Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Come With Me To The DMV

 Here's a story you're not going to believe.  Everyone knows how notorious the California DMV has become.  Making an appointment has become even more ridiculous than you can imagine.  My get-around was to go to an office out of town.  There are two that are usually very good.  Both are 40 miles away.  That's a lot of very expensive diesel to waste on this endeavor.

At the last minute, I made an appointment at the local office.  This isn't it.  We don't even have the nice sign out front.  In fact, you would miss it completely if you didn't know where it was.

The appointment was for 9:20.  Knowing I was going to be waiting for several hours, I went in 30 minutes early.  I mean really, what's the difference if you have to wait 60 minutes or 90 minutes.  Wow ... there was actually an appointment line with a very happy NICE guy.  I was the first appointment of the day he said.  Not that it mattered, because I knew I was still in for an hours wait because there were 42 people in the room ahead of me.

I sat down next to a nice elderly lady whose husband was trying to get a drivers license renewal.  Never EVER let that license expire.  Illegals can walk in the front door and straight out the back with license in hand.  Everyone else has to jump through hoops, take tests and wait.

Last time I was here with an appointment, it got me nothing.  I still had to wait behind every single person who was already in the room.  I was in complete shock when they called my number after 15 minutes.  COUNTER NUMBER 16 PLEASE.  

I had already scoped out the numbers so I would know where to go.  They only went up to 11.  Wait ... are you sending me straight out the back door???  I was shocked to find out that was exactly it.  In the very back of the building they have put in FOUR more counters.  The girl was very nice and even smiled.  I must be in the wrong place.  This CAN'T be.

I had all my paperwork together, which I did not sign because the CHP told me not to until they asked me. Weird ... because she never asked me to sign anything!  She asked for a weight certificate.  Not required I said ... it was previously registered in California for 12 years.  She asked for the smog certificate.  Hmmm that's sent automatically to your system, yes?  Well that was a NO, and luckily I had stuck it in my purse just in case.  The next thing I know, she hands me three plates.  Two for the truck and one for the trailer.  I was out of there in three seconds!!!

So here we are .... I'm all legal after two months of wrangling.  I think I'm going to order personal plates that say LA LA LA!!!

Back home I found this recipe for lime cheesecake that I forgot to post.  You can go to BiggerBolderBaking.com if you wish.  I changed this recipe up a bit ... I like a little sugar in my crust and 3/4 cup butter is too much.  I went with 1/2.  Zest the 3 limes first to make it easier.

I cut off the directions on making the crust ... just stir it together and smush it in the pan. I use a small springform pan and NO plastic wrap.  I also whip the cream cheese first so it doesn't get lumpy.  Be sure to beat it the entire 4-5 minutes.  Super easy this recipe and quite tasty!!

In the afternoon, happy the DMV saga is over, I called my sweet neighbors and asked for some strong arms to move this table outside.  It has four big leaves and will make a great conference table at the church I'm donating it to.  I was so excited to have this last big piece of furniture out of the house.  I can finally walk down the hallway without squeezing by something.  Woohoo!!

Such a relief ... two big projects out of the way in one day!!!  Just in time for yet another NIGHT OF BINGO!!!

AND ... in case you weren't watching the calendar ... Only 35 more days until CHRISTMAS!!


  1. Congrats on getting your plates....Nancy you accomplish a lot.

  2. Wow, that is amazing. It almost sounded like you were in South Dakota. Except at our county office, they will even fill out the forms if you are confused.

    1. I was pretty surprised. That has never happened before.

  3. Amazing you got in and out that quickly.
    Yay on new plates!
    Enjoy Bingo!

  4. See....California isn't all bad...cough cough

  5. Thanks for the recipe. Nice that you had such an easy DMV trip!

    1. Maybe I just had the right attitude this time! Ha!!!

  6. Hard to believe that was CA! Happy for you!
