Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Alcohol and Honey

Yay for sun ... we are getting two whole days of the bright stuff.  Too bad I spent most of the first day inside.  It's time to do the MONTHLY inventory of supplies at the lodge.  Good grief ... they do this every single month?

Since I'm now 5th year Trustee, they say it's my job to watch.  Watch what I asked.  The counting of the bottles.  Are you kidding ... you mean every month they have to count every single bottle of alcohol, including wine and beer?  

As I drove up to the building at 8:30 in the morning, I thought for sure this was an April Fools joke.  Nope ... they actually do this.  If there is one full bottle and one maybe a third full, they call out 1.3 JD (for Jack Daniels).  

From here they went to the downstairs bar, and then to the locked alcohol storage room, and then to the kitchen pantry to count all the food, and then to the freezer ..... you get the picture.  Lets just say it was a  L. O. N. G. morning.  Just so you know, there were no sips taken.

By noon I was starving.  That gift card was burning a hole in my pocket, so I made a beeline for Habit Burger.  THIS time I got my all time favorite bacon char burger with cheese.  Oh look ... they have something different on the menu.  Garlic Parmesan fries.  I'm really not a fan of potato fries ... I prefer SWEET potato fries ... but let's give it a shot.  

I was rather surprised to find a cup of ugly looking stuff to go with them.  Is this a dip?  It was too liquidy for that, so I poured it over the fries to find an entire tablespoon of garlic at the bottom.  Oooohhh I love garlic.  

It was a mistake.  Do NOT ... I repeat, do NOT get these.  There wasn't even enough parmesan to taste, and though the garlic did taste good, it made the fries even more soggy than they were originally.  Save yourself some money and skip these ... your breath will thank you.

On the other hand, that strawberry limeade is AMAZING!!  Here's the kicker ... this meal was $17.59.  Not kidding.  This was an April fools joke on me.  That huge salad I had?  $10.99.  Next time I will make better choices.

Stuffed to the gills, it was time to venture back out.  I was on the hunt for local HONEY.  Yes, that magic elixir that will clear up all my allergies, or so they say.

First stop ... Marshalls.  I shouldn't go in these stores, but I was in dire need of a small frying pan since I overcooked mine.  I can't believe there were that many people there at 10:00 in the morning.  The place was PACKED!!  Definitely a sign of the current administration's inflation rate.

You can't beat the prices, though it is dangerous for me to walk around.  There's just too much fun stuff.  The blue thing is an ice tray.  It makes big round balls of ice and will actually fit in my RV freezer.  A huge bottle of basil was $3.00 and is good until Dec 2025.  

Next stop .... after several phone calls trying to find local honey, I headed off to the Mennonite bakery/sandwich shop.  I talked to a guy who is a bee keeper for the big orchards around here.  His honey must be pretty good because it's really hard to find.  I never knew there were so many flavors. 

There was orange blossom and floral mix, along with a very dark one .. almost black in color.  He told me the floral one has alfalfa and wildflowers in it.  The honey tastes like the area where he has the bees.  

On the ranch, we got honey in 5 gallon drums.  In order to get it OUT of the drum, we had to let it sit on the floor heater until it melted ... then pour it into jars.  I don't know who ate it, but it wasn't me.

I'm not a honey eater.  Can you believe it?  It's too sweet for me.  I gave these a taste test when I got home.  The orange blossom is very light, with light flavors ... NOT including oranges.  The floral mix is much stronger flavored and thicker.  Weird.  The final test will be when I mix it with oats, nuts and peanut butter to make some healthy bars for dessert.  

Oh yes ... there was one more thing I found at the discount store.  You can tell someone was REALLY happy ... more on that tomorrow.



  1. That's alot of booze to count!
    Honey is not my favorite either.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. We must be the only two who don't favor honey, Frances! LOL

  2. Hope the honey helps you Nancy. I like your goodies from Marshalls..I can always find something in their stores.
    Have a good day !


  3. In answer to yesterday, YES, Dad had some fun birthday experiences. He and his brother (especially his brother) were very much jokesters/pranksters. So in honor of Dad I came up with my own little joke which I shared with my siblings. It goes like this... "Woke up this morning, looked to the heavens and said, 'Happy Birthday Dad.' 'We are sending Mom up to you today in honor of your Birthday.' 'APRIL FOOLS!' " Three of them laughed, Sandy told me I was a sicko... BTW: Dad LOVED Clover Honey...there is no other honey in his opinion. Nothing like Peanut Butter, Clover Honey on Saltine Crackers in his opinion.

    1. I'm sure he would have laughed!! I've heard of peanut butter with honey stirred in. It's just never hit my taste buds right.

  4. I'll bet nobody gets called a Bean-Counter doing that job.
    Being in Canada, you can get dozens of different types of Honey, by simply going to the grocery store.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. They have several different kinds of honey here too, but it comes from other states. It's the honey from bees feasting on local almond trees that I was looking for.

  5. I don't like sweet potato fries, or fries covered in stuff not even gravy the gravy has to on the side. I do like honey but don't have it much

    1. I'm not much for honey at all. I only keep it around for the occasional recipe that calls for it. They say that eating honey made by bees in my area will help with the allergies. We'll see!!

  6. That looks like our liquor cabinet, but maybe a little smaller.

    1. I had to smile and laugh at that. :O)

    2. Ahahahahahaha ... after your last trip, I'm not surprised!! Try as I might on my last trip through whiskey country, I just could not garner up a liking for the stuff. The tasting rooms weren't very happy with me.
