Sunday, September 1, 2024

Smoking Hot Ribs

 HAPPY SEPTEMBER 1ST!!  And happy Labor Day weekend, though I hear the crowds are terrible everywhere as folks try to get away from the heat.  So instead of going out, I'm staying in, or at least the farthest I went out yesterday was on my patio.  We are in the low 90's at the moment, so it's not too bad.  

My smoker however, is hot hot hot!!  I set it up in a flash ... a very easy task ... and turned it on.  Unlike my other smoker (yes I have two), this one is all automatic from how long the smoke rolls to how long it cooks.  This is a Bradley .. and I love it. 

So here's my recipe .... baby back ribs from Costco.  No one sells pork ribs this good.  They are two inches thick and mostly meat.  They even take the membrane off the back side that you can never get off in one piece.  They are so huge, I have to cut them in half to fit in the smoker.

The night before, I take them out and spread them with a little yellow mustard.  Surprisingly, the mustard does not flavor them one little bit, but it DOES help to tenderize the meat and hold the spices on.

This is Trim Tabs Pig Powder.  There was a huge barbecue competition online one day, with some of the biggest names in not only the competition, but in the taste testers.  Master Chefs raved about the winner's flavor.  It took quite a bit of research, but I found out this is what they used.  

I admit, it's not cheap, and I probably use more than I have to, but this stuff gives ribs the best flavor I've ever had.  

The spiced ribs go in the fridge uncovered for the entire night.  Next morning, take them out an hour before they go in the smoker, so they will warm up a tad.

Into the heat they go at 225 for two hours.  This smoker uses little biscuits of wood, whatever "flavor" you want.  I like Hickory, but usually mix it up with something else.  I forgot this time and used ONLY hickory.  Ooooweeeeee that's a pretty strong flavor!!!  It's a Southern thing!

I spritz them with apple juice every half an hour, though this time I was completely out.  I used Pepsi instead.  I know that sounds weird, but my construction crew from Mexico ONLY used Pepsi in their copper-pot cooked carnitas.  

After two hours, I take them out and wrap them in heavy duty foil.  Back into the smoker they go for another two hours.  

They come out once again to be doused with barbecue sauce, which I rarely do.  I would rather eat them plain, or dipped in sauce as I eat them.  Back in the heat for one more hour, though I completely lost track of time, and VOILA!!  Smoking hot fall-off-the-bone ribs!!  This is HALF of the three big ribs from Costco.  Obviously MUCH more than I could EVER eat!!  

Dinner was delicious if I do say so myself.  A little bit of leftover salad masquerading as cole slaw and two big ribs.  Needless to say, I'll be eating on these for quite some time.  

Half of what I cooked went in the freezer, along with the other three chunks which will be smoked later on.  Do they turn out just as good once frozen?  Oh yeah!!  Heat the cooked ones slowly however, so they don't dry out.  

 I just LOVE some good barbecue!!!!  It's what's for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!


  1. Your ribs look good and should keep you fed for a few meals.

  2. Well now I'm hungry! I've never cooked/smoked ribs but can get 1/2 rack and slaw for about $23.00 about a mile from my house. 6 ribs is 2 meals for me....guess I'll take a drive this afternoon! THX! :)

    1. I enjoy cooking them, but if there was someplace to get them without all the trouble, I would go once a week!

  3. Yummy, those ribs!! I like that Costco takes the membrane off! It seldom comes off easily.

    1. I agree. I've purchased some that were so difficult, I just left it on.

  4. Ribs look yummy!
    Happy September 1st!

  5. Wow. Those ribs look amazing. Wish you lived next door. 🤪

    1. I would definitely share ... there's way to much for one person.

  6. Replies
    1. Oh Jan ... I would love to deliver. I've been thinking about a trip back East.

  7. Where did you have the smoker, looks like maybe your patio...I think I could use one on our patio... imagine the envy of my neighbors...LOL

    1. Yup ... on the patio. There's not enough smoke to bother anything, including me. I imagine you can smell it several houses away! LOL
