Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Skills ... I've Got Skills

What a day ..... WHAT A DAY!!  Some days you should just stay in bed.  But alas, I'm always up early with my kid that keeps me going every single day.   

So there I was, enjoying my fake coffee, relaxing on the couch while trying to figure out what pattern to stitch on the latest quilt.  I just wasn't in the mood ... lazy comes to mind, but maybe too distracted by the brain games we play in the morning.  Some times the answer comes in a flash ... some times they take hours.

That's when I got the call.  The Elks Lodge secretary has a family emergency in of all places ... TEXAS.  We have no one ... and I mean NO ONE ... who can do the work, or even knows the slightest thing about what the work actually IS.  I've got secretary skills, and unfortunately, too many people know it.

Big sigh ... the problem is I'm the only one who is retired.  Everyone else already HAS a job.  And so I drove down to the office to see exactly what needed to be done to keep the office open.  Closing it is not an option.

My first suggestion, maybe we can hire our OLD secretary back for a couple of weeks, went over like a lead balloon.  Shot down completely with a dirty look included for good measure.  Okay OKAY!!!  I'll do what I can, but I'm RETIRED and I'm not working ALL DAY LONG!

The worst part is the convoluted way new member signups and initiations are handled.  They could not make it more complicated, and of course the initiation is next week.  Follow that up with getting the newsletter out ... another complicated process due to the requirements of the Post Office ... and I have my work cut out for me.  At least I know how to open the mail!!

For even more fun and games, I went to my first Quilt Guild meeting last night.  I'm truly not a "club" person, especially when I only know ONE person there.  I arrived on time, met some nice ladies and picked a seat at a table right in front of the fan.  It seems the AC wasn't working.

Oh wait ... I have TWO friends here.  Diane, the special quilter of the quilt show and Anne, who has done lots of quilting for me in the past.  They even provided dinner before going over the entire quilt show.  Wow am I ever impressed with the amount of work it took to put on that show.  How do they have time to quilt???

All the rest was too boring for a blog, except for THIS girl.  I'm guessing she's 20-something?  She designed and made this quilt herself, and will be featured in one of the latest and greatest quilting magazines.  This girl has talent.  Let's face it ... you are either a math person or a language person.  Language people seem to be SO artistic.  I'm a math person, so that explains a lot.

I went home a little more motivated to try new quilting things, until I remembered it's BINGO night.  From here on out, I guess I'll be holding down a chair at the lodge for maybe 5 hours a day.  It's going to be an exhausting week of figuring out computer programs, a night lodge meeting in the big town of Sonora, and more work which hopefully just includes answering the phone to say "I have no idea"!!

The good part of all this is I get free lunch ... and maybe I'll even get PAID!!!


  1. Nancy your plate is full and running off the edges.
    Hope you can sleep well at night !
    Good Luck

  2. With all that you do for the Elks Lodge they might just put you on the payroll! You certainly keep busy. Lovely photo of Cooper, so sweet!

  3. OMG girl that's a lot of work for you. I know my cowgirl friend can do it but you still have a lot on you.

  4. Ok mom, time for a doggie runner stroller (yesterday's blog).

    And WHY would they not let the old secretary, who knows the job, come back for a couple of weeks??? That just does not make sense.

    So we got home on Monday, which is the HOTTEST Sept 23rd in the history of Tampa Weather keeping! Don't even ask what the humidity is. And now ... is the hurricane going to come our way, or bypass us...we might be on the road again very early Thursday morning if it looks that bad.

  5. Amazing how they knew you would do the work. It might be time to take that next trip.
    That quilt has an interesting design.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your lunch.

    It's about time.

  6. I hope you get paid enough for filling in
