Saturday, July 1, 2023


 And we are OFF!!  Apparently I am past the time of playing in the noonday sun.  Good grief ... 102 degrees in Quartzsite feels like 117.  The morning low of 79 didn't help at all in my attempt to dump my tanks.  You've gotta love those gauges.  I know I have at least 35 gallons of water, but it says I have less than 10.  In spite of dumping all three tanks, they all show 3/4 full.  Funny ... the gauges in my Phaeton worked perfectly!!

So here we are ... I was out of dodge by 6:15 and on the road to Wellton.  It's still there Elva, though I missed the feedlot completely.  All of a sudden, the roads went to pot.  Good grief ... they are the worst I've ever driven on between Bouse and Tonopah.  I was down to 40 mph most of the way because the big trucks were out in full force going 70 in the fast lane, which of course was as smooth as a baby's butt.  

Finally ... a chance to pull over in Gila Bend.  The kids have been shaken, not stirred, and are pretty tired after only 1/3 of the way.   It's even hotter now, and I even went so far as to turn the AC off going uphill.  

Random shadow picture.  I don't know where this came from since I didn't take it.  It just showed up on my phone!  Looks like I'm about to get nailed by a snake.  Maybe I was and didn't know it!

We cruised right along until I noticed too much shifting.  RATS!!  I forgot to hit the tow haul button.  Previously if I hit it while moving, I got a check engine light, so I hit my hazards and pulled over quickly, just long enough to stop, hit the switch and go again.  I'm going to have that tattooed on the back of my hand so I don't forget.

This is my favorite section of the highway ... the first saguaros growing up the hillside.  Did I mention it's HOT?

At long last I'm home, after navigating some really bad construction through half of Tucson.  Alas, I made the worst backup parking job I've ever done.  Oh I got it in under the cover, but too far back before I unhooked.  I'll have to hook up and move it to keep the rear camera out of the torrential monsoon rains.

Wait ... what's this?  Is that a bag of frozen peas on my shoulder?  Why yes .... yes it is.  I stowed the kids in the house with the AC on high while I hooked up the electrical cord.  I raised the cover and stuck it in, only to see three wasps come out.  I dropped it and ran, but I was chased down like a ballistic missile.

No kidding ... this blankety blank NAILED me big time!  It truly felt like someone stabbing me with a knife.  I can't even begin to tell you how bad that hurt.  I've been stung a lot in my long years, but nothing like this.  This instantly grew to 2" across and RED as can be with shooting pains.

I ran to the bathroom and took a Benadryl just to be safe.  By then I was getting pains in my head and stomach cramps.  What the heck???

Here's what these little, or rather BIG buggers look like.  I've seen them around here before since they are so big.  They run from 1" to 1-1/2" long.  

Just look at that stinger!!!  I was instantly MAD AS A HORNET!!  

I ran inside, got my trusty can of wasp spray and went to town.  I killed six before I gave up and went back inside.  Later I went to check the outlet to get it plugged in, and they had just barely started making a nest.  

I called Nurse Patty just in case I died on the spot, but the Benadryl seemed to help.  Being the wonderful people they are, they invited me over for a pizza dinner.  By the time I got home, I was a wreck.  My shoulder still hurt, so the peas came out while I watched a little rodeo.

This morning the red spot has increased to about 3 inches around and is quite swollen.   It's starting to itch like crazy of course, which means I probably won't die, even if I did feel like it yesterday.  I still have the headache and now my entire shoulder is sore, but it looks like I will live.  

That's a good thing because I have to unload the rig today.  Most of that stuff cannot stay in the heat.  But before I do ANYTHING, I'm going on a great white hunter trip around the entire house with my trusty can of wasp spray.


  1. Yay you made it!
    Those wasp stings can be nasty.
    Rest up kiddo!

    1. Trying to Frances, but so much work to be done!

  2. Nancy as soon as you get stung make a paste of baking soda and water and put it all over the area. That has always worked in my family and for my granddaughter .
    Any of those bee stings hurt . Hope you feel better !

    1. I will try to remember that for next time, because this one is horrific.

  3. Those big yellow wasps have little cousins in Arkansas that make their home in a small burrow in the ground. Was mowing one time and accidentally stopped the mower right over the nest...probably to wipe the humidity sweat off my face...and when I started back up again, hell I had about eight of them red blotches on me legs! Glad you made it home... Going to be 108 today, it was 105 yesterday.

    1. 108 in Sacramento? That doesn't sound like fun at all. Neither does getting stung by these nasty wasps.

  4. With wasps like that, you’d need to keep wasp spray on hand at all times. Either that or invest in more peas.

    That temp is one more reason i left AZ and moved to cooler climate 50 years ago. It truly is oven-like. Still, i miss the desert smell after summer rain.

    1. I've always kept it around, more for protection from the human variety, but I'm stocking up now!!

  5. You should turn the tables on them In central Chūbu region, wasps are sometimes eaten as snacks or an ingredient in drinks. OK we all know now we’re not going to go to Chubu Wherever that is
    Seeing you’re there for Fourth of July you want to see if you can find the highest lookout point in Tucson and view the fireworks all over the valley?

    1. Great idea! The golf course across the way has had big displays in the past. I'm hoping they do it again.

  6. Around here we call those yellow jackets. Nasty stings. Very glad you had some benadryl on hand. Doesn't take them long to build a nest. I have to remind myself when I'm opening things like plug covers, etc. Anything outside where they can make themselves at home. They tried on my mailbox last year. (Obviously I wasn't getting much mail....)

    1. I have Yellowjackets in California, but they are half the size of these things. These are HUGE!!

  7. They say to take a raw onion and cut it open and put on the sting area right away and it will take the pain and swelling away. I never tried it but did see it work on a person once. Vern, Boise Id

    1. Vern ... I'm hoping I never get stung again, but if I do, I'm definitely trying that!!

  8. Also, we call them yellow jackets. I used to keep pennies on hand and if you can reach the sting hole, hold one on. It works within 5 minutes but in Canada pennies aren't so easy to find now!!
    I think Cooper took that shadow picture!!
