Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Thank you all so much for the nice thoughts.  It helped me a lot!!  By 10:00 I turned in to an A F P ... an actual functioning person.  I think my puppies helped also.  That big bump on the left is Miss Jessie.
You know how it is when you start feeling a tad bit better ... you get on the phone to the local satellite repair guy and try to get your motorhome television functioning also.  Lucky for me, the migraine gave up after 14 hours, four Exedrin Migraine, three cups of coffee and all your good thoughts.  The relief was so great it probably made me think I was better than I really was.

By the way, in case you didn't know ... no one told ME before ... Dish Network has a separate tech department to handle all those motorhome problems.  Seven years and I never knew.  Even better, they actually know what they are talking about.  Ask for the Outdoor Tech.

At any rate, upon instructions from Donald, owner of a repair shop about 30 miles away, I unplugged the receiver (taking lots of pictures so I knew how it went back together) and plugged it in to my home satellite dish.  It worked just fine, meaning the problem is of course probably a loose connection in the wall of the motorhome.  
In turn, that means Donald will make a trip down here to check it out.  His wife says he can fix anything, so I have high hopes my television will be up and running tomorrow after  his visit.  That should give me time to get over all the H C A I've been having.  Horrible coughing attacks.  I thought I might be spared but alas, I'm doomed by the tickle in my throat.
I spent the last hours of the day sewing the binding on this lap quilt.  It has yet to find a home, but I'm thinking it might be nice for those couch-sitting-sicky days.  
I suppose this will give me time to make up at least ten sticky note lists of everything to take on my next trip.  

Oh ... and there's the Magic Kingdom!!!  I think I better pass tonight.  Yesterday I thought I would be fine, but today seems to be a  L O T C A C A  day.  That's short for lay on the couch and cough a lot!!!  It's also pretty much how I feel right now!!


  1. Good luck with your satellite dish, most likely an easy fix if you know what you are doing.
    Nice that you were feeling a bit better and the migraine has left your building. Yes best stay away from the Magic Kingdom for a bit more until you are brand new again.

    1. Fixing the dish is the last thing I need to do before taking off again. Well, there was that washing thing.

  2. Glad you are feeling better but taking the day off from the Magic Kingdom will definitely help.
    Good Luck with your Satellite Receiver.

    It's about time.

    1. Surprise ... I DID take the night off. It didn't help, but at least I didn't pass this around.

  3. The bug you got probably came from the Bingo folks anyway. The "flu" has killed over 100 people here in Arkansas, but when I asked my doctor (Marcia did not go with me just so she would not be exposed...I used a bunch of those disinfectant hand machines while there myself) and he said that they were "over the hump" with the flu. Last night I heard now there is a school which has had an outbreak of whooping cough in Fort Smith...thank goodness we have both been immunized for that, but who knows how long that lasts because it has been a LONG time. Glad you are better, and I hope he finds it is just a bad connection and not a bad wire, much cheaper.

    1. It's been crazy with the illnesses. In California we have an outbreak of measles because dumb people didn't vaccinate their children.

  4. Regarding the whooping cough, my primary doctor has us on a ten year cycle for a TDAP (tetanus, diptheria and pertussis) booster. Coughing is BAD, whooping is worse. Sorry you're coughing, it's so annoying and sleep disturbing. Good luck with the satellite receiver. Knock on wood, ours has performed well so far.

    1. You have a good doctor. Around here, not so much. I'm glad your receiver is working well. I really think it's from all the bad roads I've driven over the years. It rattles everything loose.
