Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Morning After

Oh my Great GREAT Aunt Suzy!!  It's the BINGO hangover!!  The splitting headache, the ear ringing so loud I can hardly hear, blood pressure coming down from Mt. Everest and not enough phony coffee!!  I'm dragging butt this morning!

Here's my two kids laughing at me!!  Sorry for the dark picture, but I came upon this one yesterday.  It's from long ago when these two were very young.  That's Showby on the left and Remy (or Babeee I called him) looking for some morning grain.  These two were the loves of my life for 26 years.  Remy was the cutting horse and Showby the horse show boy.  I hauled these kids from the top of Idaho to South of Indio, almost to the Mexican Border.  They met movie stars, buffalo, snakes and everything in between.  Best memories EVER.

It was a long morning with the gardener, trying to make sprinkler repairs.  We didn't get even ONE fixed.  More parts and pieces are required.  

Since I fell off the wagon a couple days ago, I can't quite seem to climb back up.  It's a very TALL wagon.  With nothing in the fridge for lunch OR dinner, I splurged on a grilled cheese sandwich.  I think I could eat this every day.  

And so, knowing I have well over 100 checks to sign ... I know, crazy, right? ... I headed off early so I could buy those sprinkler parts on the way to the lodge.  Bingo and the Elks Park donated $8,000 to 4-H and FFA kids for their fair animals.  There is no better feeling than not only donating to a cause, but a really good one that promotes agriculture in this little AG town that has turned into a welfare town.  

FFA and 4-H are still alive and kicking ... and we plan to continue to help.

Finally done with that, I headed on down to the dungeon to get the ball rolling.  I was determined to have a good night.  So much for determination!!  The first thing I did was make a list of needed dobbers for the King.  You wouldn't believe how many of these things we sell for $1.00.  Apparently every other bingo hall sells them for twice that.  Needless to say, they load up here.

By the end of the night, this was empty.  The best part?  My Fairy Godmother refills this thing every single week so I don't have to!!  You've got to love Fairy Godmothers.

Okay ... let the fighting begin!!  We have one elderly lady who doesn't remember anything.  Honestly, I don't think she remembers the number from the time he calls to the time she looks for it on her bingo cards.  We do all we can to help her.  

She bought some tickets and received $70 change, but she didn't remember and couldn't find it.  She came to my table looking for it, but it wasn't me she bought the tickets from ... it was the Pull Tab side.  SOMEONE jumped up and ran to my table to say BLAH BLAH did NOT give her the change.  (We already know there is bad blood there).  I know better, so I sent my Scullery Maid (who happens to be related to the nice lady) to find out what happened.  She found the change in the nice lady's pocket.  

BLAH BLAH was not the least bit happy about being accused of keeping $70.  The fight was on.  SOMEONE then said my Scullery Maid and I got it ALL wrong.  Now there's two MORE of us unhappy campers!!  The King was called and SOMEONE got 30 lashes with a wet noodle.  Never EVER accuse the Kings Men of not doing giving someone their change, or at least if you do, make it quietly until the truth can be found out.  

Good Heavens, everyone was in an uproar the rest of the night.  I was SO happy the Infernal Machine balanced to the penny.  I made a mad dash for the exit!!

Maybe the hair of the dog will make me feel better.  No --- no more Bingo for one whole week.  

And so I leave you with this pretty picture of a smoky sunset.  I'll be out on the lawn at 6 AM fixing the sprinklers!!


  1. I just don't know how you put up with it week after week...but I enjoy the stories.

    1. It's fun I guess ... gets me out of the house so I keep moving!!

  2. Nancy you have the patience of a Saint dealing with those Bingo people.
    Hoping your Wednesday goes well.
    Love your horse picture!

    1. I admit, I'm a lot better at it than I used to be. Age brings wisdom when it comes to working Bingo!!

  3. Your horse picture was great and you do so well dealing with the Bingo crowd.

  4. If one is lucky, they are blessed with one good horse in their lives. Sounds like you were doubly blessed!

    1. Completely!!! They meant the world to me. There's nothing like sitting on a horse and having him do everything you ask in an instant ... from cutting cattle to placing each foot exactly where you want it. You know the feeling.....

  5. Well, we're not far off from the full moon, so maybe Bingo is just doing an early prep for it. Good luck with the next go-round.
