Saturday, June 8, 2024

Hotties and Hippies

Howdy from beautiful sunny California.  Of course it's only beautiful in the mornings when it's 61 degrees like on this day.  I open my back door wide and turn on the AC fan farthest away.  It sucks that nice cool air inside and keeps me sane.  

Though yesterday, I was beginning to wonder.  I couldn't seem to do anything but sleep.  I kept doing the once over, looking for symptoms of SOMETHING, but nothing was detected.  It finally dawned on me it was from getting overheated at the meeting.  Ever since getting a mild case of heat stroke at a baseball game, I'm not able to withstand heat much at all.  I'll pay more attention to that from now on!!

Here's a picture I forgot to post yesterday.  This is the brand spanking new hottie barbecue at the lodge.  She's a beauty!!  No longer will they have to cook that beautiful beef on a grill that looks like the Grand Canyon, so warped and with big holes in it.  This one is also quite a bit bigger ... the faster to cook those 250 ribeye steaks!!

I admit though ... it does need a little seasoning.  The meat doesn't taste QUITE the same ... but that will change as the barbecue is used more and more.

SO exhausted and not knowing why, I headed on off to the Chiropractor.  I had been trying to let my back heal up before going again.  All I've read about discs is they never heal, but can be less painful if your bones are in the right spots.  For the most part, I can move my bones around a bit and keep the pinches away.

Of course she said I wasn't doing the right exercises.  Superman ... Pointer (like a dog) and pushups ... OH BOY!  I'm terrible at it and very sporadic.  It just never jumps into my head ... let's have some fun exercising on the floor!!!  I did maybe three when I got home before collapsing on the couch once again.

Here's some good news .... my roses have all been trimmed up.  My gardener did a great job!  He raked all around them this time ... pushing everything into the grass.  When he mowed, it picked it all up, which made quick work into the trash can.  Thats when I thought ... maybe I should let them grow ten feet tall so I can't see the house next door!!!

Finally, late in the afternoon, I forced myself to head to the sprinkler store.  I noticed one morning that I was nicely watering the asphalt road.  What the heck?  How did THAT happen?  I adjusted one after trying 13 times ... no kidding, those things are hard to adjust.  

One was about to hit the neighbors car, so I tried to fix it, resulting in a stream that didn't move at all.  I HATE SPRINKLERS!!  I found one in the cupboard.  Yes, they live with my slow cooker.

I bought TEN ... hoping that if I replace all the broken ones, they might ... MAYBE ... be good for a whole year before I have to look at them again.  HOOCHY MAMA ... these things are EXPENSIVE!!!  Then of course you have to get the nozzles EXTRA.  No kidding .... $150 later .............

So I asked the very nice sprinkler store owner who I could have fix them all.  They gave me a name and phone number.  It's $25.00 an hour ... since as you know, the minimum wage has gone up.  I haven't called anyone yet, but you know I will because this is just WAY too much work for an old lady!

Dinner was another Hello Fresh extravaganza.  I love Thai food ... and this one looked like a very easy one pan fix.  Oh look ... romaine lettuce boats!!  

It was an easy fix ... and inexpensive too.  What they don't tell you is that when you dump that really hot turkey chili mixture in the lettuce leaves, it instantly turns them into Kleenex tissue that disintegrates completely the first bite you take.  

I spent five minutes cleaning up me, the table and the floor before fixing another one that I ate with a knife and fork.  Quite tasty ... even the part that landed on me!!

And so from sunny California and their flower children of many moons past, I wish you a fabulous day.  Yes I was there, in downtown San Francisco on Haight Ashbury in my cowboy boots, wondering what the heck was wrong with all these kids sitting in the gutters smoking.  Turns out I was NOT of hippy material.

Enjoy your Saturday .........


  1. That BBQ grill looks like a beauty!
    Stay cool my friend!

  2. You at Haight Ashbury in your cowboy boots. That's a fun image. The heat. Yes... I can't tolerate heat like when I was younger. In Oklahoma I got nauseated from the heat. Since then I don't have a lot of tolerance for hot weather.


  3. Missed your Ed shed It sounds like you have 1
    of 3 issues
    1# you’re an old fart
    2 #you get spring fever

    3#For a couple years I've been blaming it on iron deficient blood, lack of vitamins, dieting and a dozen other maladies. But now I found out the real reason. I'm tired like to sleep because I'm overworked.

    -The population of this country is 296 million. 124 million are retired. That leaves 172 million to do the work.

    -There are 105 million in school, which leave 67 million to do the work.

    -Of this there are 39 million employed by the federal government. This leaves 28 million to do the work.

    -Five million are already laboring in Armed Forces, which leaves 23 million to do the work.

    -Take from the total the 22,800,000 people who work for State and City Government and that leaves 200,000 to do the work.

    -There are 188,000 ill and in hospitals, so that leaves 12,000 to do the work.

    -Now, there are 11,998 people in Prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me.

    And you're sitting there doing nothing but browsing the forum! Looking for a good excuse. To 👉🥱😴 🛌

    Also Basically sounds like you got a case of mild spinal arthritis is very common in us older farts in my case. If I know I have to go for more than 100 yards walk I bring my aspirins an a bottle of water. My doctor calls it spinal degenerate better known as old age. Arthritis.

    If your lawn guy is good, keep him and pay him to do the sprinklers update

    1. Hahaha sometimes I feel like I'm the only one doing the work! And yes, I'm calling in reinforces for the sprinklers.

  4. When I read that you just wanted to sleep my first thought was it most likely would be connected to the heat some how, when we are having a string of stinking hot days I can feel like the sun has drained my energy

    1. I think you are right Joanne.

    2. She's on to something there. Our sun has been busy throwing out CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections) with lots of protons and electrons. Since our DNA is like an antenna all that stuff affects us. Some get tired, some get energized. Some get headaches, gut aches or heart palpitations. The previous heat stroke doesn't help either. With the sun's activities, I've heard lots of folks are tired & sleeping alot.

  5. Sometimes a dull dreary day does that to me too. Must be age!!
    Hand on to those gardeners. 😁

    1. Heat and age are a bad combination ... and I'm proof! LOL

  6. One of our summer family weekend trips found us driving through Haight Ashbury, stopped at a red light right there at the corner when I, about 12 years old, said in my loudest voice, "Is that a Hippy?", as I pointed at this guy leaning against a building there. Mom said that Red Light seemed to last forever, she was so embarrassed. They didn't dare drive over to the Castro District with my big mouth in the car...LOL

    1. Back in the day they didn't LOOK like the "hippy" you see advertised. I never saw anyone with a headband or a tie-dyed shirt, but there WERE a lot of flip flops!!
