Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Short and Sweet

 Well short anyway ... I made it to the house in California about 10:00 in the morning.  Dan pulled in with the truck about 5:00 pm.

Here's Cooper and I stuffed in the chair in Bakersfield where we spent the night.  It was a long drive, but a good one.  Not a single accident, or even a NEAR accident.  Even the truck drivers stayed off my back end and gave me room to breathe.  That's a first!!

It's dark at 5:00 in the morning and all I could think about was the hurricane crossing over Florida.  It turned out to be a big one and is currently slamming into the coast.  I'm praying for everyone there.

We walked about a bit, but not much.  This old body is a little sore around the edges and could use some rest.  Cooper insisted, so we made one trip down the shady side to find the trees covered in oranges.  Obviously not ready yet, they should ripen in December and January.

That's it.  Well almost ... I got home to find my electric gate opener wouldn't open.  I put a new battery in the control, but nothing.  I parked my trailer outside and up close to the gate to stay out of Dan's way with the truck.

When he arrived, he parked the U Haul, slapped a lock on it and we chowed down on Panda Express.  YUM ... I left the second yum off because they forgot to give me the teriyaki sauce to go with the teriyaki chicken.

We MIGHT have had some nice ice water to go with it, but my ice maker refused to work.  Just my luck, right?  I found a local repair guy who says he will be by this morning ... when we are unpacking.  I couldn't say no because I might not ever find anyone else to show up.

And so it goes ... half the unloading help will be here at 7:00 ... the other half may not show up at all.  We shall see!


  1. The trip went well for you and now you have to find places for everything. But you are so organized you will have everything whipped into shape in no time.
    You have amazed me with how fast everything happened.

    1. Me too!!! I can't believe it went that fast. Now I've got a month of sorting to do!

  2. Thank God you and Dan made it safely to Merced.
    Husband says to check breaker on gate and check to see if it has a reset button.
    Praying for everyone in Florida.

    1. Aha ... there may be one inside. I changed the battery, but nothing so far. I can hear it trying, but gate doesn't open.

  3. Glad all went smoothly on the road home. I think a little checking would get that gate working and don't forget Miss Google😁

  4. Our condo and our community fared real well through the Hurricane. Lots of wind, rain, but my cameras show the condo did fine...I can only assume the other condos fared as well, I think they did. Remember last year we 'ran' from Hurricane Ian, ended up in Perry Florida in a Walmart...well, this Hurricane nearly took poor Perry out. LOTS of damage there. The sponge docks in Tarpon Springs flooded, but that is common...after all, it is 'the docks', right on the Anclote River. But I have not seen the water this high before, but I have only been around for 10 years or so.

    1. I watched every second as it passed by your house. I'm so glad it missed you. That was one big storm!!

  5. Good news that arrival was smooth and timely. After the trip to the airport, I would have to take to my bed for a week. maybe even before making the trip to the airport. Call an uber or lyft of something for that poor man who was so brave with the Uhaul. Your energy amazes me.

    1. I'm lucky to be healthy and pretty strong. Hard work like this makes me even stronger. Believe me, I plan on couching sitting a bit over the next few days.

  6. Duh. That was me writing about your energy.

  7. Great news to hear your home safe and sound!!
    You have been thru a lot...... hope to hear your
    taking some rest times.
    It’s always nice to be home.
    Linda a.

    1. I admit it's a big relief to be here in one piece.

  8. Great to hear that you arrived home safe and sound. Good suggestions on the gate. Get settled in and then relax. Take care Nancy.

    1. Thank you Bill. I'll relax AFTER I fix the gate! LOL

  9. Short and boring is good. I'd take that over short and filled with terror!

  10. Glad you arrived safely, all of you. Too bad about the gate but you'll get it fixed! Cute pix of Cooper snuggled beside you in Bakersfield.
