Monday, November 13, 2023

Sunday Funday

The temps around here are ratcheting back up.  Just when you think winter has arrived, summer jumps back in the pool for a quick dip.  I know that because almost all my neighbors have swimming pools, and they were ALL enjoying the cool water yesterday.  Maybe I'm missing out, or not, because I've had a pool before and I know just how much work is involved in THAT pastime.

In case you were wondering who else is athlete of the year around here besides the Foxy twins, take a look at this kid.  There are several feral kitties that live in the neighborhood which I admit, I feed quite often.  They keep the mice down, although it appears gophers are not on their menu.  This just amazes me ... and then they just saunter off.  The fox showed up shortly after, so that's probably the reason for the quick escape.

The weather has been good, but it is supposed to end this week.  Honestly those weather guys are never right around here.  It seems they exaggerate absolutely everything.  If you believe them, it's going to be a flooding gully washer of epic proportions.  We should all be building arks for this coming winter.  

So ... in an attempt to actually keep the gutters ATTACHED to my house (they come loose from the weight), I figured I better clean them out.  Really there's only one out front, because I already did the rest.  Here I am, perched on the ladder yet again, with my big flat serving spoon getting all the dirt out of the drains.

People have mentioned those gutter covers, but they don't work here.  This is 50% grit from the shingles and 50% sand blown up when the wind blows.  I might have pulled six leaves out.  I should probably drag a hose up there and clean it good, but it's too heavy and I'm perched too high.  No use tempting fate.

I was finished by 8:00 your time.  I'm surprised that dragging that ladder through the flower beds didn't result in hurting my back, but all is good .... or at least as good as I think it's going to get.  Time for another relaxing cup-o-Joe.

That's when something terrible happened.  I realized I only have 4 cans of my special orange cappuccino coffee left.  After almost 40 years of drinking this wonderful sweet full-of-caffeine delight, they have discontinued it.  I'm sure to go into withdrawal since I've found not one replacement.  Believe it or not, everything is too sweet!!  I'm so sad over this horrible discovery.  Just kidding ... I'm sure there is a substitute out there somewhere.

In other uninteresting news, while sitting on the couch STILL sewing edging, I looked out the window to spot this guy.  Anyone know what he is?  Another nice discovery ... I took this image through a dirty window with my phone ... and he's about 50 feet away.  That's a pretty good phone camera!

I enlarged it to see it better.  What a beauty!!!  Does anyone know what it is?

Yessirree ... still sitting on the couch sewing bindings on these quilts.  This one is from Skagway Alaska.  I picked up enough fabric there to make three quilts (in 2013 I think it was) and have finished only two.  Wasn't I thrilled to find I could order even MORE online!!  You know how it goes, she who dies with the most fabric WINS!!!  What we win, I don't know!!  I just want to be near the front of the line so I can find out.

Sadly, while scrounging around in the sewing room for a special project I have in mind, I found yet ANOTHER quilt that needs binding.  I'm back up to four.  At this point my thumbs are so sore in the joint that they hardly bend.  It's even painful to use my phone!!!  YIKES!  That's a NO NO!!  

And so ended another day with no smoke alarms, no skunks, no corn dogs and no disasters.  Life is good.  


  1. Ugh, cleaning gutters is the worst! Gooey, wet, stinky. As for the creature you are looking for identification on... it is a bird. I am glad I could use some of my expert wildlife knowledge to help you out!

    1. Okay, you made me laugh! Any recommendations for cleaning up that coffee off my keyboard???? LOL

  2. Your quilts are amazing!
    I need to clean my gutters too. It's a messy job for sure.
    I will look around for your favorite coffee. We have a ton of coffee shops here.

    1. I discovered a little too late, the the solar cleaning guy will clean the gutters. He's hired for next year!

  3. Mr. Ed said it’s very easy 🙈if It’s got 2 feet and wings I would take an educated guess and say it’s a bird 🦜
    As for the orange 🍊 cappuccino, ☕️you didn’t mention the brand🤦‍♀️
    But your best bet even if it’s discount, can you purchase it online
    Just make sure you purchase enough for the next 40 years

    1. It's Maxwell House International Orange Cafe. You found it for me last time and I bought all they had. Sadly, my stash is gone.

  4. Looks like a bird to me also! Owls and pigeons here in the city.
    Your quilts are just wonderful ~ beautiful. I don't do tall ladders. Have the landscapers do that for me! Pepsi and extra $$ gets a lot done!

    1. You guys are funny!!! What KIND of bird???? Lucky for us, the pigeons disappeared last year. I found out too late my solar guy will clean the gutters. He's on my payroll now!!

  5. I agree with everyone else. It's a small blue, bird. , likely a female as it's plain. I have a whole book shelf full of identification books I don't need anymore as I"ve learned I've forgotten most of what I used to know.But we have those type of birds around here and it looks like a type of Blue Jay. But to be safe, I'll go with a small blue, bird.

    1. Alright!!!! Small blue bird it is!!!! I'm with you ... I think we probably all knew what it was a few years ago, but we've now forgotten the name! LOL

  6. Replies
    1. And THIS TIME I think you are going to have to try the Orange Cafe that Maxwell House has. That last 'find' on the Internet seems to have lasted you a number of years.

    2. YAY!!! A name, though I've never seen one so fat and healthy, and I didn't know they had white feathers on their chest. As for the Orange Cafe ... yessiree, I bought them out, but alas, it didn't last forever.

  7. Beautiful quilt and cute coffee cup.
