Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Nancy's Luck Returns

 Ever have one of those nights?  I think I tend to have more than my share.  There's nothing like fighting the time change ... trying to stay on the OLD schedule, while dealing with California who insists on messing up the entire galaxy.  To make it even better, it's Bingo night.  So let's get to it!  Sunrise is here.

I was finally informed that the reason the Department of Motor Vehicles didn't care about the VIN number on my Jeep is because it's not a commercial vehicle.  All pickup trucks in California are considered commercial vehicles so they can get twice the money out of your pocket.  Trailers are handled the same way.

It used to be a very simple process.  You went to the office, they came out and signed it off.  Done.  Now you have to send out an email request, which happened four weeks ago.  After two weeks of waiting, I got a response, telling me all the information they needed.  I sent a second email.

Another week goes by and I get a response ... and AN APPOINTMENT ... for yesterday morning at 9:00.  Nancy's luck returns.  No one showed up, though I waited for three hours.  I finally called the office to be told ... Oh Gee ... we never do appointments on Tuesdays because it's training day.

Ummmm but I have the email you sent telling me the EXACT date and time.  They were not the least bit helpful and told me all I could do was request yet ANOTHER appointment by email.  I was furious, but what could I do.  I sent another email.  Heck ... I'm just going to keep it registered in Arizona.  There are no CHP officers around here to write up tickets for anything anyway!!

Our next stop ... topping off the day right nicely ... was BINGO!!  Was it a full moon or something?  My Castle Counter of Cards had another very important date, so my Fairy Godmother took over.  Trouble is, she's gone after one hour, and I have 2-1/2 hours of selling to get through.  Oh the pain!!!

I don't know where all the new players are coming from, but there's a lot of them.  Every group that holds Bingo has different papers, different ways of winning and different rules.  Explaining things takes time, which makes the natives restless.  Tempers flare.  

 Most times, that's deflected right to my table.  Why oh why do about ten of them not buy their cards all at once.  They get the buy-in of two cards, then return 3 or 5 times more to get just the one with the winning number. 

 They get on their phone to check their bank and gift card balances in order to spend every penny.  I even heard one gal threaten someone on the phone (I think it was her mother) if they didn't deposit $5.00 in her account.  Wow!!!!

 If you return to buy more of certain cards, you have to bring your receipt with you.  Guess how many don't do that!  The first card costs $5.00 ... every one after that, $2.00. I don't know why because I don't make the rules.  Many will try to say they already paid the $5.00 and want them all for $2.00.  The receipt tells the tale.  It also brings out the animal because they have to go GET the receipt.  

The fight was ON!!  "You KNOW I just bought my cards".  I'm sorry, but everyone has to bring their receipt.  If I let you go by, I'll instantly have ten more people up here doing the same thing.  It's the rules.  You would think I stole her first child.  She threw a nice tantrum, along with her papers.  Not very far, because ... well ... she's no Cy Young or Nolan Ryan, or Blake Snell for that matter.  

She finally got her receipt and stomped off with one more card.  Is it a full moon??  The little problems and complaints continued through the night.  I actually counted ... one lady came back to the table to buy more cards a total of ELEVEN times!!

To top off the night, my usual fabulous corn dog dinner was NOT cooked to perfection.  It was cold in the middle.  Too bad, so sad ... I was left at the table by myself the rest of the night and couldn't get another one.  However ... the M&M's I got from one of the Knights was a sufficient replacement.

The time change kicked in again since it means I'm up at the same time, but Bingo lasts one hour longer.  I didn't hit the sheets until midnight.  Boy oh boy am I tired.  I'll probably take a nice nap ... interrupted many times by checking my email for an appointment from the CHP Office.

I hope you have a wonderful day, NOT filled with Nancy's luck!


  1. Another exciting day in the life of Nancy. I'll bet dollars to donuts that you don't take that much needed nap. You can't sit still long enough! 😘

    1. Oh I have to admit there are days when I sneak in a few winks, but it's something I've never done every day. Maybe I should?

  2. I agree with your friend can't sit still enough for a nap.
    Try to relax kiddo!

    1. Pretty much, but the problem is if I nap, I don't sleep at night, so I try to stay awake!

  3. No problem. I'll take a nap for you. I don't have a problem taking naps.

    1. Why thank you Elva ... I appreciate it very much!

  4. I'm feeling stressed just reading about your day.
    I don't do naps either. Glad I don't have to change clocks anymore! Low maintenance - less stress!

    1. That is it exactly ... we should not be changing clocks. It's stressful on everyone!

  5. Well, at least my sister's luck the new used car registered, and sold the old car (which they bought brand new from Hyundai back in 2005) to a relative of a neighbor here in the cul-de-sac. As for us...our toilet busted last night! Oh, life is so fun...

    1. NOOOOOOO ... well at least you are parked where you can get it fixed!!! Glad the car deal went through!!

  6. I'd be tempted to just keep in registered in AZ as well!

  7. I agree with Patsy...about your day and the I have to say though Elva is really a good friend offering to take a nap for you. Those type of friends are hard to find...😉

    1. I know, right? She's the best!!! I'm hoping maybe she'll even cook for me!!!

  8. Oh my when you have to deal with governments, banks or ministries. They work at their own pace and systems. All good until you want something from them. Hope you get a chance to nap!

    1. That's it exactly Marlene!! The story continues today.

  9. I am amazed you still call California home. I guess so you can run the Bingo games with the wealthy ladies. Enjoy your rest.

    1. Wealthy ladies ... that's funny!!! I do enjoy the people I work with, and my house is here, so there's that!

  10. Did you really expect things to go smoothly? I’m thinking you and I may be related, we both know it won’t go as advertised but we hold out hope and are then so disappointed when it doesn’t go well. Lol.
    Bless the ladies at Bingo, they certainly add spice and spark to your life. Not only do you get to enjoy the entertainment (we all know laugh about it) but also get at least one blog post and tons of comments thanking you for brightening the day and making us chuckle.


    1. Yes ... yes I do Deb! LOL. I hold out hope every day that things WILL go as expected! That way I can laugh when they don't!
