Sunday, November 19, 2023

Yo Ho And A Bottle Of Rum!!!

RAIN .... WE GOT RAIN!!  Surprisingly, the torrential downpour for this area never materialized.  It did however, rain quite nicely the entire day.  I haven't looked yet because I got home so late, but I'm hoping my truck got some of the grime washed off.

Meet Barbara and Tom Westerfield.  Sometimes in life you run into some amazing people, and these two are at the top of the list.  After I bought my Class A rig and followed the OTHER couple at the top of the list ... Patty and Dan Chance ... all over Alaska for several months, these wonderful people invited me to follow them clear across the United States.  I would never have done that on my own.   

Barbara is the best navigator there is ... taking us on a course that missed all the tornados raging around us.  She knows more about computer and phone stuff than anyone I know.

All these years later, they have hung up the keys to their rig and purchased a place about an hour south of me.  I haven't seen them in a few years since the flue was going around.  It was time!!!

I drove in the rain the entire way, dodging the crazy drivers right and left.  I was afraid I would miss the turnoff, and of course turned one street too soon.  It was the best corn maze I've ever been in.  I could not find my way OUT.  I finally grabbed my phone and Siri helped me navigate to their door.  

Barbara and Tom have found the perfect place.  It's in a mobile home park, one with much more room than I have seen, and very wide streets.  I wish they had something like that around here.  Once inside, I was in awe of Barbara's decorating skills.  I'm hiring her!!

We made a quick trip next door to meet her neighbor ... Barbara ... and watch the hummers hang out on the feeders in her covered porch.  I was so surprised to see them everywhere!!

Barbara fixed an amazing lunch of tomato soup, garlic croutons, some crunchy bread and cheese.  Wasn't I surprised to find the soup came from Walmart.  WHAT?  That was delicious!!  We talked for the next four hours.  There was lots to catch up on!!  They were two of the instrumental players in the Golden Spike RV Group I'm working with.

Time for the BOIL.  It was practically dark when we left, and thank goodness Barbara was driving.  I was lost after the first turn.  She pulled into a huge outdoor mall area the likes of which I've never seen before.  When did THIS appear?  I spent many hours of my early cowgirl life in this little town and it's not even recognizable now.

This is where we ended up.  Captain Crab.  Looks like Captain Jack Sparrow to me, probably my all time favorite movie.  

Barbara placed the order for us since I had no clue what to get.  Well yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!  THIS is completely amazing.  First you get a big bucket full of bibs and silverware.  Then they bring out the boil.  WOW!!!  Shrimp, LOBSTER, corn, potatoes, sausage ... I couldn't believe my eyes.  

I can't even begin to describe how good this was.  Honestly, I think it's the best meal I've had in my entire life.  That sauce was to die for.  Garlic deliciousness!!  I stuffed myself like never before.  Everything was cooked perfectly ... the potatoes were yummy, the corn sweet ... seriously good stuff.

Once we were full to the brim, they packed up the rest for us to take home.  In spite of my protestations, it ended up in my fridge.  There's enough left for at least four meals.  If you find one of these restaurants wherever you are ... be sure and check it out!!

There's a new rule ... if you have a boil, it must be followed up with ice cream.  Gee ... it just happens there's an ice cream shop next door.  We did two things on our trip to Maine and back ... we ate every bowl of bread pudding we could find to see which state made the best ... and we ate at every ice cream parlor we could find.  One day I think there were FIVE!

By now it was very late, so I said my goodbyes and headed back North.  Traffic wasn't too bad, but driving at night in the rain isn't that fun any more.  It was a GREAT DAY ... and I can't thank Barbara and Tom enough.  I'm so happy they are doing well.  So well in fact, they are going to join a Corvette Club that travels all over the west coast.  I hope I'm that young when I'm their age!!!


  1. What a wonderful day you described! Nothing like spending time with people you truly love and just have fun with.

    1. Especially when you've been missing them for a few years. I was so happy to catch up with them.

  2. So happy you had a nice visit with your friends.
    The food looks delicious!
    Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Our time is coming up Frances. Maybe we can hook up this coming spring.

  3. I remember Tom and Barbara. We were part of the Escapees geocaching group at one time. Oh yes, Barbara knows everything about everything!! The person to go to! Glad you had a great time with them. (They won’t remember us, but I remember them)

    1. Of course we remember you! FRIENDS are friends forever.

    2. Are you kidding? Barbara remembers everyone from her geocaching group!!

  4. You had me at Rum! But now you really have me at lobster and shrimp! That place sounds incredible.

    1. It was just the best ever. Be sure and stop if you ever see one. As for the rum ... it might make a great chaser!!

  5. I also remember Barb. She taught the best geocaching class at the Gypsy Journal gatherings. We weren't beginners so we didn't search but we did go listen to her intro.
    Linda Sand

    1. She not only taught at Gypsy Journal gatherings, but at every Escapee rally across the country!! btw ... I was at a gypsy journal rally in Yuma ... it's where I got my Class A rig!!

  6. Nancy, we should set up a monthly Boil date. Friends and family invited. The more the merrier.

    1. I'M IN!!!! The company was even better than the boil!! You pick the dates and I'll be there with bells on.

  7. An amazing visit. I’m so happy you managed to reconnect.


    1. We always have a good time. As you know, RV people are the best!

  8. Good news, they have Capt Crab in Sacramento...bad news, we are leaving in a week. There is always next visit.

  9. Didn't mention you met Jade

  10. I was really enjoying this blog. But then you mentioned they joined a Corvette Club and I was loving these people even more!

  11. What a wonderful day! Truly great people, I can tell from how you describe them. That BOIL looks amazing, I've never heard of such a thing.

    1. Most customarily served on a spread out newspaper on a picnic table. Probably not enough newspapers anymore!

    2. True ... they usually dump it on paper and you eat with your hands. Well you eat with your hands anyway, but this restaurant gives you a plate. Much better because you can sop up all that delicious juice!!

  12. Glad you were able to meet up with friends. I will have to find a use for "protestations". Has a ring to it. Enjoy the rain.

    1. Hahaha Doug ... maybe on Phrazle! The rain has been really nice.
