Friday, April 12, 2024

Me And My Bunny Slippers!!

 Yessirree ... this is me.  Bunny slippers and all. Especially after a night of bad dreams where I was a prisoner in an awful prison, escaping down the steep mountainside to the tourist train below.  Sometimes I wonder if I've been reincarnated a number of times and these are memories.  It was just too weird this morning.  Thank Heavens for COFFEE!!  It can be a game changer.

It was a perfect 62 degrees in the morning, quickly ratcheting up to almost 80.  Our first warm day of the summer sent me straight to the lounge chair to soak up some vitamin D.  I can't believe I'm saying this ... it was actually HOT.  

My now blooming roses kept me company as I fielded message after message about the meeting happening at 6:00.  I had a stack of papers on my counter 6" high.  It was going to be a long one.

And then THIS happened.  Yikes ... that was a bit of a shock until I realized it wasn't moving.  Neither was the breeze at ground level, but up higher in the sky, the winds were making everyone think we were at war.  I have to admit, that's one bad thing about everyone having a smart phone these days.  Pictures, and sometimes panic, spread like wildfire!!

I did a little more weed pulling, which was a big mistake.  You already know I have ants around here.  Fire ants in particular.  I spray and put out stuff all the time to keep them at bay, but nothing works.  Wouldn't you know, one nasty bugger got on my finger and bit me.  He's now in a million pieces, but my finger is a little worse for wear.

It now has a big white bump on it which made my finger expand like I smashed it with a hammer.  It doesn't hurt, buy boy does it itch!!  I'll have to operate today in the hopes of excising the venom.  For such a little thing, it sure packs a big wallop!!

Since there would be no time for dinner on this day, I cooked up the next box of Hello Fresh for lunch.  The absolute best part about these meals is you don't have to go to the store NEARLY as often.  The not so good part ... carrots.  They must be in season, because I'm getting them with practically every order.  I think I need to make different choices.

These are not sweet potato fries, but CARROT fries.  Who's has ever heard of that?  I wasn't feeling it, so I now have six carrots in the fridge.    

Anyhoo ... this is a fried garlic chicken sandwich with a sweet mustard aioli.  This is of course what it SHOULD look like.

First off, the buns are three inches tall.  I sliced it up into three sections, taking the middle piece out.  In order to cook the chicken easier, it said to hammer it into your cutting board.  I actually used a mallet for that, but maybe got a little carried away.  It spread out so much I cut it into FOUR thin pieces instead of two.

The panko bread crumbs came out nice and crispy, but the garlic flavor kind of disappeared.  I don't fry food often ... it makes too big of a mess that I have to clean up ... but this came out very nicely.  It was topped with a mixture of mayo and sweet dijon mustard.  I substituted chips for the carrots.

All in all, it was a pretty good fried chicken sandwich.  I have to say, their serving sizes in all these meals is so much more than I can eat at one sitting.  Today I'll try making carrot fries and let you know if that works.  It just might beat out sweet potatoes.     No, no it won't.

At 5:00 I was off to the Board Meetings.  Good grief ... so much stuff to sort out, so many problems to solve.  The good news is we are so popular in this area, that while other clubs are celebrating having 300 members in their club, we are trying to figure out how to have LESS members than our 1565, soon to be 1595 next week.  

I suppose that means we are doing a bang-up job, but it also means it's taking more and more time to wade through these meetings.  Four hours later, I finally walked in my door and crashed on the couch.  It's my last day to hang out on the patio before the thunderstorms hit us on Saturday, which by the way will be hitting hardest when I head out to the next fundraiser for LOVE Inc, another charity we support.  Maybe the Rain Gods will take pity of us.   Yeah, I doubt that too!!


  1. Carrot fries? Okay you do wear bunny slippers but…. Really? lol.
    Cheer up, it could be much worse, the chicken burger could have been rubbery, you could have had more than one fire ant bite, and maybe there is a way to speed up the meetings. You could invite some of the nasty folks from bingo to come to these meetings, and yes the first few might take longer but soon everyone will want to escape and things will go much faster. It’s all about Allies! Lol.
    Enjoy your day!


    1. Hmmm ... you've got me thinking Deb ....... LOL. Even WITH the bunny slippers, I think I'll skip the carrot fries!

  2. Split the club in half sharing the same facility...each club taking on Bingo every-other week, but both clubs putting on the big dinners and breakfast things... Each club having and controlling their own budgets, with joint board meetings now and then to decide where to donate bingo money and stuff like that. Each club paying their half of the facility costs. Just a thought...

    1. An interesting idea Dave, but I'm not sure they would be able to co-exist. We truly are doing a fabulous job, which is why we are so crazy busy. Thankfully, many new folks are stepping up to help out.

  3. Fire ant bites hurt something awful. 😫
    Hope you can rest after that lengthy meeting.
    It's misting here.

    1. Noooo ... no more rain Frances!! Hang on to your hat, it's supposed to be a gully washer.

  4. One of the reasons I was never much for joining organizations was that once they learned that you could and would DO stuff, you ended up doing most of the work. Sounds like you are in that boat now.

    1. It's pretty much the nature of the beast. We call it the dirty thirty that do all the work. The good thing is I'm not alone and surprisingly, many of the new members are helping out.

  5. 1595? That's amazing. The sandwich looks good.

    1. We seem to be one of the largest groups, which is crazy since we live in such a small town. Of course there's always good and bad to that.

  6. I'm like Kenny D, was not good at joining but Bill was and soon learned that lesson.
    Wow, that's a lot of members!!
    Sorry about the bite.

    1. I think it's mostly just the time of year. In summer, it slows down quite a bit.
