Monday, September 30, 2024

Nothing Like A Sick Puppy

 Very short and sweet this morning.  My bestest of the best puppy has an upset stomach this morning.  At least I have easy-to-clean hardwood floors!!

This was us yesterday out for a lovely morning walk before we met up with the two golden retrievers running loose in the neighborhood.  Sweet as pie they were, but Mr. Cooper is VERY territorial, a trait learned from Miss Jessie who hated everyone.  It was all I could do to keep him from attacking the sweet boys five times his size!

As soon as I get this mess cleaned up, I'm off to WORK!!  I can't believe I'm saying that!!  I'm going to make it a very short day!!


  1. Don't work to hard kiddo.
    I'm sorry Mr. Cooper isn't feeling so good.

  2. Goodness. Even Cooper got hit with this stomach thing. Yuck!

  3. Just hoping Cooper doesn't have separation anxiety while you're at work. It is a four letter word.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Ah, sorry little Cooper isn't feeling well. Hope he bounces back soon. ♥
