Monday, June 10, 2024

Silverware City

 It's a lovely 59 degrees this morning in sunny California, so I'm gearing up for a Cooper walk.  He loves the early morning air as much as I do.  Well truly, he loves the early morning SMELLS.  

The skies were a little different ... looking like someone was playing tic tac toe up there.  I've never seen so many trails ... it must have been a good morning to fly.

Sundays are pretty lazy around here, mostly because I procrastinate a lot!  It's so much more fun to play games on my phone and EAT while watching RODEO.  On this day however, I got a bee in my bonnet.  Did I ever mention that when I sold my Class A rig that I just threw everything in the fifth wheel with abandon?  There was no rhyme or reason for anything.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Then when I sold the Arizona place, it got even worse.  Talk about overloaded.  I stuck everything I possibly could in the rig ... within reason ... sort of.  Now every time I go in there, I see quilt after quilt still stuck in every nook and cranny.  It's time.

Good thing it was VERY cool.  So much STUFF!!  I removed EIGHT quilts stuffed in all those upper cabinets, along with two of three Jonathan heat lamps.  There was enough silverware in the drawer to throw a dinner party for 25.  At least this time I got smart and used my Janesville Wagon to haul all of it to the house.  

What a GREAT feeling to have it all organized now and so much easier to access.  Goodness gracious ... now I could see just how dirty everything was.  Where does all this dirt come from??  I suppose I will now have to do the dirty deed .... VACUUM.  I have a trip planned in July, which even though I think is a long ways away, will probably end up feeling like one week.

The good news is I will probably weight 500 pounds LIGHTER going over the Sierras!!

Lunch was quick and easy.  I think I'm going to turn into a rabbit, eating all this lettuce.  Sadly, I haven't lost another ounce.  How can I give up all the tasty carbs and sugar and not lose weight?  

I spent the warm afternoon on the couch, watching the beginning of 100 rodeos in 100 days.  I'm sure everyone has heard of Sisters, Oregon.  It's the quilting capital of the west coast.  Besides having one of the best rodeos ever, it has a huge outdoor quilt show that runs the entire length of the town.  

There was a little excitement this year ... terrible picture, but it's the best I could get.  Yessirree ... this bull ran right down the arena and never hesitated a second before jumping over the fence.  You think these guys are too big to do this?  Nope ... you would be amazed at their athletic talent.  What surprised me was that the folks in the stands didn't move.  

All's well that ends well ... two were taken to the hospital, but released with minor injuries.  The bull was caught three minutes later around back, looking for the rest of his crew.  Those cowboys ... they know how to rope and believe me, they have guts.  There's not much worse than being tied to a cranky bull that you can't let go of until you are back in the corral.  Ask me how I know that.  

And so ended a beautiful work-packed day with the skies looking wonky again.  There was a nice upper breeze keeping the heat at bay.  

Anyone need silverware service for twelve?  Sorry, it's the cheap stuff, along with six wooden spoons that are probably 15 years old, three can openers (?) and any number of cute little knives to spread your onion dip.  Oh .... and seven plastic bowls without lids.  I see a trip to the thrift store in my future.


  1. I saw that the bull go over the fence on the news last night.
    It looked very easy for him. Scary !
    Good job getting the RV emptied out and easing the weight you carry.
    Have a good week Nancy

    1. That bull thing doesn't happen very often. Not fun for the fans, I'm sure.

  2. Chemtrails. GeoEngineering. Weather Modification.
    If it looks like a grid, you're being sprayed. Notice how it turned into "wonky"?

    1. I am right on the jetway from California to Las Vegas, so we usually see them a lot over towards the Sierras.

  3. Looks like you had a productive day.
    Believe me the picture of the sky is not from chemicals being sprayed.
    Have a good Monday!
    Stay cool.

    1. A VERY productive day ... but there's more to come. I'm thinking that's from the jets. The fly zone from San Fran and Sacramento goes right down that alley.

    2. Think back to the olden days. Did jets leave a trail that lasted & lasted? No, they didn't. Even jets today, you can watch the trail disappear. So will you believe Oh, it's just a new formula of fuel? Why do some leave a trails, in a grid, and some don't? I live close (40 miles) to an extremely busy airport & watch them turn on and shut of the trail only to have it cloud up. Believe what you want, I guess.

  4. I guess you could open up a quilt store. lol. Yep, when you own several places you end up with a lot of duplicates. That last photo of the sky looks dramatic!

  5. I figured you saw that Bull going over the fence...would scare the $hit out of me, that's for sure! Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Bull $hit"! lol

    1. I wouldn't be too happy if I was sitting there. Those buggers are MEAN with a capital M. Though there are some that are sweet as kittens OUT of the ring. You just never know which one you're looking at.

  6. I heard on the radio about the bull going over the fence, scary shit

    1. He was just looking for a way out ... but definitely I would rather he go out the gate!!

  7. Look at all those cell cameras light up for "The Shot"

  8. I love that last sky picture!
    Amazing how we stock pile stuff, even when we don't have,a lot of space!
    Don't feel bad, my weight is going right back up too. Don't get it.

    1. The difference Patsy, is that you purge all the time. Me ... I just stuff things in there harder!!

  9. It always amazes me how bulls can jump....even the lazy Hereford bull that looked so clunky that I grew up with could do a long jump that seemed record setting to me. And this one in Oregon went HIGH too...

    1. He went over that fence like it was two feet tall. Amazing is right! But then he had a good run at it too!

  10. Oh, I forgot to sign in. That last comment was me. Duh
