Friday, June 7, 2024

Spiders And Flies ... OH MY!!

 It was a scorcher ... especially if you have to wear a suit, a heavy jacket and high heels.  But first ... I was completely enthralled by this little guy.  There I was, standing by the door, minding my own business, when I saw something jump on the back door glass.  I jumped in return!!

WOW!!  What spectacular coloring you have!  And what a nice MEAL you have in your little spider jaws.  It's okay, these guys are tiny ... around half an inch long.  These I can deal with.  The fly didn't wiggle long.  Dinner is served!!  More like SOUP I'm guessing.

Maybe this is what bit me on my foot.  I now have a nice 1/4 inch wide hole, about 1/8 inch deep.  The skin just melted away.  It's on the mend now, but I might have been someone's dinner!!

Mr. Sun put on a reeeally big sheeew ... anyone remember Ed Sullivan?  I tried to think of things I could do outside that would not result in a heat stroke.  I ended up doing a little more shrub trimming, but it was just too hot, even in the shade.
I did repair a couple of sprinklers since it was pointed out to me I was wasting water on these 90 degree corners with my 180 degree sprinkler heads.  That was no fun at all.  Here is Mr. Cooper inspecting my work.

In no time I headed off for the big meeting.  I've never been to one of these before and honestly didn't have a clue.  Apparently we have over 20 committee chairmen who do things like Drug Awareness programs, Basketball Hoop Shoots, Government relations, Safety and Inspections, Soccer Kicks, Feeding Kids Programs, Accounting and Audits, Challenged Children Programs ... the list goes on and on.  

Each one writes up a report that is submitted to the District V.P. and answers questions regarding their plans for the year.  My first question was WHAT REPORT?  I HAVE TO WRITE A REPORT?  Apparently I didn't get the memo.  In fact, I didn't know I WAS the chairman of the Safety and Inspection Committee until I saw my name in our newsletter.  Last night, I find out it's not even ME (Fifth Year Trustee) ... it's the FIRST year trustee that should be in my hot seat.

Let's face it ... I faked it.  But at least I was honest and said we would do much better NEXT year.

Well that was fun ... sitting there through all those committee reports while slowly roasting like sitting in my Instant Pot.  Over an hour later there was a rush downstairs for dinner ... another ribeye steak, baked potato with all the fixings, green beans with bacon and onion, salad and rolls.  Oh ... and I almost forgot the best chicken wings EVER!!  I was all over it like a spider on a fly!!!

I played accountant adding up all the $20 dinners before heading back upstairs for one of the longest meetings ever.  About halfway through I could feel the heatstroke coming on.  As the "Safety Officer" I went straight into EMT mode.  I took my jacket off and tossed it on the chair.  OH YEAH ... COOL!!

No, it's not copacetic ... but I did it anyway, right in front of the visiting dignitaries.  I will possibly be fired from my Safety Chairman position.  At least that's what I'm hoping!!

The best part of the night ... more than once, we paused to honor those lost in the war on D-Day.  

I got home really late.  Mr. Cooper was waiting with open paws, giving me what-for ... for being gone so long.  I was able to soothe the savage beast with a little ribeye steak!  Two minutes later we were both asleep on the couch!

I'm not really sure what's going on today.  I'm too tired from an 18 hour day and hardly any sleep.  I'm sure I will think of something .... sooner or later!!!


  1. Mr. Ed said wow in high heels. …👠👠Gosh I haven’t worn high heels in a long time.

    1. We are supposed to for lodge nights. It's a pain in the feet!!! I'm thinking of trying out black flats ... just to see if they notice! LOL

  2. Oh I'm proud of you wearing heels. I can't remember the last time I wore a pair. Give me boots any day.
    Stay cool!

  3. Oh Yuk that spider! Too many clothes were expected for the temps LOL Dinner does sound amazing though. Cooper is so cute! :)

    1. They require you dress up in "business attire". It's one of the reasons we go dark in July and August ... no dress up meetings because it's too hot.

  4. That is a California Fattened Jumping Spider, not toxic to humans or dogs (more of a nuisance than a serious threat). Official name is Platycryptus Californicus. So whatever bit your foot it was more likely a Scorpion that hitchhiked from Arizona in your move back, than this spider.

    1. JUMPING SPIDER? Oh great! I thought he was a fine critter until you said THAT!!

  5. And, of course, you had to go back "upstairs" for your meeting...upstairs where it's hotter. Yuck

    1. Yup that's true. The Lodge room does have air conditioning .. it just wasn't working up to par on this night.

  6. Wow what a photo of the spider, I do not like spiders but photos of them are ok. Sounds hot there, and Mr Cooper is so adorable

    1. Me too Joanne ... pictures are fine, but I'd rather not run into them in person!

  7. I had to skip by the spider pix, I'd have bad dreams!!! Heels, I hope they're not spikes!! Ouch!

    1. That spider ... he's tiny Patsy!! Then Dave had to say he JUMPS!! Yikes!!!
