Sunday, September 8, 2024

Visiting The Dairy

 Oh yeah ... we heated right back up yesterday, like an oven cooking a turkey for 7 hours!!  I kept telling myself to stay inside ... it was just too hot, but inside was pretty boring.

Completely off topic, this proves that there are really nice people in the world.  This is Len from the Elks Lodge.  He's a Veteran and the Lodge Treasurer, who also serves on the Honor guard that conducts ceremonies for our Veterans.  I'm pretty sure he spends more time at the Elks Lodge than anyone.  

He's a diehard Dodgers fan, which is why I took this picture to PROVE that he drank from a San Francisco 49'ers beer glass .... only because the San Francisco GIANTS are his major rival.  Blackmail don't ya know!!  He also attends every single meeting of every variety, even if it's every day of the week.  He and his wife are two of a kind.

Yes I went to my eye appointment, but that's for later.

While it was relatively cool inside, I finished up this quilt.  As you can see, there's a little too much room between the two patterns.  It was hard to get them perfectly set in the exact spot I wanted without distorting the pattern.  No one will notice.

Except for a quilter I suppose, but as long as it's Cooper approved, it good for me.  It's so funny, every time I put a quilt on the floor to take a picture, he does this stretching thing!!  I guess it's his seal of approval.

Okay, time to get on the road again ... just a shorty trip ... to keep the chassis batteries up.  Yeah I could hook up a trickle charger, but honestly, I need the practice.  I thought to unhook and just drive off, but the windshield was so extraordinarily dirty, I had to try and clean it up a bit.

Yeah ... all dressed up with a hose and a window washer thingy trying to reach to the nether regions of the roof.  There was no way that was going to work.  It really needed a bath.  I can't believe how much dirt clings to this thing.  I really needed a ladder, but didn't want to do this on such a hot day.  I grabbed a towel, stood on the floor of the van and hung on for dear life out the door, trying to reach at least PART of the glass.

Good enough ....... I'm getting better at knowing what needs to be put away and what buttons to push.  Off I went, not having a CLUE where I was going.  I kept seeing a nursery on Facebook that's just a few miles away.  Only open on weekends, so I didn't expect much.  

I drove down the dirt road covered in trees, hoping nothing got torn off the top of the van until I found the tiniest of parking lots along with a HUGE old barn.  Instantly I knew this was a dairy at one time.  The path into the barn was completely overgrown with vines and trees.  There was lots of "stuff" stacked everywhere, smothered in dust and spider webs.  

Kind of creepy, but two very nice folks were manning the counter.  I brought along a sample of gazanias that have some kind of white stuff growing on them to see if they knew what it was.

THIS however, is what I was REALLY after.  I saw it on Facebook and had to have it!  

Come to find out, I went to grammar school with these folks.  Frances, do you remember the Mancebos?  This dairy was on Applegate, not far from yours and they both remembered your family and mine.  I bought two more cows just for good measure.

After paying for everything, including some spray for my plants, all of which was half off, I spent a few minutes helping her get the debit card machine to work.  Come to find out, she had about 35 apps open on her phone, which took up too much data for the machine to work.  CLOSE THOSE APPS folks!  Another gal showed her how to get rid of them since she had the same kind of phone.

I must admit, shopping with the van is not like shopping with the truck.  I had a little trouble figuring out where I was going to put everything.  Off again down the dusty dirt road, I headed back home.  Suddenly it appeared before my eyes.  The van turned in of its own accord.  

Anyone recognize this place??  Oh yeah ..... Habit Burger.

I hesitated at the big picture of a pesto chicken sandwich hanging over the counter.  My jaw dropped.  

Okay, I'll try it.  I was completely surprised when I got home to find this HUGE sandwich.  Sourdough grilled on a pile of parmesan cheese, filled with basil pesto sauce, tomatoes, lettuce, and parmesan encrusted chicken, grilled to perfection and juicy as could be.

$11.00 was the asking price.  I'm pretty sure I will be down there at least once a day.  Good grief this was DELICIOUS!!!  I'll order it over a char burger any day of the week.

Now full to the brim, I had a mind to wash the van.  That went away in a flash when I felt the heat outside.  I did however, park it the other way around.  With much less window space facing this direction, it should stay a bit cooler inside.  And maybe, just maybe, less dirty??  Of course this means BACKING out the narrow gate, so we'll see how that goes.  

As for the VERY early morning eye appointment, I did make it in and out in a flash.  I was home by 9:30.  A surprise, this office now makes glasses.  I'll get into that tomorrow.  It will be controversial, I'm sure.


  1. Yes Nancy I remember the Mancebos...small world...I just love those cows I'm jealous.
    Stay out of the heat!
    It cool off to 99 here...still hot for the coast.
    Happy Sunday!

    1. I remember the Ivestors because they lived closer to me. I think it's finally going to cool off ... I mean really, it's almost OCTOBER!!

  2. Len is enjoying a big mug. Glad your eye appointment went well. Hope mine goes well too. Stay out of the heat. We're having a cold spell here.

    1. Cold spell? What's that??? LOL. Good luck with your appointment!

  3. Take one of your less desirable quilts, attach magnets to it and use it to cover the outside front window(s). When you want to go somewhere, take it off and hang it up in your covered storage area and your windows will stay free from "storage dirt".

    1. Dave, you are a genius!! And I just happen to have some magnets. I'm going to try it today!!!

  4. I love the welcome sign. It's perfect. A couple of days ago Jerry was checking out something on my phone. He told me I had too many apps

    1. All those open apps make your phone very slow when you really want it. I close them probably ten times a day!!

  5. That is a nice welcome sign. Good for you to take the RV out for a spin. Amazing the amounts of quilts you have, when do you have time to work on all of those?

    1. It's not so much having time, it's that I can't sit still for long without having something to do!!

  6. I've recently learned to close apps too.
    Nice welcome signs!

    1. You might try that sandwich Patsy ... it's got sourdough!! I'm going to try the cheese on the outside trick with a grilled cheese sandwich. I bet that would be tasty too!
