Monday, September 23, 2024

Every Day Is A Good Day

 Summer has decided to stick around another couple of weeks.  It's going to be a HOT Halloween, so I'm guessing there won't be many spectacular costumes ... maybe a bathing suit or two!!  Oh yes, 90 degrees yesterday, supposed to be 95 today.

I left sleeping dog lying on the couch after our morning walk.  Sadly, we don't go very far any more.  Neither of us have the fitness required ... Mr. Cooper to walk two miles and me to carry him back home when he decides it's time to quit.  He just stops, sits down and says CARRY ME MOM!!

I spent way too much time on my computer looking up silicone covers for the induction stove top, tire monitoring systems (boy have their prices exploded), and doggie treats.  My kid is so persnickety!!  And obviously VERY spoiled.  Hey ... he has provided me 15 years of the best company ever ... he deserves it for putting up with me!!

I started out quilting this National Park project, but didn't get far.  I really don't have many patterns that will work with this theme.  Back on the computer I went for a couple of hours trying to find SOMETHING acceptable.  There's nothing more daunting than going through 50 designs on a page, with 79 pages to go.  I gave up.

Maybe picking up the house will result in more progress.  I have a kitchen table completely full of STUFF that needs to go in the rig.  You will be surprised to hear I have actually cleaned all the fabric out of this box in order to hold things like oil and dog food.  No kidding, storage space is at a premium, so every square inch must be filled up with something.

That brought about an hour's worth of reorganizing the largest overhead storage space in the rig.  It didn't go well.  Everything came out, everything went back in and came out again.  A folding camp chair, a large tripod for photography, dog food, all the How-To reading material for the rig, Jonathan's heater ... and nothing seemed to fit right.  I guess I'll be back working on that today.

No need to travel to Sweden ... just stay outside in the van for 30 minutes and you'll be sweating like you are in a Swedish sauna.  Note to self .... do this stuff in the early MORNING!  

In an effort to cool off a bit, I whipped up some lime cheesecake.  I've discovered it's much easier to skip all the crushed graham cracker part that makes such a mess of the kitchen, and go straight for the yummy part.  Talk about a refreshing COOLING snack ... I made ten of them and stashed them in the freezer.  Out of sight, out of mind so I don't eat them all at once.  It's also portion control so I don't eat half of an entire cheesecake all at once.

With no great rodeos to watch since it's the end of the year with a couple months for the guys to heal up a bit before the National Finals, I went back to sewing.  This is going on the Elk quilt.  It's tedious, cutting all those little squares down to the perfect size.  

It's hard to concentrate since I'm always thinking about how to make more room in the van.  The next thing I knew, it was bed time.  Time flies when you're having fun!!

But of course that FUN included a 30 minute session crawling around on the floor with the Kid before we could hit the sack!!

Today should be full of frustration as I try to figure out how to use a dash cam.  Trying to take pictures while driving has become a questionable practice for an old lady.  More electronic gadgets to figure out!!  
No worries though ..... every day is a good day in spite of the heat and the reminder that I'm not a spring chicken any more!!!


  1. Mr Ed What do you want the dash cam for. for accident recording or to take videos while you drive .
    Some ( most)record over on a loop . And some Bluetooth to your phone, which you can set up as recorder
    And some have a mirror which you already have to record was behind you and in the front if it’s accident just check with Mercedes to upgrade your rearview mirror. It’ll tie into your radio and your back up camera
    You could take a DJI Osmo pocket or a go pro set it up as time lapse on the dash or use them both as standard video
    if it’s video the Osmo pocket is hands-down for quality an has tracking

  2. Maybe a Silicone baking sheet will fit the stove cooktop. I think I would like to have a dash cam in our truck. If anything interesting happens maybe you could safe it to your phone. Did you already finish the other quilts you showed last week?

  3. Ahhh, Cooper, to cute. I can relate to your storage issue in your rv as I have a slid in truck bed camper with really limited storage. Doris from PA.

  4. I cannot wait to see the Elk quilt when it's finished.
    Try to stay cool!

  5. My husband sets up his camera on the dashboard in front of the steering wheel using blu tack and will hit record if he wants to record something while driving, not his phone but a small camera, works pretty well most of the time and we do have two dash cams one at the front and one at the back

  6. The quilt picture looks 3-D. :)
    Lime cheesecake, yum!
    And Cooper? Well, be grateful he isn't 30 lbs. like someone else I know! ♥
