Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Rest and Recovery

 It was yet another rough night.  I was cold ... all night long.  What's up with that?  I know, I should have gotten up and thrown a quilt over the bed.  It's a lovely 64 degrees this morning, and I can't complain because my AC never came on yesterday.  In fact, it was even so nice that I laid out in the sun for awhile ... AFTER the crew from next door left.

There was lots of banging going on all day as they unloaded the roofing.  The telltale sign of beep beep beep from the lift lasted for several hours.  It's weird they would put such a dark gray color on such a large house.  I see big PGE bills in their future.  There's also four big spotlights on each pillar of the patio.  The better to light up my back yard I guess.  Sadly, the little foxes have left the neighborhood due to the construction.

My little tree is putting on a runway show of beautiful fluffy flowers and waving in the breeze.  The wind was having a field day.

I finally got off my duff and headed to Wally World.  I needed Jonathan food and a new cheap toolbox.  No use going for longevity at my age.  Well lookie here ... there was the cutest little Cooper toy hanging on the shelf.  

He went crazy when I gave it to him.  It was like a little kid at Christmas.  I've looked at it for an entire day now and I still can't figure out what kind of animal it is supposed to be.

No matter .... Mr. Cooper thinks it's the bees knees.  I listened to this ALL MORNING LONG!!  Then we played for another hour or two.

And TA-DA ... here it is.  My new $10.00 toolbox.  Lightweight plastic ... it's perfect for my rig and has everything I need.  I tried to clean the old one with CLR to remove all the rust.  It's weird that it melted right into the plastic.  It would have been fine except I busted the hinge.  A little too much vigorous cleaning I suspect. 

I was too tired for anything after putting the groceries away.  Though I tried to sew a bit here and there, I just had no enthusiasm.  I was annoyed by a loud humming noise.  Oh yeah ... here comes another problem.  I tracked it down to my freezer.  

When I moved in to this house (remember it was a bankruptcy), there was a huge hole for a built-in fridge/freezer because the folks that left had stolen it.  I bought a Kitchenaid.  I suppose it's lasted pretty long ... 13 years ... considering they make throwaway stuff nowadays.  

I discovered the temperature in the freezer was -7.  It should be 0.  I reset it, but it kept going back to -7 degrees.  Okay, why is it doing that???  I reset it several times, the last time holding the button down for several seconds.  It finally moved to -5, a slight improvement.  Ugh ... another big repair bill.

This morning it's holding at 0 degrees ... so maybe I coached it back to normal ... MAYBE.  I guess I will wait and see.

The big winds continued all day long, keeping it cool as a cucumber.  It also brought in all the smoke from a big fire of 1,000 acres (so far) about 65 miles away in the Sierras.  It got worse and worse until the sky was covered.  I can't tell what it's like this morning ... it's still dark outside.

I did catch the tiny little moon resting on my chimney for a bit.  Gosh ... it's 7:30 pm, it's still light and the moon is high in the sky.  Weird that looking south there are no clouds or smoke.

And so ended another nice day ... but I'm putting a quilt back on my bed.  I'm also hoping for a long nap because ..... IT'S BINGO TIME!!


  1. What is your flowering tree...it is beautiful.
    Looks like Cooper loves his new toy you bought him.
    A happy pup !

    1. I have no idea about the tree. It was picked out by the landscape guy when I first moved in. I love it!!

  2. Hi there. Note, I am not a refrigeration expert, but perhaps the freezer is having problems with the self defrosting cycle? Can you check your owners manual and see if it has any suggestions. Also check the manufacturer's site for manuals PM suggestions. Vacuum the coils etc. You did not say if it was a bottom freezer. They work a little different than side by side or top mount.

    Love the squeaky toy. That's driving the play for Mr Cooper. 😀

    M in NC

    1. I will check all of the above. Thank you so much. It is a side by side freezer. Hopefully I can find something. You are right ... it's the squeak!! LOL

  3. Awe Cooper is so cute with that toy.
    That fire has sure caused a smokey sky everywhere.
    Happy Bingo day!

    1. I guess there two two fires now, one a little farther north.

  4. Delivery is tomorrow (Wednesday)! We tried to keep our Restaurant Walk-in down to -10 degrees, but it had people going in and out of it many times a day (had a plastic curtain too so it did not lose much if the door was left open for a bit)

    1. Oh I'm so excited for you!!! So maybe the freezer is okay? We have the same at the Elks walk-in. I HATE that plastic!!

  5. Good thing you got all rested up, you are going to need it for bingo night!

    1. And so I did. It all makes for an ugly morning after! LOL

  6. That is a neat looking toolbox and you deserve to treat yourself to some new stuff. If you bring the old rusty tools to Harbor Freight or hardware store and ask for some help to replace them, I'm sure the guys will fall over themselves to help you :-) Maybe shifting some food around in the freezer might help the thermostat?

    1. I don't know about THAT Marlene, but the one guy was VERY nice! LOL. Hoping you are right about the freezer.

  7. Cooper is so cute with his new toy!

    1. He just loves it. Thankfully he doesn't chew them up any more.

  8. Looking at your new toolbox, I see more Rusty Tools. The water comes in where the top handle is. Put a plastic bag over the top.
    Cooper looks like he's enjoying his new toy.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy the cooler temps.

    It's about time.

    1. Yup I think that's what happened. I set a gallon jug of water on top and it leaked.

  9. The sound of construction can be a right headache, which maybe why the foxes left. Mr Cooper looks like he is enjoying himself. Life can feel like one long repair bill with one thing after another packing it in or having issues

    1. You said it perfectly Joanne. One long repair after another! LOL

  10. That looks like a big house going up! The blooming tree is gorgeous! Great for allergies I'm sure :(

  11. Nice tool box!
    It's not like you have a shortage of quilts, my dear. 😍
    Cooper is a happy little guy.

  12. You don't recognize Lambchop, even when you buy the toy.

  13. That Cooper is so darn cute what a joy!
    Doris from Pa
