Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Magic Kingdom LIVES!!!

After four months, I finally returned to the land of the King and the Knights of the Round Table.  I was feeling so guilty about being gone so long, I actually called the Castle Lawyer and told her if she thought there was at least one person there to help me, SHE could stay home.  In her best gaelic voice, she sang my praises.

I arrived just in time to find Prince Charming and three of his fellow Knights, sharing ale around the round table.  Okay, it was a bar table and four bar stools.  One Knight was showing off his battle wound scars from the repair to his knee of a slash the size of a good long sword.  OUCH!!
Since the Chamber Maid hadn't showed up, I conscripted said Knight to help me count cards.  It has taken the Castle Lawyer and I eight years to whip these peasants into shape, so I always keep a wary eye out for those trying to shyster the Kingdom ... and they are many!!

It helps if the Castle Keepers can count, but alas, that seems to be a problem.  When the Chamber Maid finally showed up, I felt much better about our odds of winning the stealing game, until SHE started counting ... or rather NOT counting every card.

The peasants are wise ... they bring back their receipt saying they paid for FOUR and only received TWO.  She handed out the two errant packets in a split second.  WAIT .... that's one of the main games they play.  In no time I realized that in my absence, the peasants had gained the upper hand again.

I spent the first 30 minutes fighting with the mini-me infernal (debit) card machine before winning that battle with a HI-YAH!!!!!  The rest of the night it worked smoothly.

I became a little concerned when the Chamber Maid mentioned they had not balanced for the last three weeks, being anywhere from $30 to $80 off every night.  How can that happen?  The accountant in me cracked the whip and paid out every win in record time, double checking every calculation.

That's when I noticed the Chamber Maid had disappeared into the kitchen, not to be seen for the next two hours.  No problem ..... I kept the keys on the infernal machine clicking, which made the peasants happy.

At long last, I began the closure with my accounting sheet in plain sight on the table.  Apparently that wasn't visible enough.  The Chamber Maid left telling the King she WOULD have helped me, but couldn't find the paper.  These times do try us.

I balanced to the penny and closed out, ready to point my little pony in the direction of home.  I was relatively sure the Chamber Maid won't be back until I'm gone again, at which time the peasants will be happy to return to their errant ways.  C'est la vie!!!

I did make one discovery.  Someone asked what that hole in my forehead was.  WHAT?  Sure enough, the swelling from that steel post hit has completely subsided and created a sinkhole on my forehead.  The good news is if I can still catch the peasants playing games, then no brain was hurt in the process of greeting that pole up close and personal!!  I think next year I'll wear a pool noodle on my head .... just like on my RV .... to keep me from harm.


  1. I think you need to change the name of the chambermaid to the court jester💉
