Friday, June 28, 2024

Return Return Return

 It was an exciting day yesterday.  Panic set in all over the County.  Friends were posting on Facebook that the temperatures this weekend were going to be upwards of 120.  I looked at my app that said 101.  Something is rotten in Denmark.  

After the last few years, I don't believe ANYTHING I hear from the internet or the media.  There was a big rush on kids swimming pools at Walmart.  No kidding .... maybe Walmart put out the info?  

Nope ... in the end, it was finally determined that the Apple weather guy (I didn't even know there WAS an Apple weather guy) posted incorrect information.  No telling where he got it from, but at least they finally admitted it was all wrong.  101 it is!!!  Sometimes it amazes me just how many folks believe everything they are told.  Walmart ran out of kids pools.

I almost bought one too, since sitting in the van trying to figure out this stuff was less than fun.  Couldn't we just have an ON - OFF button?  

I returned the Ryobi fan to Home Depot, hoping I could find something quieter.  It would be perfect at the other end of a Class A, but three feet from my head is a little too loud.  

I discovered my little $6.00 plastic toolbox from Walmart wasn't quite big enough to hold all the extra parts and pieces ... like hookup testers, and such ... so I went and picked up another one to hold a measuring tape, faucet connections, and one big HAMMER.  Hammers always come in handy.

There in the aisle was this big stack of fans.  Battery or USB cable, it swivels every direction, let's try it out.  Too bad they didn't have one OUT of the box for you to see.  The box is 10" wide.  The fan is 4" wide.  Nope ... not going to work even a little bit.  The only air you get is if it's on high and you stand two inches from it.  Yet another return!!!  Big sigh.

Lunchtime was nigh ... and I was hungry.  I'm tired of cooking in the heat when I'm tired.  I decided to take Mr. Ed's advice and get some frozen stuff.  I lived off this kind of thing for the last 12 years I worked for the County.  Not the best diet food, but it can't be all bad.  

Here's a new one ... Marie Callenders Shepherd's Pie!!!  Woohoo!!  Hey, the price was MORE than right at $1.28 each.  I would have bought them out had there been more, but alas, I only snagged two.  I'll report on the taste later.  This is the perfect solution to Camper Van RVing.  Fill that freezer with these perfectly stackable little boxes and just nuke dinner.  Add a glass of wine if you want to be fancy.

The third return was to Amazon.  Sometimes you get okay stuff, sometimes you get skunked.  I ordered a large truck sunscreen shade for the front window, along with two side window shades.  My side windows are maybe 20" x 30"???  When I opened the box, I thought surely they made a mistake.  They were maybe ten inches square.  Made in China, so what did I expect.  Return Return Return.  It would be so nice to actually go to a store that had products you could look at and see if it fit.  

I threw my hands up ... Uncle ... I give up.  Today is another day to order a sunscreen and yet another fan.  Maybe I'll be luckier this time!!

I spent the rest of the day going over Elks stuff, trying to figure out insurance and postage machines.  Oh the fun!!  

Since it's actually a cool 66 this morning, I'll be sitting behind the wheel trying to figure out yet ANOTHER computer ... the one that controls the engine!!  Come to find out, the left hand side is not just the cruise control ... it's a 2" square computer that tells you everything you need to know about fuel, mileage, cameras, def, oil levels ..... everything!  Let's see how far I get with THIS one!!!


  1. Have you seen the umbrella windshield shade? $12.00 on Amazon! Friend had one....snazzy! :):) Think at Walmart also!

    1. I DID see that ... as good as I am with umbrellas, I'm not sure that's a good fit! Every one I have is broken!!! Very cool though and maybe worth a try.

  2. You will have that new rig figured out in no time.
    Sometimes Auto Zone has window shades.
    Happy Friday!

    1. I'm not sure about NO time, but maybe 2 or 3 months!

  3. Mr. Ed said call Bill Gates. He’ll figure the steering wheel buttons and doodads after you read the book, take the card to the Mercedes dealer and have them explain. I had to with my Beamer I don’t know if they’re built by rocket scientist or brain deficiency people after all, they are built in Germany (have you found the dipstick yet)

    1. Van not card

    2. go on YouTube and put this in
      2024 Mercedes sprinter van Menu cluster
      you’ll get a 2022. Don’t worry they’re all the same

    3. Haven't even looked under the hood. I know some of them don't have a dip stick ... not sure about this one. The good news is it will tell you if you are low on anything, like Def, oil, fuel. That's good ... I guess!! Hope she's trustworthy.

  4. Today I am tackling the Winegard. Yesterday I read and read and read looking for when I need to change oil. It comes down to "It will tell you when to change your oil...but no longer than 10,000 miles or 12 months! GeeWizz, is it going to tell me when I need to go PooPoo too???? lol (gotta love all this computer stuff)

    1. Same here Dave, only this thing says no oil changes for 20,000 miles? I can't hardly believe that, but I guess we will see. On mine, push the little button to turn it on, push the OTHER button to scan for stations, then turn on the TV. You can adjust it a tad bit one way or another with the other two buttons. About all that other streaming membership stuff? I've not a clue!!!

  5. I thought you had a Fantastic fan already. I like mine very well. Low speed is all I ever need. Best fan for 12 volts I've ever used.

    1. I do, but not sure that's going to be enough for hot days and nights.

  6. This brand is popular with RVers:
    Mine doesn't look like that but it is old. I like having multiple sources to power it.
    Linda Sand

    1. We think alike Linda. I had that same one in my other RV, but it's decided screaming is better than purring. I think I'll just replace it with this one. I agree, multiple sources to power it.

  7. I just read Patsy's comment from yesterday. A trip to The Ridge...sounds like fun.

    1. Yes it does ... that's a very long way (I have actually been to Maine and back in an RV), so it may be in my future.

  8. What popped into my head is that the apple weather guy is just some guy who reads what he is handed and knows bugga all about the weather or maybe not what do I know. Second thing read the wrong stuff cause distress for some people and just say oops got it wrong sorry, which for some reason annoys me.

    1. I think you are right Joann ... people were freaking out over it!! And they say it was just an oops moment!
