Monday, July 31, 2023

The Cheyenne Stampede Rodeo! EeeeHawww!!!

Good Morning Tucson!!!  It's another day in the desert with cooler temperatures.  All the way down to 102 degrees.  WOOHOO!!  In fact, it's 77 on this lovely morning and I have the doors open.  

I was praying that this would be my view at about 9:00.  The roofing crew was due this morning with only a "chance" of storms.  Turn out the weather guessers (at least those on my phone app) were wrong once again.   Channel 13 news, which is what the roofers go by, says 80% chance of rain most of the day.  How can they be so far apart in predictions?  I had my ropes ready just in case I needed to go hogtie someone, drag them here and chain them to the house in order to get it done.

Well guess what ... they aren't coming.  Big sigh.  I guess I will become a Channel 13 watcher.  Now they say they will show up tomorrow.  I'm not holding my breath.  The interesting part is just how far apart the weather can be between Tucson and here, about 20 miles away.  We shall see.

It's hard to do anything with that hanging over your head.  I finished up this little quilt, but it's definitely NOT one of my favorites.  It's done according to the directions, but it looks funny to me.  Oh well.  Once quilted and bordered, it will be fine.  It reminds me of those lacy handkerchiefs my Grandmother used to carry.

Truthfully, I spent almost the entire day watching the Cheyenne Stampede Rodeo Finals.  It's one of the biggest in the country.  It's been quite different this year, as many rookies are winning.  I was biting my nails when this guy Stetson Wright got on his bull named Trump Train, which just by the luck of the draw, he had ridden two days before.  

Someone else had $972 dollars more than Stetson for the All Round Championship.  That's entering at least two events and winning the most money for both events combined.  Stetson entered the bronc riding, but did not win.  That left him with only ONE event in which to win enough money to beat the other guy.  

Amazingly, he did it.  He won both the Bull Riding and the All Around Championship, thus the TWO saddles and two buckles.  He's all of 23 years old.  Boy what I would have given for some of his bronc riding skills for those times I got bucked off.  I suppose my Dad had me riding the colts because I would bounce off the ground better than he.  

These two videos are from the night before.  They aren't great since my phone takes pictures that look much further away than they really are.  This lightning storm lasted for over an hour with minimal rain our direction.  I mean the lightning never quit.

It finally got so bad I had to go inside.  I really didn't want to become a statistic.  Here's me sitting in the living room looking out the window!!  Luckily it passed without the deluge of rain that normally comes with it.  I'm hoping she got it all out of her system and Mother Nature will relax for the next two or three days while my roof is being put on.

Dinner was less than expected.  I kept one small ugly steak for my air fryer.  It has a grill plate for steaks and burgers, so I thought I would give it a try since I left my barbecue home.  My advice is to forget the air fryer when it comes to steak.  Although it looks burned, it isn't, but it is well done.  I like steaks rare, but I ate every single tender bite.  I wasn't about to waste that expensive piece of meat.  Cooper thought it was PERFECT!

And so as I await news from the roofing crew, I'm gearing up for a Cooper Vet appointment.  He seems to be allergic to something yet again.  I have a bad feeling it's the wool carpet, which I was going to have replaced completely on this trip before the roof slapped me in the face.   Hopefully tomorrow I have good news about both events!


  1. That is quite the accomplishment for a 23 year old. We are not that far from Cheyenne; we will have to look at going one of these years!

    1. One of the biggest rodeos ever ... it goes on for like two weeks. I love seeing these kids win ... many only 19 years old.

  2. Praying you get your new roof completed soon!

    1. Thank you Frances ... I'm just impatient I guess.

  3. 2019 we were at one niece's house in Tucson....pouring rain. We arrived at my other niece's house in Tucson..bone dry. I like that quilt. We'll chat about it. You might have a buyer!

    1. It's weird how it can rain like crazy in one spot, and 50 feet away there's no rain at all.

  4. At Mr. Steak I went to Denver where they cut all our meats and they had this commercial jaccard meat machine which shot thin knife blades into and out of the meat at different angles to tenderize it (no chemicals or spices, just knife blades to loosen up the meat). It could be set at different setting depending upon the cut of meat. To me and my one time expert eye (cough cough) the Ugly Meat looks like a skirt steak which was run through a jaccard machine multiple times at its highest setting...which is why the meat is 'ugly looking' due to all the fibers which once held it together being all broken up. The marble in the meat is where the flavor is. The steak being so full of small holes makes it hard to cook medium rare because it cooks so fast. Again, this is just my opinon from my one expert eye of over 30 years ago. :)

    1. The way it was explained to me is that it's a piece that usually ends up in the hamburger. I'll see if I can get them to tell me something about it.
