Saturday, June 15, 2024


 It is another glorious morning in Central California.  A beautiful 63 degrees ... almost cold in the mornings.  It makes for perfect patio participation in America's pastime ... a morning cup-o-joe!!

It's also the perfect way to start a day when the sprinkler guy stands you up.  No kidding ... after about 4 text messages, he was a NO SHOW!  I'm guessing maybe he was one of the crew I let go for cutting up my drip lines and electrical wires.  And so I am once again ... dead in the water.

Basically I did nothing all day.  Oh I cleaned up a bit, made a terrible dessert from cool whip and sugar-free pudding ... the most awful thing I've tasted in some time ... and even did a little quilting.

So when it was time to head out to the flag ceremony at the Elks Lodge, I wasn't opposed to getting in the "outfit", nylons, high heels and all.  

The Elks are the only organization in the U.S. that honors the flag with a ceremony every June 14.  If you get a chance to go to one, definitely check it out.

One of our Officers could not attend, and I got talked into standing in.  No problem they said, you don't have to speak.  They lied.  When I got to my place, there lay the program with my speaking part.  Here's my challenge to you ..... say "it is the symbol of brotherly love" LOUDLY.  We don't have microphones.    I don't think brotherly came out right, but I said it.

The County Honor Guard, made up of mostly our members, brings the flags in to the lodge room to the sound of our pianist playing the song of that time.  This is the very first flag the U.S. ever had.  It's green and white????

As they are brought in one at a time, the history of that particular flag is read aloud.  The yellow one, barely visible is the Gadsden Flag with a snake on it.

The history is really interesting ... who designed them ... who decided how many stars and what they would look like ... who decided how many stripes and when they were first flown in the United States.

I've helped with this Flag Ceremony before, so I knew the background of each one, but if you are interested, read up on the history.  It's pretty fascinating.  Once all the flags are in place, there's more pomp and circumstance, introductions of the Honor Guard, and some singing God Bless America before we finally break for dinner.

Here's the Honor Guard, all Veterans of course, who perform military services for any veteran who passes away in our County.  These guys also handle a new program ... FINALLY ... that gives items of furniture and whatever they need to Veterans who are actually receiving free housing.  At this time there are 98 on the list, so these guys are working diligently to find everyone a home.

And so a not-so-good-day ended on a good note.  Everyone headed down to dinner and I ghosted the building.  Big noisy crowds are not my thing. 

Lucky me, this morning I'm headed BACK to the lodge to prepare for our Father's Day breakfast.  This time it's free for everyone, so I expect a crowd for tomorrow's pancakes, eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy, pastries and fruit cups.  I'm guessing that means there may not be a blog tomorrow.  I'm praying for a NO-BURN day in the kitchen.


  1. You’re throwing me a really big curve on that green and white flag as well as the yellow flag,
    In 1632 colonial Williamsburg flew the British flag, which also was red, white and blue
    My understanding the very first flag. was the Grand Union American colonial banner first displayed by George Washington on Jan. 1, 1776. It showed the British Union Flag of 1606 in the canton. Its field consisted of seven red and six white alternated stripes representing the 13 colonies
    June 14, 1777, Congress officially adopted the Stars and Stripes as the national flag. Which was also red, white and blue.

    The eight flags that you have in the very first picture apparently have a history marker on the plaque under glass. Could you please send me a copy of that yellow as well as the green and white flag marker info

    1. I'll send you copies of the text that is read describing each one.

  2. Mr. Ed asked that question

    1. That’s funny Now I know why the Elks was started
      The Elks organization was founded in New York City on February 16, 1868 under the name "Jolly Corks" A small group of entertainers, wishing to continue their social gatherings on Sundays, when New York's blue laws prevented the opening of public establishments (taverns), began to meet regularly as the "Jolly Corks," a name derived from a bar trick introduced by the group's organizer.
      However, the elks flag is royal, purple and white

      As a sidenote, have you ever read the Elks alphabet?

    2. Yup that's where the Elks came from ... a social club of actors actually.

  3. You will be a busy girl helping with Father's day breakfast.
    Elks are very lucky to have such a dedicated person like you!

    1. I like helping, and it gives me something to do rather than just sit on my you know what!!! LOL

  4. Nice ceremony, and Love The Honor Guard. ( I am one with our American Legion)

    1. Thank you for your service Norm! We LOVE our Honor Guard!! They do amazing things and we are very thankful.

  5. I'm just wondering where that flag that is flown in the back of the rednecks pickup truck is? lol
