Sunday, September 29, 2024

Out On The Town!

 I've been watching lots of videos of South Carolina after the last hurricane.  Those beautiful mountains had so much rain that many areas were completely flooded.  All those lovely RV parks and resorts next to the rivers are gone.  It is utter devastation in many places.  My prayers go out to all of them.

That made me feel pretty bad as I sat in my nice warm kitchen making breakfast.  If I am facing a flood, it's a flood of this pure maple syrup from Canada.  It doesn't make Cooper very happy since it's not on his "edible" list, but it makes me smile with every single bite.

Truly, this was a day of rest for me.  The only thing on my list was pick up my new prescription and get a few groceries.  It took all of two seconds for that to be waylaid.  It's Saturday and everyone got paid for the month.  Walmart and Target parking lots are full to the brim.

I was headed to Tar-sjay for the pills that the doctor said to get from the cheap guy Mark Cuban.  Too bad for me, the office called the script in to Tar-sjay.  Instead of $5.90, it was $35.90 WITH my discount.  Any other shopping was out of the question due to the huge crowds.

By the time I got out of there, it was noon.  NEVER go to town when you are hungry.  I drove around scoping out the location of the big event I was to attend as a representative of the Elks Lodge.  It happened to be just across the street from KFC!!!  

I mean just look at this beauty!  It's a HUGE bun and the chicken is even bigger!!  Remember, I try these things so you don't have to.  Except for the overabundance of mayo, it was fabulous.  I admit, I do like the SPICY chicken better, but this really hit the spot for $7.00.

I figured I might as well bite the bullet and try this one for you also.  This is Mac n cheese with nuggets, a $5.00 item.  I haven't eaten it yet.  It's for lunch today, so I'll report later.  AND they now have a chicken pot pie for $5.00.  I'll try that next time.

In what seemed like minutes, I was off to the El Capitan Cheer Squad dinner to raise money for them to fly to Florida for the championships.  This is a Bingo charity item.  Almost anything that involves kids, gets a help out from us.   

We always buy the whole table, then pass the tickets out to any member who wants to attend.  The problem arises when they do NOT attend ... as they didn't on this night.  Four folks did not show up.  That's a no-no, so guess who won't be getting any more tickets.  

Those of us who did show up were surprised to find appetizers and wine on our table.  Woohoo!!  Drinks were extra, so I just had coke.  As we waited for dinner, the band serenaded us with the loudest music I've ever heard, out of amps taller than me.  It's an old building with absolutely NO acoustics, so you can imagine we were screaming at each other across the table.

There was a live auction for these items ... sad that you have to bid for graduation tickets because they only allow 4 per family.  I'm not sure if the cake comes with it or not.  

Want to have a big party?  This one gets you 100 jello shots, a big bottle of booze and a crazy candy cake.

There were more, but as you can see, the men were not impressed.  By the way, our wine was Red Portugal (??).  I declined on that one.

Dinner was amazing.  We were supposed to eat at 6:00.  We got ours at 7:00 and were the first to be served since we donated a chunk of moolah.  NICE!!  Smoked tri tip, Mac n cheese, the best green beans I think I've ever had and a salad with everything in it but the kitchen sink.  YUM!!  

The bad part was it was way past 8:30 before the last folks got served.  I'm not sure what the problem was, possibly that only one waitress was serving over 120 folks. 

There was also a silent auction with many baskets full of great stuff.  It was suggested maybe we could bid on this one made by a particular girl so she could get credit since she's one of the cheerleaders.  No problemo!!  I'm really good at silent auctions when it isn't my money!!  

Of course we won, but I had a terrible time getting this huge thing out the door.  It's a baby basket for a new mom.  None of us know any new moms, but I'm sure we will find someone.

Except for the boom boom boom of the really REALLY loud music, we had a great time.  I'm pretty sure us old folks were the first ones out the door at 9:00.  Oh my gosh ... the quiet was SO nice!!!

I actually have a do-nothing day today, then it's back to work tomorrow.  I foresee that my hours will be shorter every day.  Just don't tell the boss!!


  1. If I were a member and had a ticket to go to these events, I sure would attend, loud music or not, the food and auction looked good.

    1. Boy, that food looked good...but there is no way I could hear you with all that music going so loud!!! (I am assuming it was THAT music all the way back in California that I heard out by the bank last night. They drive up, music blaring, get out to use ATM as our windows shake...yes shake at the bass being up full blast!)

  2. Yum...tri tip. What made the green beans so good?
