Monday, September 16, 2024

A Menagerie of Stuff

 Well HELLO there!!!  Here's a little leftover bull from the day before.  I can tell you by this bulls manner, his gait, his ears and his eyes that he's NOT looking for a fight.  He's just looking for the gate to get OUT.  The big Pendleton Rodeo is sadly over and the unexpected winners are celebrating as they hit the road for the next one.

At least the weather around here is good for travel ... finally!!  One minute there was a 60% forecast for rain, and the next minute that completely disappeared.  High of 70 degrees today.  WOOHOO!!

Finishing up the quilt show ... here's a Cindy quilt.  Cindy Warner makes these from teeny tiny pieces.  From far away, you can't even tell what it is.

Get a little closer and you say ... oh ... those are tiny pieces.

Get even CLOSER and you say GOOD GRIEF!!  How did they do that?  Look at all those tiny points that are absolutely PERFECT!  These little pieces are only 1/2 inch wide.  Can you imagine???  SO MANY SEAMS to match!!  This is a great quilt to use up your scraps.  I admit, anything that small goes in the trash in my sewing room.

And then there was this magnificent paper piecing quilt.  I tried one once ... it came out perfect.  So I bought three more patterns and the fabric for two of them.  But when I tried to cut and sew them, I could not for the life of me figure out the pattern directions.  Four years and they are still sitting on the shelf.  Maybe if I'm really lucky, I can meet the lady who made this and she can show me how.

The beautiful clouds that showed up last night, disappeared into the horizon this morning.  I was really looking forward to a little rain.

First thing was making up some phony coffee.  Frances send a recipe to me that I tried once, but did not have the orange flavoring.  It's interesting to note that this stuff is made up of very little coffee, lots of powdered milk and tons of sugar.  I guess that never dawned on me since it's not that sweet when you drink it.

I mixed it half and half with some of the real stuff and gave it a try.  Ooooohhhh WAY too much sugar and half the orange flavoring would probably work just fine.  

At any rate, it zinged me enough to get my butt outside for a run with Mr. Cooper.  He loves nothing more than smelling the smells.  I put him back in the house after half a mile and headed back out for a two mile run.  Yeah, I'm a little sore this morning, but it's a good sore, unlike the pain of sitting on the couch too much.

The rest of the day was rather lazy.  I watched more rodeo, tried to clean up all the stuff I keep moving from place to place in the kitchen and low and behold ... I actually got to watch TWO football games!  The 49'ers lost and the Raiders won!!  

Dinner wasn't what I expected.  I forgot to take anything out of the freezer, so I grabbed a couple of eggs for an omelet.  I didn't really have omelet material, but I made do with a few leftovers.  What's the yucky green stuff you ask?

It was a taste tester!!  I found this in the store a while back.  It's for tacos, but I thought what the heck!  Let's try it on these eggs since there was nothing else to give them flavor.  

THIS stuff is a keeper, though I'm probably one of the few who likes cilantro.  It's a little hard to get out of the bottle ... I had to squeeze with both hands ... but boy was it tasty.  Not hot at all, just flavorful.  I'll be using this on LOTS of things.

And so ended a lovely day as my fridge starting flashing lights and talking to me.  Apparently the water filter needs replacing.  This should be fun ... finding a filter for a 16 year old fridge.  Come to think of it, I can't believe it's actually LASTED that long.  The hunt is on!!!!!


  1. Those quilts are totally amazing. I admire people that can make them.
    Enjoy the cool!

    1. Me too Frances ... some of them are truly artists!!! Not me ... I just sew! LOL

  2. I have to agree with Frances. Lovely quilts but all that work that goes into them, wow!

    1. I've no doubt some of them take many months to complete.

  3. Oh. I have to look for that sauce. Growing up cilantro was a staple in our home. I used to use it but then I started hearing about all the people that didn't like it so I stopped. Saturday I made beef fajitas and threw caution to the wind. I added cilantro! Just now I'm eating the leftovers and was thinking I'm going to start using cilantro again!

    1. I love it ... and the sauce isn't really strong, just good flavor.

  4. Yeah a lot of work goes into quilts I wouldn't know how to even start one

    1. My mother taught me to sew ... I learned to quilt on my own. I admit, some are very hard and complicated.

  5. The quilts are very pretty. I love your picture with the sunflowers in it and you're running again? Good for you! Running was never something I enjoyed or wished I could do.

    1. I actually try to walk, but if you've ever been a runner, you end up running, no matter how hard you try not to!

  6. Loved the wind spinner quilt. We need rain here too. I bet Amazon has your filter. I'm certainly familiar with "forgetting to take something out of the freezer" problem 😀

    1. Hahaha Doug ... I do remember crackers for dinner! Yup Amazon had my filter.

  7. So, are you going to join that quilting group now? WONDERFUL quilts, so much time and effort too. Would you believe that Phoenix was 79 as we left today at 2:30??? With a bit of rain too...

    1. I will at least attend a meeting or two now that I know when and where. Phoenix 79???? WOW!!!

  8. That paper piercing quilt is amazing. How anybody could work with those tiny pieces on the other quilt is beyond me. Your green stuff just doesn't appeal to me. I'm such a picky eater.
