Sunday, June 2, 2024

Quilting And "GB"

 It was Saturday ....  cool, calm and quiet outside as I sat taking in the sounds of the birds waking up.  It was only disturbed by the banging of hammers at 5:00 as the construction guys try to beat the heat.  They are putting down black tar paper on that HUGE roof.  Seriously, there is more wood in that roof than in the entire rest of the house.  

So it was back inside for me as Mr. Cooper kept watch out the windows.  No one, and I mean NO ONE gets by him.  Not a car, a bicycle, a jogger, a kitty kitty or even a lizard without him running to the door.  He's the best alarm system I've ever had.

I didn't have much on my Saturday table, so first off I tried to put the flag light together.  There are no instructions, and only a fuzzy picture.  The screw was way too tiny to hold the clamp in place, and the other BIG screw would not fit through the holes.  

I finally got it together, knowing full well it wasn't going to stay that way for long.  I should have just sent it back immediately.  But NO ... stubborn Nancy went ahead and put it up on the end of the flagpole.  It worked at one point because I saw the lights turn on.  Too bad it didn't work at all once on the flagpole!!  

DO NOT BUY THIS ONE!!  It's a piece of junk ... a waste of $15.00.  Not that I expected it to actually WORK for $15.00, but I thought I might get 30 days out of it.  So now I'm on a mission to find someone to put in a flagpole for me.  So far, no luck.

While setting up the ladder for the flag disaster, I noticed something stick me on the top of my foot.  Must be a branch I thought.  Then FIRE ANT flashed into my head ... nahhhh it's nothing but a stick.

I went to sewing on this baby blanket for the entire rest of the day.  I cut binding, sewed it on by machine and began the laborious task of hand stitching it down.  It was a little more difficult because I used a soft flannel backing.  It's all done now and I hope Grandma likes it.  

I went outside in the not so cool air to relax for a bit.  You don't see this much these days, and I don't know why.  This jet was SCREAMING across the sky leaving a nice slipstream.  That's when I heard the microphones, trumpets and guitars pouring out the latest Mexican dance music extraordinaire.  Thank goodness it's not right next door this time.  I went back inside.

That's when I noticed the huge bump on my foot.  What the heck?  I scraped the top off ... yeah, disgusting ... and drown my foot in alcohol.  It just looked really weird, so I took a closeup with my camera.  I would show you here, but it's pretty awful looking.  Right in the middle are two teeth marks ... like Dracula!!  No kidding ... I guess it's a spider bite?  

I'm still breathing and my foot hasn't fallen off, but it's very angry and red.  I'm checking on my will, just in case!!

In other interesting local news, I knew something was up when I heard the helicopters WAY too close to the top of my house, going around and around.  I'm not sure which place they ended up at, but apparently there were 40 places ... yes, that's FORTY!!!  

They did a big drug bust roundup and nabbed 40 gang members, along with lots of drugs and guns, mostly down the highway in the OTHER town.  Miss Elva asked me what was up!

Here's the good part.  There was a Rapper named GB (stands for Ghetto Boy) who was living in the town closest to me, who was making lots of money with his music.  He donated lots of that green to the city saying he wanted to take care of his fellow man ... give back as it were.  The City gave him a big plaque ... lots of fanfare ... saying he was such a good addition to the world.  

Turns out he was one of the biggest drug guys arrested and that was all drug money he was donating to throw off his REAL line of work.  Too funny!!!  

That's it ... the entire day was spent finishing up the little quilt.  I wandered outside again just to enjoy the scenery, but the MUSICA quickly sent me back inside.  I don't know what's on my menu for today .... maybe a really deep dive into why my email will not load on my computer.


  1. Thanks for the heads up on the solar flag light.
    Quilt is so cute!
    Happy Sunday!

  2. Are your sure that is not a snake bite?


    1. Yup I'm sure Rex. No snakes around here. Haven't seen one in probably 45 years. LOL

  3. That is a shame the solar light didn't work. Can you find a
    larger solar light to stake into the ground and shine up ?
    Hope your foot feels better and for bee stings I use baking soda and a little water to make a paste and put it on the sting.
    Have a good day !

    1. That is exactly my current plan Sue. Get a light that shines up from the ground.

  4. I wonder if the City of Merced will take back the plaque!

    1. Hahahaha I wonder!!! I bet they are highly embarrassed!

  5. Yeah we often buy a cheap version of something, only for it to be a waste of money, do we ever learn.....NO
    Well if it was a spider bite it wasn't from a deadly one.
    Am I surprised Ghetto Boy is a drug dealer, NOPE

    1. Buying cheap is certainly not always the answer! As to Ghetto Boy ... I'm guessing the City is pretty embarrassed and he's already out of jail.

  6. I still enjoy reading your blog. But unless I am on the laptop, I seldom comment. I love your pictures and quilts!. We are in Montana at our summer spot near Bigfork at Echo Lake doing our volunteer job here at the fishing access site. My blog is basically just the highlight of what we do on a daily basis and I am way behind in catching it up. It's a work in progress. Have a great summer!

    1. You always stay at the most spectacular places. A little too chilly up there for me!! Hope you have a great summer also!

  7. Eww, sorry about the bite and also about your flag light. 🥺
    You'll find someone to help, 🤞

    1. I'll ask at the Elks Lodge. I know someone there will help.
