Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Pretty Blah Day

I don't want to brag too soon, but I THINK we have finally passed by summer, probably because we were kicking and screaming so much.  It's a lovely 68 degrees this morning, and I see nothing over 89 for the next ten days.  WOOHOO!!!  It's about time!!!

I didn't have much on my plate for this day, but after searching through the cupboards for a can of soup to throw in the crock pot, I became totally consumed by the dates on the cans of food.  That brought about a flurry of can stacking on the counter.  

I'm bad about buying stuff to make certain recipes I saw online or on TV, then I never make them.  Time for a little shelf cleaning.  I don't have to throw them ALL out, but seriously, there were cans from 2017 in there, and several dated 2020.  Here's my hint of the day.  If you see a lid that is expanded a little ..... DO NOT OPEN IT.  It was a "let's just see" moment that ended in the worst smell on the planet.  Just throw it in the trash.  At least it didn't explode all over the kitchen.

Next I spent WAY too much time on the computer trying to work with Photoshop.  The problem is my computer is newer in technology than the program.  I'm sure it's fixable, but I don't know how, especially since I had to download the NEW photoshop that looks nothing like my OLD one.  Here's an example of what one screen looks like.  Pretty complicated ... and it took me years to learn it.

The program works GREAT ... but it wants to save files as .tif files and not .jpg.  Blogger says .tif files don't taste good ... kind of like that can of beans ... and spits them right back out.  I finally got it to work, but it takes forever to load the pictures.  And of course most of them are too big.  Once I figure out how to save them as smaller files, I should be good to go.

Just for kicks though, here's one of the images of the stars ... WOW so many stars ... with a plane going down the middle.  If you click on the picture, you can see red dots.  That's the flashing light on the plane. 

I'm way too close to town to get good pictures here.  The white at the bottom is light from houses and street lights.  I'm swamped this week with Elks stuff, but hope to get higher up in the mountains where it's darker and pictures will be better.

I spent most of the day at a clients house doing bookkeeping.  It's all fun and games until you don't balance.  It's a labor of love for an awesome 92 year old friend who is still managing her rentals like a pro.  

Back home in the late afternoon, I spent time sewing the binding on this quilt yet again.  So far I've made it down one side, and it only took two days!! 

But really, that was just an excuse to sit on the couch and watch the Pendleton Rodeo from Oregon.  It was Xtreme Bulls day, not to be missed.  I admit, it's not near as much fun as it was when my two favorite guys were winning everything.  

Sadly Stetson Wright had a hamstring tear completely off the bone (OUCH) and is out for the rest of the year.  Ky Hamilton (the good looking Aussie) got hurt pretty bad, came back and got slammed in the head with a horn.  Yeah, he's out for the year also.  So sad for these young kids in their early 20's.

No one ever said this sport wasn't dangerous.  Here's Stetson making one of his crazy rides.  Just look at how high that bull is kicking!!  That's the other part that amazes me.  How those 2,000 pound bulls can buck and gyrate like they do is beyond words.  So far the young gun rookies are winning!!

Dinner was simple and involved no cans.  I had this pasta in the freezer for way too long!  Yeah, a little frost bitten around the edges, but since I had to throw away so many cans, I was eating this regardless!  The sauce was some leftovers I froze and reheated slowly in the microwave.  It was quite tasty.  Old food, old lady, what could go wrong?  No really, it was just fine after I smothered it in parmesan cheese.

I finally hit the sack WAY too late, especially considering it's BINGO time once again.  Gosh, it seems like I was just there YESTERDAY!!  And so the fun continues!!


  1. Yep those canned goods can blow up and make a mess.
    Happy Bingo Tuesday!
