Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Aye Yai Yai Yai !!!

"I am the frito bandito"!!!  Anyone remember that song?  I'll never get it out of my head now.  No, it isn't an Apache Indian raid, nor do I have a Mariachi band in my living room, although both of those sound much better than me when I was yelling it yesterday.

See this 100 pound huge piece of half inch thick glass laying against the wall?  Yesterday, it was on top of a table out on my patio.  With my poker date looming at the end of the week, and not knowing exactly when Handyman Dan would be home to help, I decided to move it inside.  I need all the tables I can get.
As you can see, it didn't go so well.  In spite of all my efforts, that 500 (?) pound piece of glass fell the last 12 inches, flat on the concrete.  Lucky for me, it didn't break.  I don't know how, but it remained in one piece.  My big toe, not so much.

Aye yai yai yai ... or words to that effect, with lots of expletives thrown in for good measure.  Ay caramba that hurt!!!  It even brought out my Spanish!!   It's fine I thought ... just get this glass inside.  That was the easy part.

I sat on the couch and surveyed the damage.  Wow ... maybe I broke it?  The pain was getting close to the hot poker kind.  With no ice in the freezer (I rarely use ice) I smashed up the last of the popsicles for a little relief.  Nothing!!

That's when I could hear Nurse Patty's voice saying ELEVATE.  I quickly downed three advil and propped my foot on a pillow.  Still no relief.  At long last, I laid on the floor with my foot on the couch.  That seemed to help a little.  All my best laid plans were immediately cancelled.
Two hours later, the pain finally subsided and the technicolor show began.  I now have a lovely black toe ring.  Not able to get a shoe on for the trip to the cemetery for photography ... what a coincidence ... I hobbled in to the sewing room to work on quilting the bag pocket pieces just like Shirley showed me.  I'm very happy with the results, in spite of the awkward position of foot on chair while I sewed.
This morning my technicolor toe is much better.  The fish brought a smile to my face as I sang Aye Yai Yai Yai to them in my best Spanish accent.  I love how they all crowd around when they see me, only because they know food is on the way.
I'm determined to get to the cemetery today while I'm still upright.  Luckily it's my left foot that has no job to do when I'm driving.  No worries about putting the glass on TOP of the table.  I'm waiting until someone arrives to help, which is what I SHOULD have done in the first place.


  1. My goodness you are super woman 500 lb pice of glass by yourself. Glad you did not break it or you toe. A bag of frozen veggies works for and ice pack as well, if you happen to have some in the freezer. Good luck with the foot and cemetery.

    1. Well it wasn't quite that heavy, but it took a shovel to lift up a corner high enough to grab hold. Way too heavy for me!

  2. Is that what you call a footsickle
    I think you need to take a run down to San Xavier and asked the Head Monk To give you absolution. Even so 4 our fathers and 3 Hail Marys would probably fix it
    any insane person would not be thinking of a Mexican mariachi band song
    I think it's more like WWE smack down time

    1. You are oh so right. It definitely was a smackdown!!!

  3. Ouch! Sorry about your pain. Deciding to lie on the floor with your foot on the couch was a good idea since a body part is elevated only when it is higher than your heart. We keep a bag of peas in our freezer to use as an ice pack--it forms itself around nearly any body part. And we don't like peas so it never gets eaten. :)

    1. That's a perfect idea that I have used occasionally in the past. No peas this time, only frozen meat, which didn't conform very well. I think I'll pick up a package.

  4. When things are heavy and cumbersome even I wait to move it. Now you'll be giving Spanish singing lessons.
    Be Safe by waiting for help and Enjoy your gathering.

    It's about time.

  5. I had to come back to see what you did to your toe!! My reading isn't so up to date. Sounds painful. I have a feeling the cemetery will be there for pics another day.
