Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Bingo Bingo .....

It was a nice calm, quiet night.  Too bad my eyes just would NOT shut.  It's okay, I'll try to make up for that today around noon!!  

I spent much of the morning watching the weather be weird.  Much of western Canada is under stormy skies while we lounge around in the 90's.  In the meantime, I've heard tales for two days of a massive storm heading right for Florida.  I didn't see much of it at all until this morning, but there is no spinning ... so far anyway ... the telltale sign of a hurricane.  I've got my fingers crossed for Dave, who just arrived home, only to pack for an emergency exit.  

I tried very hard to rest up all day long before the 2:30 onslaught of Bingo and all things Trustee in the office.  That worked until I got an invitation for lunch.  Who could turn down a great meal in the best Mexican restaurant in town?  

Then I made a mad dash back to the house to make sure Mr. Cooper was set for the night.  As I got near the back door, he was howling the saddest sounds I've ever heard.  He was SO LONELY!!  I hung around as long as I possibly could before heading back out to the Magic Castle.

 Into the lions den I walked.  That's when I found out that my first day on the job will be tomorrow and NO ONE will be there but me.  Wait, WHAT??  I don't think I signed up for this!!  The good news is I have not one, but TWO help line numbers on speed dial.  This should be fun, yes?

I went downstairs to set up, but there was so much grumbling and complaining going on about how much money THAT person spent and how THAT one always wins, that I made a U-turn and went right back up to hide in a quiet corner of the building.

Soon it was time for that favorite neck throttling game of Bingo.  Things went quite well.  We ran out of programs which tell you exactly what you need to win, meaning many folks had to SHARE (the dreaded word in Bingoland), we ran out of speed bingo cards, we ran out of register tape, and we forgot to get our life breathing COCA COLA before we opened.   

Here's the thing ... if you want to win, you have to spend LOTS of moolah and not care one bit if you lose it or not.  THOSE folks are the ones that win.  I don't think it's the crazy amulet you wear every week or the color of dobber you use.

As you can see, it's just as stressful on the caller!!  When you scream BINGO, a worker runs over to the table and reads a number off your card.  How it works, I don't know, but the machine knows if that is a good bingo or not.  There were EIGHT winners, and as you can tell, he has already pulled out much of his hair!!  They got $31.00 each.

The gal?  She's one of the lucky ones.  I don't know how much she spends every week, but she goes to at least four other places to play.  She won over $1,000 at our Bingo alone.  I rub her shoulder every chance I get, hoping some of her good luck will rub off on me.  Just kidding ... she's a great lady and a good friend.  This is big business because overall she will pick up $2-3,000 a week playing Bingo.  Pretty crazy.

Luckily there were no fights on this night and no hair pulling, but a LOT of complaining about SHE WON AGAIN??  The infernal machine was pretty nice to me at the end, just in time to find out that the extra BACKUP infernal machine ... should this one lose it's programming ... was unplugged long enough to completely lose it's mind.

In a poof of smoke, it became a blank canvas.  Big sigh ... there are only two people who know how to program it.  I'm one ... and the other is in Chicago.  

I'm sure I can find time to do that ... NOT ... while I'm in the office on my first day as Secretary ... ALONE.  Oh boy ... this is going to be just peachy as I explain I DON'T HAVE A CLUE HOW TO DO THAT.

But FIRST ... let's get all dressed up and head out of town to another Lodge for THEIR audit.  My ride however is sick ... on antibiotics he said.   YIKES ... sorry, but there's no WAY I'm riding with you!  I'll take my OWN car.  I would cancel, but this one has already been paid for ... so I'm kind of stuck.

It should be an interesting few days!!!  If you don't hear from me, it's because I ran screaming off into the forest!!!


  1. Within four hours it is suppose to be a Hurricane...24 hours later is suppose to be a category 3, which they consider a major hurricane. Good news for far the path is going far enough off the coastline that we should only be looking at Tropical Storm winds, but the "spin" will toss a bunch of water to the east before it moves far enough north that the wind then moves it out to the west. Good news is that this massive storm is going to be a fast moving storm, so it doesn't just sit there and dump water for days. By this time Friday, it should be winding down in our area. I think we are just going to ride this puppy out here at the condo.

    1. I can see you getting hit pretty good with a big storm. Hang on tight to that condo!

  2. Praying for Dave to be safe !
    Have a good Wednesday!

  3. I give you lots of credit for heading back to Bingo every week! Not my thing for sure!

    1. I have lots of friends there now, but one of these days I'll probably quit so I can get back to traveling more.

  4. Wow. These "Nancy days" are getting worse!

  5. At least you have a good getaway vehicle. :)
    Linda Sand

  6. Reading this makes me wonder why some people act the way they do

    1. Isn't it funny? I think because it involves money. Truly most of the players are very nice people.
