Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 The weather guessers were wrong once again.  The predicted rain turned into sunshine almost immediately.  It makes you wonder how they keep their jobs when they are rarely right.  It started out very nice with a cool breeze and lots of clouds.  I'm taking credit for this one.

It was Miss Elva's birthday yesterday.  She wanted to go out to dinner, but it was too cold and windy.  I tried to transport all those clouds down here so she would have a wonderful HAPPY BIRTHDAY up there.    I don't think it really worked, but the thought was there.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELVA!!!

I forgot to include this little bit from the quilt show.  If vendors are going to take the time to show up really early and sell stuff at a quilt show (or anywhere for that matter), then I should at least buy something to make it worthwhile for them.

The fact that it's fabric ... well, I would have bought that out of the back of their car!!  I applaud this nice lady for coming all this way from San Juan Baptista.  I'm pretty sure I will be visiting her soon.  

To my great surprise, while surfing the internet, I found a filter that SHOULD work with my fridge.  Truly, well water tastes just fine and there's no need to filter anything.  You see, I have my very own well with tasty water from very far underground.  I buy the filters anyway, mostly for Jonathan's sake.  

Of course I completely forgot HOW to take the old one out.  It scared me when it went SWOOSH upon removal.  I thought maybe I broke something.  Getting the new one in was another problem altogether.  There's a little cap that fits on the end with which to push and pull.  I didn't push hard enough.  I guess the water pressure makes it a little more difficult.  I figured I'd have water flowing all over the floor, but to my surprise, it finally went in with a SLURP!!

That was followed up by running 2 gallons worth to clean the junk out of the new filter.  We are now back in business ... and a paper towel sitting under the fridge all night came out dry.  So I guess we are good to go!!

I had a list to go to town, as I do every day, but the motivation just would not arise.  I got as far as the door and said ... hey, I can do this tomorrow.  The procrastinator stood up to be counted.  

I was soon overrun by the need to quilt.  I wanted to finish this one to be used as a cover for the RV windshield.  It was also a good way to try out new patterns.  The first row went GREAT!  So I continued on to the center.

Ummmm NOT so great.  All those little holes should have thread in them.  Not only did I run out of bottom thread, but the top one shredded also.  I will never EVER get it to stitch in the same holes.  

I set it up, told it a new start point and a MIRACLE occurred.  It stitched in the EXACT same holes.  I was in shock.  That has NEVER happened.  I could not believe my eyes.

Though I was really more interested in rolling on the floor with Mr. Cooper, I kept going to the end.  It's not quite done ... I have to turn it around, set it up again and finish the last two borders.  I will probably even practice machine stitching the binding on before adding magnets to keep it in place.  Yes I'm feeling a little guilty about hanging it on the rig where it will get filthy dirty.  Maybe I should make up something with a couple of sheets instead.

That's it ... what an exciting day, yes?  The good news is that tonight is once again BINGO night.  If nothing else, I can always depend on BINGO to keep me busy.  Since I'm going to town, maybe I can pick up everything that was on my list ... maybe ... if I don't procrastinate too much!

By the way, anyone checked their insurance rates lately?  In two years, mine have doubled.  My truck now costs more to insure than my HOUSE!!  No, not kidding.  Maybe the CEO of State Farm will give up some of his $24 MILLION in yearly salary to help us out.  No, not kidding there either.


  1. I am playing catch up on the blogs this week. I once had dreams of riding bulls and wrestling steers. I am now glad that I got through that phase of my life without ever actually doing it. I did rope a little which was fun though. Riding horses is hard enough on your body without jumping off and trying to tackle a steer!

    1. Probably a smart thing NOT to do it. Can you imagine how stove up those guys are now? Roping not so bad ... getting stomped on by a bull ... no thank you!

  2. Our house insurance went up too! When is this going to end.
    Have a fun Bingo night!

    1. Hopefully in November, though they say it's because of the disasters this last year. So why am I penalized because my house didn't get hit?

  3. Our motorhome insurance went up by $917 a year. I don't know yet about the home insurance. But a couple of years ago our insurance company canceled the home policy so I'm thankful to have insurance. Thank you for the birthday shout out!

    1. No one in this area has been cancelled, but we are paying for all those that live in the mountains where all the fires were. If they managed the forests, we wouldn't have NEAR the problems.

  4. That would be shameful to expect a CEO to give up some of his millions, just so you can afford to eat.
    Be Safe and Enjoy Bingo!

    It's about time.

  5. State Farm here in the SoCal mountains is canceling right and left. My State Farm owner's policy went from just over $3,000 a year in 2023 to $8,700 a year in 2024 (in 2010 it was $1,400 plus a year.) I upped my deductible and lowered my possessions cost to get it down to $6,500 a year. If you get canceled here, your only choice is California Fair Plan (sponsored by the State of California) for house coverage only. Then a wrap around policy from another company if you can get one for everything else. State Farm is not the only one doing this in the mountain areas of California.

    1. It's ridiculous!! I tried to lower the possessions last year and they told me I could not do that ... it's a percentage of the building cost. I'll demand it this year.

  6. Mr. Ed shed if the clock is dirty, that’s why they make a washing machine. Just remember to take the magnets out
    if you make $24 million a year do you think you’re going to give up some of that that’s chump change and one could barely live on chump ✔️

    1. Rat Basxxxd 💩 Auto correct ..mr. Ed said if the quilt gets dirty, that’s why they make washing machines

    2. Yes ... and I didn't think about taking the magnets out. I'll have to figure something out for that.

  7. The cost of insurance is ridiculous now days.

  8. I live in Texas and my homeowners insurance literally doubled. Never a claim. Car insurance went up $400 and no claim ever. 🤬

    1. I have never had any claims either. Surprisingly, my house insurance isn't TOO bad, but the vehicle insurance has more than doubled in three years. They can't blame that on forest fires!!

  9. Bidenomics at it again. Raise the price of gas, which raises the price of food, of materials, of homes, of everything...including insurance. Just another reason NOT to vote for Willie's lover

    1. Exactly true Dave. Vehicle insurance is through the roof to pay for everything else. People will pay it because they have to drive.

  10. Probably Cooper would enjoy the floor time more too. 🥰
    Our puppies do love attention.
