Sunday, March 23, 2025


 Good morning once again!!!  I can't believe March has almost marched right off the map.  Time has never gone by this fast in my entire life.  I remember many days of walking around the house feeling like the day last THREE days.  

I know ... more puppy pictures.  But this kid .... he's my very best buddy and I loves him!!

He wanted to share breakfast with me, but prefers scrambled eggs.  On this morning it was corned beef hash.  Not really since I was out of onions, but I fried up the leftover potatoes and beef for a fabulous breakfast!!  

When I was in the running zone and would drive to San Francisco every weekend to train on the hills for marathons, there was a tiny little hole-in-the-wall restaurant up a scary set of stairs that made the best corned beef hash EVER.  I went there every morning.  Oh how I miss their great food!!

I digress ... back to those lovely bubbles!!  I really wasn't feeling the vibe I got from the RV repair guy.  The thought of cleaning out lots of stuff from the van, to have them keep it for several days while replacing the entire propane tank, just didn't set well with me.  

When Mr. Ed sent this picture to me, I said SELF?  Maybe all I need to do is replace this little gizzy with a new one!  Maybe ... just MAYBE all I need to do is find a guy who works with gas lines and NOT replace the entire tank.

That's when Ray called from Yuma, or Utah since I'm not sure exactly where they are at the moment.  He said go look at where the line is to the tank.  OKAY.

And this is what I found.  Well HEY ... if the line is leaking, which it obviously is with the soap test, there's no reason to replace the tank.  Ray said if it was HIM, he would just try to tighten the line.  Go get your crescent wrenches and see if it will tighten up.  Righty - tighty, right???

After several minutes, I finally got up the nerve to try it.  One on the inside, one on the outside ... and very carefully I began to turn it.  It actually took several tries to get it sort of tightened up because the wrench could only make a quarter turn.  A FULL turn in all.  Wow ... that was pretty LOOSE!

I can't believe it ..... did I FIX IT?  Eeeeeehaw and Hallelujah!!!!

I didn't want to over tighten it and strip something, so I waited a bit and tried the soap spray again.  This is what I got this time ... no big bubbles.  It's still not REAL tight, as in as hard as I could turn it.  So now I wonder if I open the relief valve, if it will UN-tighten again.  

I guess I will find out soon enough when I take it down and have the tank filled.  So for all you ladies out there ..... YOU CAN FIX IT!!  Though just to be sure, I'm going to have my local Firefighter friend do a double check.

And so I can't thank the guys in my life enough for sending me pictures, giving me ideas and telling me how to fix things!  Mr. Ed was right on the money when he said that part was the problem, and Ray for saying JUST DO IT!!

On the other hand, there is THIS guy ... this is the King of Bingo!  No there was no bingo last night, but there was a big birthday party for this guy at the Elks Lodge.  It was his 75th ... and his family set up a big happy hour with appetizers.  How could I miss THAT!

The food .... oh the food!!  The best mushrooms I've ever eaten, filled with cream cheese and BACON, topped with cheese!  I could have eaten 25 of them!!  

But I'll show you those pictures tomorrow.  There was an open bar and lots of dancing, not that I drank or danced, but I'm still tired from staying up too late.  I am, after all ..... OLD!!  


  1. Good job on your propane line. You always give it your best !

  2. Yay ... you fixed it! You go girl! Good job!!!
    Happy Sunday!

    1. I should have done it before I lost $35 worth of propane.

  3. Mr.Ed said congratulations you with Ray did a great job. I did not know where your tank was. I thought that fitting was part of the Actual tank but seeing you have a completely separate line, makes it a lot easier… on that Black plate is an electrically welded nipple The brass purge valve screws into that. You only needed one wrench but it’s good you’re going to have somebody double check before you fill it up

    1. I thought the same as you ... it was on the tank ... until I took the picture. You are right ... no second wrench needed, but I wasn't sure.

  4. Very good send the bill to the RV Repair Guy! lol And yes, your fireman friend might tighten it a bit more, but I think he knows just how much it can be tighten. When they put it together (at installation) they should have used a special sealant...and if the fire guy wants to take it apart and use a sealant, I would let him...but if it isn't leaking, why take it apart? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it...." is an old saying. Again, good job.

    1. Thanks Dave ... I'm with you on if it ain't broke. The Fireman said the same thing when I changed out that light bulb that was working, because that's when it QUIT working!

  5. Good job Nancy! I'm glad you had some sage advicethat you trusted. 🤗

  6. Cream cheese, bacon and cheese in the mushrooms. What's not to like?

  7. Most of us females can fix stuff when we have to
    I don't like mushrooms, I do like cream cheese and bacon though

    1. I think you are right Joanne. I'm not so thrilled with the mushrooms either, it's the BACON!!!
