Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Rodeo and BBQ

If there are two things I really take a hankering to, it's rodeo and barbecue.  On this Labor Day 2024, I got both.  Although they keep saying we are going to heat up like the sun, we have been holding our own in the mid 90's.  How can I tell?  Because in the mid 90's, I can walk outside on the patio barefoot.  Otherwise I'm walking like a cat on a hot tin roof!!

After turning on the fans and opening the doors, I try to do some sewing.  That room gets HOT easily, mostly because there's a lot of getting up and down to iron the seams.  Here's one I finished in a day.  Well not QUITE finished ... I'm going to put another round of borders on it.  

No pattern here ... I saw this on-line and decided I could make it if I tried really hard.  I like it a lot, and have two more panels of Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon to make.  I suppose I'll have to rearrange the walls to hang them after quilting.  

Then it was on to this beauty.  I tried to quilt the corners, but just could NOT get it to work.  In desperation, I googled ... what else ... how to quilt corners.  I watched the video, madly writing down every step, of which there were quite a few.  TA-DA ... I got it to work on the computer, and it looked pretty good.

 Now to quilt it.  Okay, I admit I didn't do it perfectly.  The bottom of the pattern was not down quite far enough.  "No one will notice" went through my head.  When both corners were done, it was time for the border in between.  I admit once again, I didn't do it quite right, but it was really close.  "No one will notice".  I was pretty happy that I was able to figure it out after two hours!

And then I did the unthinkable.  I didn't think.  I deleted all of that in order to start the middle.  NOOOOO ... now I have to go through all that work again because I have to quilt the BOTTOM border and corners.  It's a good thing I like challenges, or this would be sitting on the sewing room floor forever.

I finally took a break for lunch.  Ribs of course ... and this is only ONE (it's a small plate), along with a big scoop of broccoli salad.  What better way to get indigestion than ribs and broccoli!!

That was pretty much it for the morning.  Early afternoon found me outside wondering why oh why that one big patch of brown grass just does NOT want to green up, especially since I raised all the sprinklers.  I checked it once again.  

Sometimes I wonder where my head is.  Though I was absolutely SURE I aimed them the right way, I apparently did not CHECK said direction and found I was watering the pasture.  A quick turn around and now I think we are good.  Hopefully the grass is resilient.

The rest of the afternoon was spent watching the finals of the rodeo.  It's been an interesting year with so many new kids on the block.  You can tell from the grimace on this guys face that everything hurts.  Only 30 days left to win all the money they can, in order to be qualified for the National Finals.

Mr. Cooper was not impressed.

I've got two more ribs to eat today ... yeah there's one thing about being single ... you have to eat up ALL the food you cook.  Two of those three half slabs went in the freezer, but I've still got ONE more plate to down.  You know, starving children and all that.

Now it's time to get really frustrated trying to figure out why my computer settings keep changing.  I don't know if it's Google or the computer.  Every day is a new surprise on where my pictures are and how I can upload them.  

Just in time for my favorite Magic Castle game .... BINGO!!!!!


  1. Both of your quilts are so nice but I loved the Arches. You are so good you can make a quilt without a pattern. You have such a creative mind and patience.
    Have a good week !

    1. I don't know about creative ... but thank you so much! I like the colors ....

  2. Love the ARCHES quilt!! Great colors. Mr. Cooper is resting up for the ball game! :)

    1. Thank you ... the colors are why I bought the panel. I think you are right about Mr. Cooper!

  3. Arches quilt is awesome!
    You have such creative talent.
    Happy Bingo Tuesday!

    1. Oh thank you Frances, but mostly I just follow the directions!!! LOL. I love the colors though.

  4. Did you make the broccoli salad or get it at the deli? I love it but Jerry won't eat it. It's a lot of work so I don't make it.

    1. I made it from scratch Elva. Our deli rarely makes it any more.

  5. I have never seen a rodeo and yes we do have them in Australia, I also enjoy a BBQ

    1. One of YOUR best bull riders came here and became the World Champion ... Ky Hamilton. Sadly, he got hurt and is out for the year. Hopefully we will see him next year.

  6. Having been to those Arizona locations, I think your quilts are a great idea for you. That one turned out great.
    Your bbq meal looks perfect! No carbs!

    1. Thank you Patsy ... I love those rust colors. My newest mantra is NO BREAD!!
