wet and too windy.

Ahh gee whiz .. it's too windy for me to spray weed killer.  That meant I got to spend another hour on the couch with my kid.

Then, out of nowhere came a surge of energy.  How weird was that!  The batteries on my property alarms were blinking red.  Time for a change.  The surgery was successful after cleaning out the meat bee wax stuck in the holes meant for screws.  The good news is that stuff keeps the screws IN so they don't fall on the ground, causing me to look for a needle in a haystack.  All done, all good ... even the kitties roaming the property can't get by these without me knowing it.

Speaking of which, I have a new resident black kitty in my back yard.  I've seen him several times in the last week, lurking out in the tall grass.  Thankfully, Mr. Cooper has not spotted him yet.  

Then it was back to the truck lights.  Those two bulbs I put in last month ... one burned out.  How could that be?  It was brand new?  Then someone said not to touch the bulb when putting it in.  Okay ... wait.  How can you put it in without touching it?  Something about the grease on your hands.  

So once again, I removed the headlight .....

And reached down inside to that white thing.  It turns, and out pops the bulb.  My replacement was NOT the same as the other one.  These are actually the ones now recommended because the others burn out.  Of course no one told me that before I replaced the others.  

Problem was, they were not the same COLOR either.  So I had to replace BOTH once again.  I used gloves this time, so we will see if the new ones keep shining brightly.  

Though I expected a nice quiet day at home, I got a call from the Elks Lodge.  Fifth Year Trustees get stuck with everything.  There was an unemployment request I had to fill out and send off.  Nice of them to give you 10 days, three of which it spent lounging in the Post Office, followed by 5 days sitting in the office.  I mailed it off myself.

Back home, I went for the quilting machine once again.  I could not for the life of me come up with a suitable pattern for this Elk quilt.  I thought to do the borders with different ones, but that's a lot of work and I have too many quilts to make in the next few months.  I settled for this one.

Everything went swimmingly until I heard the noise.  It's like an engine to me ... I can tell if something is not right.  It sounded like it needed oil, but in an instant I knew it was out of bobbin thread.  That big S shape ... that's just holes in the quilt.  

That means trying to get it set back up in the exact same tiny spec of a spot so you don't have TWO sets of holes.  This time it worked like a charm.  I must be getting better at this.

And here you have it.  I love this one ... it's one of my favorites that I made with no pattern, just the middle panel.  It's going on one of my walls.

I even had time to work on the puzzle a bit.  I think another 11 pieces found their home.  At this rate, I might have it finished by Christmas!!  Maybe .........

The burst of energy quickly disappeared as Mr. Cooper and I crashed on the couch watching a bit of rodeo.  Of course there is another trip to the Elks Lodge today.  It's corned beef and cabbage night.  I can take it or leave it ... mostly leave the cabbage.  This is the last meeting before the new guy takes over.  From here on it, it's Daisy, hold on to your hat!!!


  1. I'm going to steal your Elk qulit. I just love it!
    Have a good day!

    1. Thank you Frances .. one of my all time favorites!

  2. Arny told me to put Dielectric Grease on the connection for the bulbs...I had the same problem with back turning lights on HHR...they went out about every 12-15 months. Now they last for 3 years or more. I have never had to do anything with the front ones...go figure.

    Maybe we need to change our route and stop over night and let Cooper and Indy take that cat on! lol (going through SLC to see my daughter, so going through Atwater is not really possible). Leaving in about a week...

    1. Wow ... is it that time already? Maybe I can come visit you when you get on this side of the map. If these lights go out, I'm buying the grease!!

    2. We can meet in is SUCH a safe city! lol

  3. I think corn beef and cabbage is one of the most boring meals ever. I do love Reuben sandwiches but I never order them. The quilt is beautiful!

    1. I have to agree Elva, though I love the corned beef. I like my potatoes mashed .... and the cabbage can stay in the garden!

  4. Love your quilt and want to compliment you on the small dot border and how straight the dots are. Very nice.

    1. Thank you!! Sometimes I get it right, sometimes not so much! lol

  5. Replies
    1. I like nothing better than a corned beef sandwich, but I have to cut off all the fat!!!

  6. Good job getting all that maintenance done! We have been doing a lot of that around here ourselves this week.
    Love that elk quilt, but I am guessing you already knew that as that one is right up our alley.
