Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 It seems the heat wave is still in effect, in spite of my attempts to convince Mother Nature otherwise.  It makes for some interesting days since I seem to slip into slow motion when it's so hot.  A low of 75 this morning has me pondering the installation of a swimming pool, or at the very least, a stock tank!!  I think Cooper would approve also.

It was a long day before Bingo even started, so let's get to it!

While the gardener mowed, missing my sprinklers (YAY!) and edging everything, I continued to do clean up work.  This wall was lined with everything from sewer hoses to four kinds of wax to dog bones and ladders.  It's amazing that I was able to stuff it all in the garage.  I'm thinking I'll go out to the Elks RV park, set up a table and sell my wares.  

The only thing I could NOT find, in spite of going around and around, was the mat to put down outside the rig.  I know I saved it .... somewhere .... but it's being very elusive.  Maybe I left it in the rig?  But I'm SURE it was empty!

In looking for a place to stash all THAT stuff, I found a second gate controller.  It didn't work, so I proceeded to hold a surgical session.  Even though I put in a new battery, it would not open the gate.  That's when I saw those little pins.  Hmmmm ... they are not set the same.

Doc Nancy got out her handy dandy surgical knife and flipped two switches so they looked alike.  I sewed it all back up and VOILA ... I can't believe it worked.  I now have TWO gate controllers, one for each vehicle.  It's the little things!

In no time I was completely deflated by a call for help from the Elks Lodge.  Let's face it ... we have a LOT of employees ... and employees can be a pain on occasion.  It seems TODAY was the occasion.  With that straightened out, I signed a ton of checks before heading to the dungeon to prepare for the onslaught.

Thank goodness for my Fairy Godmother!!  This girl is a sheep in wolf's clothing who cracks the whip and gets things done with a smile.  Here's an example of a big payout ticket.  These cards sell for $5.00 each, for a chance to win $500.  They go like hotcakes.  

We have one lady who plays EIGHT bingo cards ... that's FORTY EIGHT games for every one time the caller calls out a number.  I would have a hard time playing SIX.

Things went pretty smoothly until BINGO!!!  And bingo again ELEVEN times.  No kidding, eleven people had to split $200!!  That does not make the peasants very happy.  Especially since on this night we didn't have enough money come in to pay our usual $250 each game.  It didn't help that six of them were first time players.  They all yelled BINGO when the last number was in the monitor, and had NOT actually been called.

Bedlam exploded for ten minutes before everyone calmed down enough to call the last number!  Oh yeah, oh YAY .... $18.00 each.  They could buy lunch at McDonalds!!

The night was long as I coddled the infernal machine to give me the right payouts.  We started at $150, then switched to $200 and finally $250.  It took me 15 minutes to figure out how much I could pay for each game since we had three different KINDS of games.  Luckily the Knights kept me on my toes.

And so ended a LONG night of computing before heading home at 10:00.  The heat is getting to me.  I think I'll turn on the sprinklers and just stand in the middle of the lawn.  The neighbors won't even care ... it's just that crazy lady down the street!!

I'll gather some info on the van today and let you know all the specs tomorrow.  Then I'll return TWO of the THREE things I had delivered yesterday!  


  1. Bingo certainly keeps you on your toes.
    Have a good Wednesday!

  2. With THAT amount of Lithium, you should have no problem running the microwave...but how long you run it is the thing. 2-3 minutes for oatmeal, 4-5 to reheat something, that would be fine...but running it for an hour or more is a bit much. Also, Lithium batteries are designed to be able to drop to 10v, where normal batteries can only drop to 12.2v. It would take a lot of batteries and solar in order to run your AC.

    1. On my other rig, I could not run the microwave on solar, even though they said I could. Nor could I use the AC. It's not a big thing though, because I'm pretty addicted to electricity! Plugging in is easier.

  3. I got the "I'm Melting" reference right away. Maybe you donated the RV mat to that guy you got the quilt back from?

    1. I imagine its FABULOUS where you two are!!!! Still can't find that mat!! LOL

  4. So, you brought the Fifth Wheel in for service and end up with a B Class. Are you keeping the Trailer for winter travels?
    I remember working Bingos years ago and glad it's a thing of the past.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Traded in the fifth wheel for the Class B. It became too stressful with Grand Design ... the roofing material tearing off, so many leaks people were having, cracked frames, the front cap coming off .... it was just too much, not to mention my back problem.
