Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Where Did All This Stuff Come From?

 I guess we all do it ... gather up stuff we just have to have when we are younger.  We display it all over our houses from top to bottom, filling every nook and cranny.  Then we have to move.  

I mean really, just how many pieces of driftwood have I thrown away!!  

Just like this squall that came in yesterday, it's time to clean up.  My big garbage can outside was full an hour after they emptied it.  It's full again and I now have two bags waiting in the wings, plus a truckload of junk in the garage.  I called the recommended guy to haul it all off, but he has not returned my calls.  I guess my realtor is going to earn her money.

As I'm sure you all know, when you sell a house with a septic system, you have to have it pumped and certified that it is working.  I knew it was, but I was on pins and needles.  I won't tell you what this cost, but the labor was $90 an hour.  I showed them where the lids were, but they are 3 feet deep, meaning lots of digging and dollars.

Yes the smell is less than rosy, but back in my construction marriage days, we pumped tanks and installed systems among other things, so I'm used to it.  Besides, once you've smelled several dead cows on the ranch, this is a breeze because you learn how to breathe through your mouth and not your nose.

There was another $110 fee to email the results to the County.  It just boggles the mind.  Anyhoo ... I continued packing stuff here and there.  The stack of stuff in the sewing room that will be donated to In Joy in Tucson, got bigger and bigger.  Where did all this stuff come from??

I'm hoping I can actually make it up the hill pulling my fifth wheel with all the quilts in it, along with small boxes of things I stuffed in the cupboards.  I tried to imagine eight quilts equalled one Prince Charming.  I'll be the one with six big trucks behind me honking because I'm going so slow.

The hummers were out in force, even surprising the pump guys with their antics.  You would think they would just sit down and eat ... but no, they have to fight for the territory I guess.

Thankfully, my system passed inspection, whereupon I headed right on out for lunch.  I had a truckload of donations to the local Thrift Store to drop off before hitting up Dairy Queen.  Certainly not the best meal I've ever eaten ... I should have gone with the extra crispy chicken ... but it was okay.  Even the blizzard wasn't up to par this trip.  What's up with that?

By 2:00 we were beat.  Dan stopped by to check out how much we needed to load and bring an extra roll of packing tape.  I had been calling around trying to get a little help with 3 big pieces of furniture, to no avail.  At long last my realtor said her 26 year old son-in-law could come help ... and she will too.  Now that's going above and beyond!!!

Finally ... time for dinner.  I completely forgot to head to the store and scrounged up a box of Mac & Cheese in the rig.  But wait .... I packed all the pots and pans.  Luckily I had one in the rig, so in no time dinner was served ... out of the pan, because I packed all the dishes.  Today I'll hit up Panda Express for a four meal box ... you just need a fridge and a microwave.

At long last, exhausted, I couldn't wait to fall in bed, except wait ... where are my PJ's?  I scoured the house.  They were nowhere to be found.  I must have used them to wrap up SOMETHING.  It sucks getting old!!

I actually think I'm done with packing.  I see lots of blue strips hanging on the cupboards.  That's what I do, use post-it notes torn in half and stuck on the cupboards that are empty so I don't keep opening the doors.  

Over the next couple of days I'll clean out the fridge and finish sewing this last quilt binding.  Every so often I walk around and designate something ELSE to be donated.  No use taking all this stuff to California, just to have it live in the garage.  


  1. When we lived on the lake in Wisconsin we could not have a septic field that close to the water so we had a holding tank that had to be pumped every month. What I will never forget about that was the guy pumping it out was holding the hose in one hand and the sandwich he was eating in the other. Totally gross but I guess you get used to it!

    1. Yup it's disgusting, but really, if you breathe through your mouth, you never smell a thing. It's the nose that gets you.

  2. Nancy, I am just catching up on my reading of blogs. I couldn't believe my eyes for a milli second, such a surprize, but do understand. If I wasn't 2000 miles away, I would be there in a heart beat to help. You have our thoughts, prayers and all the best for the sale and move. Hoping and looking forward to seeing you in Quartzsite this winter. Take care and be safe.

    1. Thank you so much Bill!! I was pretty shocked at this decision myself. I will definitely see you in Quartzsite!!

  3. Nancy you have been a busy girl. Praying for a safe trip and a quick sale on your house.

  4. I feel your pain about moving as we just moved up to Wickenburg from the Valley.. Sad to hear you are leaving AZ as I enjoy your Weather reports out of east Tucson ( and all the other antics). However, having had 2 homes, I can appreciate the decision. Throughly enjoy your posts. Kathi

    1. Thank you Kathi ... you'll still hear about the weather from Tucson. I'll be visiting often!! I've always wanted to check out Wickenburg.

  5. $110 to email the results! Ah, what's another $1,000?

    Be sure to check the looks to me like everything has reopened already, but I am not sure the route you all will be taking.

    1. I usually head up 95 out of Q to Needles, then west. Not so many really steep hills that way. I'm definitely NOT going the LA route unless it's last resort.

  6. Went back and caught up on your blog. You move fast when the time comes. Good luck with the everything including the weather.

    1. Thank you Doug. I would have taken longer, but schedules require quick moving.

  7. One day in Tombstone and the next ~ you're selling the house.
    You decided fast ! Yes, will miss the critter cam and sunsets.
    I'm staying in Az. ~ will await your return! Safe trip back to Cali.

    1. It actually took me quite a while to make the decision, I just never talked about it on my blog. See you soon!!

  8. I am sad to see that you are moving out of AZ. I have grown accustomed to checking your noted on the weather and rain to see how things are going there. Will miss the critters. But change is constant…. Safe travels (KathyN)
