Sunday, April 7, 2024

Dueling Pianos

The best part of the day was laying out in the sun.  Here's my view.  When I was younger and would actually wear a bathing suit, mostly because there were a lot of trips to Hawaii, I would lay out every day. I know, it's not good for you, but it was better than getting scorched in the sun while swimming and diving in the ocean all day.  Anyone remember the days of baby oil and iodine?  

Basting evenly is all important.  Here's my view when I turned over.  Here's my plan ... every day I will move the lounge chair a little further over so I can pull the weeds while I'm getting toasted.  I'm absolutely certain they will NEVER disappear at the hands of the gardeners, so I'm doing it myself.

It was a lovely day, but soon turned cold and breezy, not a fitting environment for a tan.  In no time I was off to the local fairgrounds for Dueling Pianos.  This is actually a dinner (or at least I thought it was) for CASA ... Court Appointed Special Advocates.  In case you were not aware, foster kids usually get taken in by people who are not that great at parenting.  It's all about the money.

Why the system is so bad, I've no idea, but this organization provides advocates for the kids, appointed by the courts, to be sure the kids are okay and get what they need, even if it means moving them to another home.  It's an awful situation, but these folks, mostly judges, are trying to make it better.

The Elks Lodge is all about donating for kids.  Bingo and our RV Park donate all their proceeds to charities ... and this one is a good one.  We paid for the Dueling Pianos entertainment, for which we received a table for eight.  That's so each of us can bid on other items up for auction.  Can you tell I arrived first?  I knew there was very little parking at this venue.

Ummm yeah, I thought this would be all about dueling pianos like the picture.  I was wrong.

In no time our table was a cluttered mess.  That's the list of items up for bid and my bid number on the right.  There was wine available, but honestly, no room to put anything, let alone a plate of food.

My bid number stayed upside down most of the night.  This is a pricey one.  Even the silent auction stuff (not all that great in my eyes) was going for $500 and up.  That's not in my budget.  About that time, a very weird looking guy came up, patted me on the shoulder and bowed, while pointing to the Elks logo.  What?  I didn't get it until later.

Here's the strange part.  I was expecting dinner.  Where's the food?  Four stations set up around the room had food that you went and got for yourself.  The one right next to us was pasta from the best restaurant in town.  It wasn't bad, but I kept tasting that stuff all night long.  My bad ... I ate the whole thing.

One station had mini tacos (I passed) and one had sliders.  I would have taken the pulled pork, but they were out when I was there, so I grabbed a barbecued tri-tip slider.  It was REALLY good, but I completely forgot it had a nice thick BUN.  Those don't like me at all.  Hey ... let's make it worse with the dessert auction.

Also different, your table decided how much they wanted to put in the envelope.  Whoever donated the most, got first choice of desserts.  We got second choice because Bingo donated yet again.  I won't tell you what this cake cost because you would rightly pass out instantly.  It was probably the best cake I've had in my life, 80% of which was frosting.  Cutting it made a pretty big mess.

I mean it was just amazing, but instantly began a fight with the pasta.  Oh my aching stomach.

The weird guy bowing?  That's him on the far piano.  Apparently he was thanking the Elks for paying for their performance.  You thought this would be some amazing pianists playing back and forth on baby grands?  Me too.  

Nope .... it was a rock band of two old(er) people playing electronic pianos under pink and blue flashing lights.  There was no dueling pianos, just rock and roll songs.  Oh my gosh ... they were so loud in this terrible-acoustic building that I had to cover my ears.  They took requests if you threw in at least a $20 bill (many tossed in $100 bills), all of which went to CASA.  They had people up dancing and singing like crazy.  Really, they were a great duo ... getting everyone to dance and sing along like that.

The funniest part ... I didn't know a single person there except my table mates.  Apparently I don't get out enough.  Here's some of what the auction brought in.  Four tickets to a Giants Baseball Game with the Los Angeles Dodgers ... $1100.  A party in a barn for 30 folks ... $1800.  A day at the gun range with the Police Chief ... $1600.  You're going to laugh at this one ... a hotel room in our tiny little Motel-6-town for one night, dinner and drinks, along with ice cream.  No kidding, it went for $1000.

Seven days in a mountain cabin ... $4000 and a chuck wagon meal with our Sheriff (you've heard me talk about his cooking) went for $4750.  That's WAY above my pay grade.  When they got down to the cash donations, on the MUCH lower end, I finally raised my bidding number.  

That's when I snuck out of the building while my ears were still semi intact.  They rang so much I didn't get any sleep.  It would have been so much nicer had they toned it down a LOT.  Still, it was a great night for a good cause.  

My stomach no longer complaineth!!  It's still going to be another recuperation day!!


  1. That cake looks amazing!
    Have a fabulous Sunday!

  2. I have noticed lately that a lot of "musicians" think that the louder they are, the better they are. Not so. Same thing with the "talking heads" on TV, only besides being loud, they talk at about 2x normal speed, and constantly interrupt each other. I guess they think they are getting their "message" across, but it mostly come out, at least to me, as gobbledy gook.

    1. I think they are behind the amps, so they don't hear it like we do. Or maybe they are hard of hearing from all the loud music! LOL

  3. We had a real nice CASA Women's Shelter in Pine Bluff for Women with kids. Hate to say it but I had to put one of our congregation member and her kids in it when she left her abusive husband. He was a real SOB...

    1. It's amazing to me that around here, more WOMEN are arrested for abuse than men.

  4. I am done with loud music. Life is too short. If we walk into a bar and the music is loud, we just walk out. The foster care system is a tough one. I feel bad for the kids in the system and have respect for the foster families and those that watch over them. You are right, there are a lot that are in it for the money, I wish it was different, but it is what we have right now.

    1. This was just ear splitting, which is why I didn't stay long at all. The system isn't great yet, but it's much better than it was because of these folks.

  5. The foster care situation is a tough one. My granddaughter and her husband were foster parents to a brother and sister for 1 1/2 years. It was an emotional roller coaster for them and our entire family. I personally hope they never do it again. But it's up to them.

    1. Most all of those kids have so many problems to begin with ... it takes some special people to raise them. I know I couldn't do it.

  6. Always nice supporting a worthy cause even if the music is loud.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your recuperation.

    It's about time.

  7. Yeah I remember the days off baby oil and socking up the suns rays, so not good for one's skin and not something I would do. The cost of some cakes is damn high.
    My sister is the foster mum to our nephews young brother and sister, on his other's side, he is our brother's son.

    1. That is awesome of your sister to do that for family. I imagine it's a little easier when you know the background of the kids. Kudos to her!!!!! It's a big job to take on.

  8. Baby oil and iodine, yes, mostly my older sisters using it.
    My parents were foster parents while i was in school for the right reasons. They had an almost empty house after my 4 older sibs moved out. All children were adopted out to good homes and we kept my little sister for ourselves.

    1. I love hearing stories like that. Nowadays there's so many drug problems and abuse, I imagine it would be hard to deal with. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

  9. An oops...
    The foster system is by no means perfect but I do know of several children that ended up in forever homes, adopted by those foster parents who loved them unconditionally and that is a good thing. You support a very good cause.
    Tom's one buddy who played in bands through the years always says if you are good you do not have to play loud.

    1. I hope there are more good foster stories out there than bad. Not only do they provide advocate services, they help with big problems and emergencies the kids may have. It's a good program. Ah yes ... I agree with the band thought ... and I didn't think they were all that great. They just played oldies for us old folk!!

  10. Music that is too loud ruins the event, no talking is possible for any reason.


    1. That was the problem. People sitting next to me would talk and I had no idea what they were saying. It was awful.

  11. Mr. Ed said Home Depot /Lowes has weed stop it will not affect your grass By kills weeds .
    ..olive oil. Yes, iodine no That’s why they made Alevera Noxzema and Coppertone
    As for the high bids, it’s to keep up with the Joneses or 👍 tax deductible
    When you block your ears 🙆‍♀️And can’t dance 💃for music, 🎭it means you’re getting too old 👉Grandma

    1. Yup I'm old, but it was so loud it actually hurt my ears. That can't be good! LOL. And yes ... keeping up with the Jones when they are Judges and Lawyers, is impossible.
