Friday, April 5, 2024

Seeing In The Dark

 AND ....... we are back to winter!!  We should be lounging out in the warm sunshine this time of year, but alas (BIG SIGH) we are back to the wet stuff.  Not only is it wet, but it's HARD.  Snow down to 2000 feet  and hailing like crazy here.  I didn't look at the thermometer ... I didn't want to know.

Locked inside once again, I picked up, reorganized and moved things from one spot to another.  I'm sure you know the drill.  I need to keep this, but really don't have a place for it.  What will happen is I will need it next week and I won't be able to find it!

What I DID discover, was all that budget work I did?  The copies have the wrong year noted at the top.  Our Keeper of the Books is now sick, as I once was.  She promised to fix it, but it seems her computer and the accounting system is the Wicked Sister of the West to my Infernal Machine.  She spent hours on it before forgetting what I REALLY asked for.

When I got to the lodge ... all gussied up in my blue jacket and gray skirt with a scarf tied around my neck like a noose ... there was a frantic note attached to a bundle of papers.  The numbers were NOT what they should be.  So much for the spiel I had written for the presentation of the budget at the meeting.  I cancelled it all.

I spent the next hour pouring over them one by one ... in the dark.  Why?  Because all I had were my sun glasses.  Somehow my reading glasses got left on the counter.  I hate it when that happens.  Seventy five minutes later ... TA DAH!!!  I found the three mistakes causing all the havoc.  We can fix them today.  Time for DINNER!

This is Law Enforcement Night.  Our good friend the Sheriff hauls out several of his deputies to cook for us.  It's always fabulous because he does things like cut up piles of onions and add them to the scalloped potatoes.  He also makes up a batch of his special sauce that makes steak taste better than steak.

Two hundred and nine Elks went through the line as I prayed there would be food left over.  I'm the ticket taker (incognito in my dark glasses), so I eat last.  There was also a nice salad that they forgot to put out on the table.  When I asked about it, a frenzy of men went running for the fridge.  Oops ... they forgot all about it.  I never did see it because I had to scarf down as much food as I could before the meeting started.  There was this much left over.  The Elks don't skimp on dinner.

Off with their heads!!!  I mean off to the meeting we went!!  Wasn't I surprised when the Boss asked for the budget report.  No no ... remember just an hour ago I told you we didn't have it ready?  I stood up, said WE HAVE A BUDGET, and clapped my hands.  I got a rousing ovation.  That was it ... I sat back down.  I'll save my speech for the next meeting when we vote on it.

Driving home in the dark with dark glasses was an experience.  I have to admit though ... my experimental eyes (the result of cataract surgery and needing to see student dive computers underwater) that are usually blinded by the light ... could see amazingly well because I wasn't blinded by the light!  I may have to use that trick again.

Speaking of blinded by the light ... on Monday another eclipse will appear.  Not as big as this one from last year because we are not in the sightline.  Sadly however, all my RV friends who took the cruise south to BE in the sightline may be disappointed.  It's supposed to be stormy with full cloud cover over there, while sunny and visible here.  Let's hope the weather guessers are wrong.

I'm recouping once again from a late night at the lodge while water falls from the sky.  Thirty miles up the road it's snowing and will continue all day.  Maybe ... just MAYBE ... the forecast for sunny and 80 degrees for the next nine days will come to fruition!!  I'm not holding my breath!


  1. It's cold in SLO too.
    The Elks are so fortunate to have you keep their accounting in order.

    1. The accountant in me can't help myself. BUT I'm spending lots of time training those other guys. It's so much better when everyone knows how to do everything.

  2. WHAT the HELL?

    Indiana state of emergency declared for eclipse

    Stock Up On Food, Water, And Fuel Ahead Of The Eclipse

    New warning as North Texas prepares for historic solar eclipse

    State of emergency declared as 1 million people expected to visit Niagara Falls during solar eclipse

    New warning as North Texas prepares for historic solar eclipse

    Warning: Don’t look at the eclipse while driving

    Full List of Solar Eclipse Closures, Warnings

    NEVER have I seen this hysteria before over an Eclipse!!!!!

    1. You forgot ... DON'T LET YOUR PETS LOOK AT THE SUN. It's absolutely ridiculous. They didn't do that at the last one. More Media slight of hand me thinks. Look here ... while they bring in more planes full of illegals and put them up in hotels.

  3. Did I ever mention that the Elks Lodge should be happy to have you volunteer your time and knowledge. Hope you get rewarded!

    1. Thank you Marlene. I have to admit the Bookkeeper gives me a big hug every time I walk in the door. She's happy someone speaks accounting.

  4. Found myself wearing my prescription sunglasses while grocery shopping this last week. Did not have my cheaters nor prescription glassess with me at the time. Felt a little silly, but happy to hear I am not the only one. :)

    1. Not at all Kathi ... I wear my sunglasses in the grocery store ALL the time. The better to see the cute guys!

  5. Heavy rain and an earthquake! It was centered in the Paradise, Magalia, Belden area. Some people in West Sacramento felt it but we didn't. Please take today off and rest.

    1. The foothills were hit pretty hard too. Lots of big wind. No earthquake here, but I heard about yours.

  6. It is cold and wet here today, just like yesterday, a day not to leave the house. How frustrating doing all that budget work only to have a problem with it, and when said problem is a bitch to fix one may feel like throwing the damn machine out a window, not that helps any which is why we don't do it, good to read you got there in the end.

    1. I agree Jo-Anne ... I actually like those cold days ... I get to stay inside!!!

  7. Left a comment on yesterday's blog about the toasted zuchini bread.

    1. Thank you Barb ... I'm going to try that with banana bread. I make that a lot for my parrot and sneak a piece now and then.

  8. I do love that you got up and simply said, we have a budget.

    1. Hahaha well I had already told him we had a problem and don't bring it up. I didn't know what else to say!! I'll expound on it a tiny bit at the next meeting.
