Thursday, September 19, 2024

Jake ... From State Farm

I woke up this morning ... that's a plus!  Try as I might to get excited about the day, it just didn't materialize.  I admit though ... the lovely 64 degree mornings are WONDERFUL.  No worries, Mother Nature is scheduling another hot flash next week.  Back up to the 90's we will be.

There's nothing better than starting out the day with INSURANCE.  It's something I detest.  All that money paid out for absolutely NOTHING.  Oh wait ... I did have one minor claim when the hurricane-like winds blew down my fence at a time when lumber was $20 a foot.  The bid of $8,000 garnered me a big check of $1500 from the Insurance Company.  No wonder people hate them.

As I'm sure you know, this is JAKE ... from State Farm.  It always shocks me to walk in their tiny-house office and see him standing there ... a cardboard cutout that looks so real it's scary!

And so began my Insurance Lesson 101.  I learned something on this day ... how to hate California and PGE even MORE than I already do.  Here's the scoop from the horses mouth.

PG&E provides electricity to California.  Instead of repairing the old lines and equipment, they gave all their top employees HUGE salaries and HUGE bonuses, along with making their investors happy.  It has been PROVEN that their old equipment started many fires, including the one that burned down an entire town.  

Insurance companies paid out huge amounts from all those losses from their reserve accounts.  You see, the state law requires them to keep X number of dollars in their reserve account.  Having paid out HUGE amounts, they now are required to replenish their reserve account or the State would put them out of business.

PG&E of course refused to pay for all the damage they caused.  The insurance companies sued them, but the State of California said ..... oh poor PG&E ... they should not have to pay for all that ... and the insurance companies got pennies on the dollar.  Now their reserves are below the minimum threshold.

In order to bring them back up to what is required by law ... because even though PG&E doesn't have to follow the law, insurance companies DO .... they have raised their rates through the roof to try and stay in business.  That of course included a threat to LEAVE California if the State didn't help out.

At this point the State said too bad.  Lucky for me, State Farm is NOT leaving the state, and even though my insurance costs are high, they are not as high as others.  Speaking of which, here's the OTHER problem.  I used to put it out to bid every few years in order to get a good price.  I DID get a good price for the first year ... then they almost doubled it the second year.  And so, it's better to stay where I am.  At least they didn't cancel me.

We went through everything, deleting things like rental cars (I have 3 vehicles, so I don't need that coverage), tow service (I have AAA), deductibles (we raised them), but then the talk of electricity got around to my solar panels.  They were never included in my policy.  In the end, I actually saved a couple hundred dollars a year.

On the other hand, it's absolutely crazy that my truck insurance costs as much as my HOUSE insurance.  Here's the scoop on THAT.  Because of the current Bidenomics economy and outrageous cost of everything, repair shops are charging double and triple what they used to, including those ridiculous wages California is requiring.  

Since there are less law enforcement vehicles around with all the defund the police nonsense, people just drive any way they want, including all those folks brought in from other countries who don't know how to drive AT ALL ... causing more accidents than ever before that insurance companies have to pay for.  Remember if the guy at fault has no insurance, YOUR insurance pays for the damage to your car.

Not that I have any love for insurance companies, but I see their point.  And so ended my appointment with all four policies costing LESS than when I walked in the door.  Thanks Jake ... from State Farm!

The day ended with a beautiful sunset, something we don't see much of around here.  I breathed a sigh of relief that I don't have to think "insurance" for another year.

What??  No quilt pictures??  Why yes ... I did do some sewing late in the day, but I'm gearing up for a night of audits and accounting, followed by a Safety Inspection.  Oh yes ... the Elks lodge is under the scrutiny of their BOSSES.  It's going to be another long night!!


  1. Beautiful sunset!! 68 here this morning~FINALLY!!

  2. Sunset picture is gorgeous.
    Insurance can be a royal pain...the cost is just ridiculous.
    Have a good Thursday!

  3. That! I'm at the point that I'm happy we can still get home insurance. Paradise CA...the town PGE burnt down will never be the same. Many that stayed are still struggling.

  4. The cost of insurance is becoming out of the budget of many people which is why some don't have it, car insurance is a must but hard for some to afford
