Saturday, June 1, 2024

Know Your Insects!

Well shake a leg my great aunt LOU.  It's JUNE already.  With the heat cometh the insects, so I thought I should pass along this useful information for those of you who have insects crawling and flying around this time of year.  Just a side note ... I only have ants.  Lucky for me, they stay outside.  For those who just happen to live in Canada during the summer .... here you go!!!

As for my ant critters, they might have had a name, but are now buried in the deep recesses of the two plants I finally got planted yesterday morning.  Yes it bit me ... a big one too ... before he went over the rainbow bridge.  No worries, it doesn't itch as much as my back does now from the sunburn.

Back to the day before, the Landscape guy showed up just as the electrician was finishing up.  That phone call I never got?  Apparently I had a HOME phone number for him and my phone thought he was a spammer.  I do NOT have that feature turned on, but nonetheless his calls and messages did not come through. 

I wish he would have fixed everything, but some lights still don't work.  He had a traumatic event recently and it shows.  It's okay, I'll find those lights somewhere and fix them myself.  There are two that aren't working and he did not bring any replacements.

This planting of the two shrubs was a lot of work.  Though I have sand everywhere, they must have hauled in lots of sand with concrete tendencies.  Having been raised on a farm, I know my way around a shovel ... but this was tough work.  It took two hours, one ant bite, one scraped shin and a smashed finger to get them in the ground.  

Being rather close to heat stroke by the time I finished planting, I went inside and online to find a light for my flagpole.  The one on the ground just wasn't working.  I'll try to get this one installed today.  How hard can it be?

After finally getting cleaned up and bandaged, I decided to quilt this baby blanket ... with great trepidation.  I had a couple of glitches with the other one and I didn't want a repeat on something I was selling.  

First two rows ... PERFECT.  Then it stopped dead in its tracks and made terrible noises.  I shut it off.  Oh the terror ... that means getting it to start back up in the SAME SPOT.  I let it think about it for 20 minutes before resetting everything.  OH THE RELIEF when it stitched to the end with no more troubles.  Now to hand sew the binding.

I learned something new when it came time for dinner.  All this time I've been using the WRONG lettuce. Just look at this stuff ... big leaves ... big enough to hold a cheeseburger, a BLT sandwich or even these fajita pork burritos.  Wraps they call them.  Here's the before picture where they placed everything with a pair of tweezers and jazzed up the color.

Here's the REAL version.  I have to admit ... these were really GOOD!!!  I'm buying this kind of lettuce from now on and using it for everything!  You don't even have to wash silverware!!  It's a Win-Win!

One last picture of the lighting before I hit the sack.  It's not so much the ambience, but the fact that there is no street light close to my house.  At least this way I can see if someone is breaking in, you know, in order to fling a few pieces of lead their way.

I'll be back in the yard this morning, since it seems no one has raked the trash out of my flower beds for maybe a year?  That will be a very EARLY morning venture since it's supposed to be up to 92 degrees later today.  Perfect for inside rodeo watching!!  



  1. If all goes right...TUESDAY is the day we get it! ( [take 13K off that listed 'sale' price! and another $2,500 off in dealer fees!]

    1. Dave, I'm so excited for you guys to have a new rig. I may just have to go the same route ... smaller, easier to get into places. I can't wait to see the inside.

  2. Those wraps look amazing!! I love that lettuce and the crunch of it is perfect. The quilt is beautiful, one lucky little princess!

    1. I'm getting into the wrap thing ... NO CARBS!!

  3. Your yard is looking good. Good idea for the flag light I might have to buy one.

    1. Don't buy that one Frances. So far it hasn't worked!!

  4. Your solar light should work well for lighting your flag nice you found one. The wraps and quilt look great and your house looks pretty at night. Good idea to have some solar lights on at night.
    Have a good weekend !

    1. Well ... true to my luck ... I should have bought the more expensive one I guess.

  5. The baby quilt is beautiful. Those lettuce leaves are a good idea. Just wish I could eat lettuce!

    1. I do eat a lot of rabbit food in salads most every day.

  6. Our biggest problem Insect wise is Spiders. They make Webs inside as well as out, so oncoming headlights look like you are hallucinating.
    We saw lots of the Flag Lights like that while in the desert.
    The extra lighting will definitely make things safer.
    What type of Lettuce did you use for your wraps?
    Looks like Dave is getting the itch already.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I have daddy long leg spiders and a few black widows, but they don't bother me ... much! That lettuce is Romaine ... and it's very crunchy!! I love it.

  7. Ugh cockroaches ... luckily I don't have any here ... that I know of anyway.
