For a second there as I glanced out the window, I thought I might be back in Arizona. Ooohweee! We don't get them like this much in California! There's no photoshop here either ... taken with my phone. I grabbed a chair and sat down for five minutes admiring Mother Nature's latest painting. They said rain today, but it appears to have DIS-appeared for us.
Mr. Cooper tapped me on the leg. Yessiree ... it's just as pretty in the BACK yard as the front.
In no time, I was on a mission. Everyone in this house eats eggs. We all know about THAT problem. President Biden and his Ag Department (who I'm SURE have no experience with AG) had 1.5 million egg laying hens (because the male variety canNOT lay eggs) .... KILLED because they were freaking out over bird flu. I'm sure they had no idea the havoc they were causing.
I went to Walmart because it's the cheapest store around. Not any more however! It's going to be a very sad Easter when 18 eggs costs $12.00. Yup ... this one little bag-o-groceries (no meat or ice cream involved) cost me $91.07. The good news is the savings in diesel for both my truck and the van, make up for a bit of it.
It took less than 30 seconds to put the groceries away. Next on the list ... hook up the battery charger since getting instructions at Bingo. It's on trickle charge ... said the batteries were at 60%, even after having driven to the fabric store, about 30 minutes away two days ago. I think it read 12.2 when I turned it on. I checked last night and it was up to 80%. Hopefully this works better than the non-functional solar batter charger. And hopefully no one steals it!
Feeling kind of proud, I went straight for the puzzle. Nothing can kill your confidence faster!! That top left corner ... that's all I got. I finally found one border piece, but it doesn't fit in either of the two spaces. That was enough to kill my enthusiasm and I was saved by a knock at the door.
What the heck? No one knocks ... they use the doorbell. I grabbed the package and rang the bell. NOTHING. Big sigh ... oh great ... yet another thing to try and fix!! I opened the package to find my new faucet repair thingies ... and THIS!
I got tired of trying to open the can-o-pepper. Of course I have no pepper corns, but I found some pink Himalayan salt ... probably about ten years old. That should work, yes? And work it did!! OMG ... just push that little button on top and you have SALT! I LOVE IT! Of course it's all adjustable ... I just need to hit the store for whole pepper. Oh .. and it works on rechargeable batteries or plugged in. Maybe I'll use a little more salt now!
I didn't even LOOK at the doorbell. I headed straight to the sewing room. I'm trying to get this one finished and out of the way for the Yellowstone quilt. Yes it looks wonky because the pieces are just slapped up there. I actually finished two more blocks, so only three to go!!
With groceries being so high, I've gone on my 987th diet. If I don't starve to death, this may just work. I got these little 12 oz containers for portion control. I cook dinner, then fill up each one and stuff them in the freezer. Though these look like grapes, it's tiny little potatoes and a 3 oz piece of chicken. Of course Cooper gets his share, which I chop up and keep in the fridge. I'm hoping this cuts down on the grocery bill as well as my waistline!
OH BUT WAIT ... not so fast girlie! There was ANOTHER knock at the door. This time so quiet I barely heard it. I peeked outside to see someone in a wheelchair and a cute little girl with a box full of ..... you guessed it ...... CANDY.
It's not that I even LIKE this stuff, but gee whiz ... I know right off the bat this little girl is selling it for her school. Wouldn't it be cool if she sold the most? All I could find was one twenty dollar bill, so I asked her if she could count out 20 of them. She looked up at me in shock!! Okay she said .......
She had a little trouble, but Mom helped her, as did her older sister. They all thanked me as they walked away with 3 left in the box. No, I'm NOT going to eat all this. By the way, these are HALF the size they used to be, for the same $1.00.
I'll take them all to Bingo on Tuesday, and give them away. Okay, maybe I'll keep one ... TWO at the most.
So NOW ... anyone know how to fix a doorbell? I see a thing on the wall inside, but is it that or the push button that's not working? Eenie meanie miney mo .... which shall I try to fix first ... the doorbell or the leaky cartridge???
Mr. Ed’s said The doorbell is the easy one just get A piece of paper and write doorbell out … yell …dingdong, Dingdong .. real loud.. Guaranteed to work ..
ReplyDeleteAs for the plumbing hire a plumber with all the money you’re saving in diesel fuel, guaranteed to come out right
Your 1st 2 pictures are perfection - no need to adjust them.
ReplyDeleteLooks like some progress on the puzzle!!...? :)
Your meals look so much better than the ones you had delivered!
Costco has a 2 dozen pack of eggs for 7.98 at least that was tge price this week. Next week who knows?
ReplyDeleteHappy Saturday!
Something is not properly connected for those batteries to be draining so quickly, or something in the Van is remaining on, thus steeling all that energy.
ReplyDeleteIf the doorbell is wired, it could be the button itself that has corrosion on the contacts, or a broken wire. If it is wireless, check the battery.
The Red cartridges indicate for Hot Water, while the Blue is for Cold Water. Turn the water to the faucet off before starting.
You can always freeze the Candy Bars, so you only take one out of desperation.
Stay Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.
That was sweet of you to buy so many candy bars. The girl will be back next year to the nice ladies house.
ReplyDeleteMeans a lot to the kids!