Friday, September 20, 2024

Grilled Like A Well Done Burger


I'm exhausted ... barely awake this morning.  I see a long nap on the couch today.  Here's how it all went down.  In the morning, since it was a lovely 60-something, I went out to the rig to see if I could get the heater to work.  

It's not your normal turn-on-the-control and walk away thing.  First, turn the inverter main switch and the control panel ON.  I'm not sure I even NEED the inverter, but I'm guessing yes for the electric fan to be able to use the battery since I'm not plugged in.

Then it was around to the side to turn on the gas.  As I walked back, I smelled propane.  Is that normal?  Not a lot, just a bit, but now I'm worried I have a leak.  I've used the generator for maybe 15 minutes and the 8 gallon propane tank says it's half empty.  Not good.  I went back inside to turn the heater on.  It appears it is the same control as the AC.  There was lots of thunking noises before I remembered to hit the inverter button on the control panel.

I waited ...... it was a couple of minutes before it roared to life.  YAY!  I have HEATER ... and after a few more minutes, it actually put out heat.  So just HOW do you turn it OFF?  I finally turned the thermostat down and it eventually quit.  I'll get it eventually I guess, but gee this stuff sure is more complicated than just using a thermostat on the wall.  I better practice all that a little more.

That's when something weird happened.  It was time to get ready for the Lodge Audit.  I had been out of the shower for about 10 minutes when the doorbell rang.  There's no way I was opening the door.  Wasn't I surprised when I heard my driveway alarm go off, meaning someone was walking to the back of the house.  

I looked out the window, but didn't see anyone.  The car was still in my driveway ... what is that guy doing and where did he go?  In about a minute, I heard my back gate slam and the driveway alarm again.  So whoever it was went in my back yard????  

The car had no name or insignia on it and I never got a good look at the guy.  He drove off fairly fast down the street and I saw no license plate numbers.  I checked for business cards, but found none.  WHAT THE HECK?  WHO WAS THAT?  I've absolutely no idea.  

Off to the lodge I went at 3:30.  Sadly, instead of the nice older gentleman Elks Grand Lodge auditor, we got the OTHER one.  Good grief ... if you had let us know all the stuff you wanted to see with your own eyes, we would have had it ready, instead of scrambling for 90 minutes to gather it up.

I guess the biggest problem was the wording for the questions wasn't the same as the wording WE use for things.  We were grilled like a well done burger and my back was screaming as I stood there in high heels for 90 minutes.  

Thinking I was done, I headed out the door, only to be called back for a SECOND grilling session.  This involved about 30 people.  Silly me, thinking my job was done.  The Safety Inspection still loomed over overhead like a dark cloud also.  Since I couldn't get the other Trustees attention, off I went with the nicest lady to answer HER questions.

There went another 30 minutes walking the grounds in that same pair of high heels.  Luckily I was able to show her everything she asked about before returning to the meeting, hoping I had missed most of it.  BUT NO ... another 45 minutes went by, but at least I was sitting down!!

At long last DINNER!!  Rib eye, green beans with bacon, baked potato (wrapped in foil which is why it looks weird), a nice warm roll and peach cobbler.  But wait ... I had to collect dinner tickets, so there went another 40 minutes standing in heels.  I think my feet died.  This is what I brought home after I ate half the potato and green beans!!  No one ever goes away hungry here!!  By the way, it's $20.00 for dinner.

When I got home, I couldn't get those shoes off fast enough!!  Still worried about who was in my back yard and WHY, I put a padlock on the gate.  If someone is going to try and steal something, I can at least make it harder for them.  There was no sleeping as every little noise woke me up.  This morning, everything seems to be intact.  

So was it an inspector about the car cover?  The new-house neighbor wanting to build a new fence which they will want me to pay half of?  A burglar checking out the goods?  An insurance guy checking out the solar panels?  I'm still wondering.

My plans to head to the coast for the day quickly went up in smoke.  I'm just way too WELL DONE.


  1. I'm glad you locked your gate.
    Get some shut eye if you can.

  2. The Elks Lodge sure does keep you busy. Aren't you glad it wasn't an audit for your personal taxes! Mystery about the guy going into your back yard without asking permission.

  3. Time to stop wearing High Heels. Your legs will appreciate it.
    That's quite the dinner you went home with.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
