Thursday, September 5, 2024

All Things Good!

Let's pretend it's NOT 102 degrees for the next few days, though those 72 degree nights tend to give it away.  My AC is working overtime when it comes on at 5:30 in the morning!  I think I lost track of the days, having a late night Bingo followed by a VERY early morning repair shop trip.

But first ... let's reminisce about that great Tuesday night.  I no more entered the building than one member was slamming tables around.  YIKES!!  She's most always in a bad mood, which begs the question "why oh why do you come to Bingo?"  

After a few seconds of raised eyebrows, I was told that the NO SAVING TABLES rule had come into effect once again.  You can now only save YOUR seat at YOUR table.  You cannot go around putting bags and dobbers at other tables to save THOSE seats.   In order to be absolutely sure THAT seat was saved for her friend, she moved the entire TABLE down one slot.  No kidding ... that's just crazy!

That meant she had to go around and pick up all the bags and dobbers she set out to save the other 10 spots.  She was NOT a happy camper.  It also happens she is a volunteer in the kitchen.  Bingo just makes folks cray-cray!!

On the other hand, I think it's time to talk about the GOOD folks of Bingo.  We have one gentleman who has had several strokes and can barely walk or talk.  Two ladies bring him to the Magic Castle every week, help him get down the stairs and into his chair.  Then they come and buy his cards for him, setting them up at his table.  See ... there are NICE bingo people too!

Once I started selling, I always tell people to hang on to their cards.  They are all different sizes and weights, so it's easy to lose them.  There are sharks out there circling, just WAITING for a dropped card, or for you to turn your back so they can steal one.  

One lady was having a difficult time hanging on, and dropped four cards as she walked away.  A young girl saw that and ran over to help her.  She picked up all the cards and placed them in a bag so she didn't lose any more.  How nice is that?  

Okay, I admit, the tried and true Bingo players think stealing or not paying for a card is bad karma.  You won't win ANYTHING if you do that, so most are very nice about it.  Others will steal them off your table while standing there talking to you.

And then there are the cooks and bakers.  Some of these ladies bring burritos once a month and hand them out for free ... even to the infernal machine cashier.  One of them that I know well, brings the best salsa and chips I've ever eaten.  On the other hand, one brings things I'm afraid to eat.  

On this night it was mystery meat in green sauce wrapped in a tortilla.  She would not take no for an answer.  It sat behind me on the table calling my name.  I finally pawned it off on another volunteer ... I mean DONATED it to another volunteer.  I just KNOW my stomach would rebel.  

When she came back to ask how it was, I said YUMMY!!  Yup I fibbed.  It was such a sweet thing she did, I couldn't tell her I didn't want to eat food from a kitchen I was not familiar with.  Been there, done that with bad results.  

The only other GRUMP was a lady who just could not wait to put her card in the pay slot.  You can't do that until I talk to it first.  It revolted and she had to take the card out.  That made her mad.  When she put it in the second time, I asked if it was a debit card.  NO ... A CREDIT CARD she yelled.  Ummm, I'm sorry, but we don't take credit cards.  

She yelled a bunch of words I won't repeat.  You're not going to believe this ... the lady behind her said she would pay for those cards.  I looked up ... that is so very NICE of you to do that!  The grumpy lady grabbed her cards and left the table without even a thank you.  It makes you wonder what their life is like at home.

We had 121 folks on that night, with none of them winning the big $1199 pot, meaning they will all be back NEXT week to try once again.  It will be interesting to see how long the NO SAVING TABLES rule stays in effect.

I raced home to try and get some sleep, because at O-dark-thirty, I would be out in the garage trying to get the truck to start.  That's tomorrow's story of more good things!!

In the meantime, Mr. Cooper and I tried to catch up on some Zzzzzz's.  That's tomorrow's story of all things BAD.


  1. I don't blame you for not eating food from a kitchen you are not familiar with.
    Bingo Tuesday sounds like fun even though a few people can get carried away.
    Have a good Thursday!
    100 degrees here today!

    1. Oh my gosh Frances ... stay cool. I think 102 here.

  2. Some people live miserable lives always in a bad mood and complaining about stuff

    1. I think that's the problem with a couple of players, but for the most part, they just make me laugh!!

  3. I wouldn't have eaten it either. Your stories of bingo continue to amaze and entertain.

    1. Sandie, all that started from an unsanitized RV rig potluck dinner. I learned my lesson! LOL

  4. Well, that last picture is definitely ALL THINGS GOOD!! He's the perfect little comfort zone.

  5. Sometimes you gotta wonder how some folks can stand to look at themselves in a mirror...thank goodness for the nice folks still around this crazy world of ours.

    1. The good news is there are many more GOOD than bad!!
