After my first FMCA Rally/Quartzite experience, I thought I had purchased everything I need for the motorhome. Tire Tracker, Tow Defender, Surge/Low Voltage Protector and other miscellaneous stuff. Silly me ... apparently you NEVER have everything you need!! While hooking up my Tow Defender, my friend Dan noticed that my hitch is loose in the receiver. He said the receiver will rattle around so much the pin holes will become larger, requiring it to be replaced with a larger pin and a larger pin, etc. Dan has stated that he just loves spending someone else's money ... and mine spends pretty nicely. However not only does he point these things out, he takes the time to explain the whys and wherefores. After trying several brands that didn't work very well, he found "Hitch-Vise" to be the best. Available for $30 on, it arrived within a week.
A quick 10 minutes and I had it installed on the hitch.
So where did I get the tools to install the hitch vise??? From my new toolbox of course!!! I had my heart set on a nice RED Craftsman box, but it was too tall for the bay. Returning it, I purchased a slightly smaller black one. I opened the box, took out the packing ... and all the air went out of my balloon!!!! It was badly bent on one corner. Another return (this time I made them unbox it at the store) and it was installed in it's new home, right next to my Makita drill and the new collapsible step (so I don't have to borrow the neighbors).

In order to get the toolbox to fit, I had to remove the dog kennel I carry for emergencies. You never know when you may need to lock the dogs up. While in Yuma at the flea market, we found a collapsible dog kennel, plenty big enough for my two to stay in. It had a zip off top, was washable, and folded down to small flat parcel. At $89.00, I decided against it. Twice since then, I definitely could have used it. Maybe I can find one on-line for less. Sure enough ... later ... I had one delivered for $69.00 including tax and shipping. If you have one and paid less, please don't tell me!!!!!
So I'm all set!!! Done buying!!! I don't need anything else ..... except a recliner for my newly remodeled space, a power washer to keep everything clean, a 50 amp service installed by my garage, a new motorhome carport including extra concrete ............ hmmmm guess I'm not done after all!!!!
As a motor home owner, you're never done! See ya in a couple months.......Dan