Saturday, September 14, 2024


 It's a balmy 62 degrees as Mr. Cooper and I wandered outside in the early morning dark.  There's no such thing as sleeping in at this house.  Even when company arrives.  

Backtracking just a little, since my morning started so early, I got right to it.  Out came the weed sprayer.  I can't believe how many weeds are ALREADY growing in the new rock.  Even with that very heavy weed barrier, they are growing like ..... well WEEDS!

An hour later I had taken out all my anger issues on anything green growing where it should NOT be growing.  That's when I realized it was a Friday and it was the 13th!!  Oh boy ... I need to be extra careful!  

Soon I was off to the ceremony held at the Elks Lodge in memory of those lost on 9/11.  Next year should be pretty spectacular since we are having the Fire Department and Police Department help out.  Just a side note, it appears at least SOME schools are actually talking about what happened and how devastating it was.  It's good to keep that terrible memory alive.

When I got home, my company had arrived ... in the dark.  I think we're too old for this.  She went straight to bed while I played with Mr. Cooper a bit.

Early yesterday morning, I was off to the Elks Lodge once again ... I'm putting a cot upstairs for naps ... where I helped put on a lunch for members.  The Lodge kitchen prepares lunch every day ... a small restaurant if you will.  On Fridays however, there is always dinner ... a large restaurant ... so they do not have a lunch session.  

For many years the Sheriff and our best friend Cheech prepared this lunch at noon.  Cheech is a doppelgänger who looks exactly like Cheech, of Cheech and Chong.  With all the problems with illegals (yes we have them too) and murders, the Sheriff has had to cut back.  To our utter dismay, Cheech passed away from a heart attack.  And so the Officers have taken up the challenge.

Or should I say THIS officer has taken up the challenge.  She made chili verde for a crowd of 50.  That's pretty amazing since she's a vegetarian!!  We laughed our heads off as she described cutting up the pork, something she has never done before and how bad it smelled.  You have to give it up to a vegan who made chili verde that was actually pretty darn tasty!!

No she didn't even taste it ... not once.  What she DID do for herself was throw a couple of bean burgers on a pan and smother it in enchilada and chili sauce.  The rest of us ate the real thing!!  Chili verde, rice, black beans, tortillas and chips were on the menu.  I went above and beyond and brought the tortilla chips, two bags of which came home with me.  What in the world am I going to do with THOSE?

Lunch turned out great and we didn't even have to clean up.  It was a win win!!  I headed back home to a leisurely afternoon with my company.  Though I thought to cook dinner, I was way too late at lunch, so we headed off to Habit Burger.  Yup .. I had another one.  

I kept thinking all day ... it's Friday the 13th ... BE CAREFUL!!  Turns out it wasn't so bad after all and NOTHING happened.  I usually drop something big on my foot or set off the house fire alarms ... and there was nothing at all.   I think that's a FIRST.

So why do I have company?  Because there is a quilt show going on here, showcasing the quilts of my company's very good friend.  We'll be attending it this morning, so I better get my act together.

I think they are even serving food ... not that I'm one bit hungry!!!!


  1. Your Lodge does so many good things . So nice you are a part of such a giving elks community.

    1. We are lucky to have a huge membership and many volunteers.

  2. I'm so glad you are going to a qulit show sounds like a lot of fun.
    Enjoy your Saturday!

  3. Mr. Ed said before they put rock down it’s very critical too spray commercial round up then you put down an anti-weed barrier apron otherwise all you’re doing is giving the weeds their first good foot hold
    if they didn’t do that, I suggest you go get you a gallon of commercial round up saturate the area as much as you can . just remember it’s only a once a month stopgap

    1. They did just that ... but apparently the grass seeds came in on the last big windy day we had. I will definitely keep spraying.

  4. Nice going through Atwater and it being a smooth ride with no construction zones
