Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Oh my goodness ... Mother Nature's hot flashes are back with a vengeance.  We got up to 103 yesterday.  Someone throw some ice on that girl!!!  It really makes you want to call in sick.  I tried to stave off that thought by consuming lots of sugar from the last of the goodies from THAT store in Utah.  

It's funny because I just saw these at the bakery counter in MY grocery store, which tells me they buy them in bulk and bake in-store.  And here I thought they actually MADE them.

I quilted some more, getting one side done before attempting the bottom border.  After many minutes of setting it up, I hit the GO button.  NOOOO ... STOP!!!!!  Okay, so I forgot to flip the pattern upside down.  That led to an hour of picking out threads so tiny I could hardly see them.  No one ever said quilting wasn't fraught with trouble.

The end plan was simple.  I'll call the Elks Lodge and tell them I'm just too sick to attend the first lodge meeting after going dark.  I don't know about other places, but around here it's just too hot to have any meetings in June, July and August.  Now is the time we start back up.  It's 103 out and I don't want to wear  nylons and a heavy jacket.

That's when I got the call.  Two of the OTHER trustees are out of town.  RATS!!  My plans went up in flames.  And so I ended up with this nice New York steak sitting in front of me.  Crusty on the outside, red in the middle.  Perfect!

I actually did have it on a plate at on time, along with cheese sauce broccoli and some fancy named red potatoes.  There was enough garlic on those potatoes to choke a horse.  I ate every one.  I love broccoli, so that was a very nice change from the usual green beans that are either so overdone they turn to mush, or they are raw.  The steak I saved for later, to share with Mr. Cooper.  Wow ... best New York steak I've had in a long time!

With dinner over, it was time for the raffle.  There is ALWAYS a raffle.  $20 for dinner and $20 to throw away because I never win.  That gets expensive after awhile, so on this day I declined.  There was however, a Major General (for real) guy who no kidding, looks like he's 30 years old.  He's retired.  I wish I had his genes.  Anyhoo ... he could not stay and asked if I could "watch" his tickets.  

Sitting on the giveaway table were twelve special edition red white and blue GOLF ball caps.  Sadly, I didn't get a picture.  That is all he was interested in ... a beautiful ball cap.  When I heard that number called, I was shocked.  WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!  Okay, not really me, but I had the winning ticket.  

The Major General would be thrilled to learn he won a ball cap.  Along with it came this slicer/dicer.  I asked if I could keep it, and he said SURE since I was his proxy, whatever that meant.  

Woohoo!!  And so here it is in all its glory.  It's a really nice HEAVY one that will last a lifetime, or at least until I get tired of finding a place for it to live and I donate it back.  I wonder what I can make that will require its use?

It was SO late when I got home and SO early when I had that appointment to get my glasses that I was late.  They don't appreciate late, but they got me in in spite of my transgressions.  I'm still trying to catch up on sleep, so I'll relay that story tomorrow.  Suffice to say my wallet is a LOT lighter.


  1. No, no, no BS on your optometrist part

    If You had an ( eye exam )and the doctor writes the numbers on a piece of paper that’s considered a prescription. You are Definitely entitled to it BY LAW Before you walk out the door Eye health exam has nothing to do with it.
    The Eyeglass Rule, implemented in 1978, requires doctors to provide patients with their prescription immediately after their exam, “even if the patient does not request it.”
    Whether you pay for it, or Medicare pays for it. Is Irrelative.

    Glasses prescriptions typically expire one to two years after the prescription was written. This time frame generally depends on two things: Your state's required minimum expiration date: Most states have their own laws regulating when a glasses prescription will expire.

    1. There is an eye exam and there is an eye exam. First they check your eyes for retina detachment, along with a slew of other things. They dilate your eyes for that. I have to do it because I have lens implants. Here they do not give you the SEEING part of the exam until your yes are not dilated any more, thus the second appointment, and the prescription is good for two years. I haven't been in four years.

  2. I hope you get your new prescription soon. 105 here yesterday! The coast was melting.

    1. OMG Frances ... 103 here. I can't believe the coast was that hot!!!

  3. We had our last heatwave that should have ended today...Sunday will be the "let's see" day...see if weather folks know what they are talking about. And how am I sure another wave won't hit in a few weeks? Because we leave for home next Saturday....

    1. Lucky you, though you may run into a bit on the way. I was wondering when you were going to hit the road. Hoping the weather back East is better!!

  4. I need to get into the eye doctor as I probably would not even been able to read the numbers off those tickets!
