Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Full Moon ... It's A Full Moon

Here we are once again at the time of the full moon.  This is the PINK moon, so named by the Native Americans because it comes at a time of blooming flowers.  It doesn't look all that pink to me, but just wait, it certainly had the same effect.

The full moon is more well known in MY circles as the denizen of crazy people.  When the full moon comes out, there's craziness about.  This time it didn't dawn on me until it was too late.

Hmmmm maybe "I" am the crazy one!!  It was time to try and fix the sprinklers.  Every single one has had the top cut off either from their lawn mowers or weed eaters.  That makes them fill with dirt and not work. Time to try and fix the worst ones.

I got the first one dug and and replaced, but way too late, I discovered the little nozzle gizzy that makes the spray adjustable, was missing.  Big sigh!!  I went and got another one (different brand) and changed it out once again.  Of course I got soaking wet trying to adjust it to a 180 degree pattern.  I kept getting caught by the other two sprinklers that were close by.  SPLAT!!!  Right in the face!!!

One down, three to go.  I got the next one in, but it was watering the NEIGHBOR'S lawn, not mine.  At last I got it going the right direction, but I kept having to adjust the length of spray.  All of a sudden WHAP!!!!!  The little adjustment thingy went flying out the front halfway across the lawn.  

A gardener I am NOT!  Thirty minutes later I finally found it and luckily had another set screw.  I now have TWO working quite nicely.  I gave up.  I'll be off to the irrigation store today to purchase ten more.

Lunch was easy ... smoked pork tacos once again.  I have to fight Cooper over the pork.  Every time he sees that container come out, he starts barking.  Sadly, it's not for little puppies.  He gets a tiny taste from the very middle. 

AND I WAS OFF to Bingo ... after getting a text message from a mad gardener who didn't get the final check I sent him on April 6th.  That's a long story for tomorrow!

Here I sit ... the calm before the storm!  Had I remembered it was a full moon, I would have known it wasn't all me.  People can be weird about the numbers on the bingo packets they pick.  They have to have THE number in THE right spot on the card.  They will go through a stack of 300 looking for that number.

It takes us two hours minimum to get everyone through the line before Bingo begins.  Callers wait for no man, meaning I go as fast as I possibly can so everyone is at their table when the calling begins.

Everyone cooperates ..... except ONE.  Every single week she takes forever to pick her cards.  EVERY WEEK we wait, not only for the one pack, but for all the other EIGHT different types of games.  She doesn't seem to care one bit if she is holding up the line.  

When I finally had them rung up, she turned around and began talking to another lady.  I waited, but not long before (silly me) .... on a full moon night I said "excuse me", probably a little too loud.  BIG mistake.   She went ballistic and started yelling at me for saying something to her every time she comes through the line.  Yes, yes I do, because she makes everyone else WAIT for her to pick her cards.  It didn't go well ... she was still yelling when she walked away.  FULL MOON!!

Everything went great until time to go.  The infernal machine and I had a fist fight over $250.  I couldn't find it, nor was I in any mood to go looking half the night.  I blame it on the full moon.  Finally, on the way home, one of the Knights called me to say he had a payout of $500.  Payouts are $250 ... so THERE IT WAS, way too late to do anything about it.  BIG SIGH.  Infernal machine wins again!!

Finally back home, I looked up.  OH MAN ... there it is ... it's a FULL MOON.  No WONDER it was such a bad night!!  

That's when I heard the "musica" next door.  The big party continues on a Tuesday night.  Oh gosh ... I wonder if this is going to go on EVERY night!!  Apparently their visitor Monday night made an impression because I didn't hear ANY bombs going off, nor was the music so loud I had to sleep in the far reaches of my house.  YAY for small favors!!

There were of course a few cats outside fighting like crazy ... but I can deal with that ... even on a full moon night.


  1. Here at the Condos our Maintenance guy has these thick concrete 'donuts' around every sprinkler head which do seem to protect them from the mower. Not sure where he gets them, Amazon seems to have plastic ones.

    1. Hey ... that's a GREAT idea! If I can't find them, maybe I can MAKE them! Thanks Dave!

  2. I was going to suggest some landscaping rocks or bricks at the sprinkler heads. Of course you could also dock the price of new ones from the next payment, that might make them more aware.
    Perhaps if one of the Knights had a chat with the slow lady, it would help. Or maybe allow others to select cards at the same time as the slow lady. Of course that might end in a wrestling match. Lol. It would however be entertaining. Good luck.


    1. Just like my neighbors, there just doesn't seem to be a way to convince people to take others into consideration. I guess it's just the times.

  3. People seem to be so rude these days. It's really sad.

    1. It is sad ... and I don't get it. Must not be fun to be mad at everyone all the time.

  4. I never take notice of the moon it is just there, however, I do feel a full moom brings out the crazy

    1. I don't either unless it's a full moon on Bingo night! LOL

  5. One more full moon to go this month. Watch out!!

    1. It only takes ONE to mess up the entire month! LOL
