Friday, September 29, 2023

Saint Anthony!!

 Good morning sunny California!  It was a gorgeous morning when I looked out the door to see if any black and white friends were lurking in the bushes.  So far so good ... no smells to be smelled!

The morning started out slowly as I cooked breakfast for myself and the kid, Cooper.  He waits with great anticipation for those five pieces of scrambled egg he gets every morning.  After that, I did a few of those exercises I'm supposed to do.  Ouch ... that stretching one feels great until you try to get back up off the floor.  

I spent a good part of the morning finishing up this quilt.  The plan was for it to live next to the antique Chinese cabinet I have, but it doesn't exactly go with the antique western furniture that now resides in that space.  More on that later.

Meet Saint Anthony.  I talk to him a lot.  Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, please comer around.  Something's been lost and can't be found.  I can tell you that he's never failed me ... and I'm not even Catholic!  

Remember just last week the fabric that didn't go with the pattern I had?  Well yesterday I said this little mantra about six times ... and what should I find but the rest of the fabric for that quilt.  Uh oh .... where is the pattern?  Saint Anthony and I had another long talk, and there under my sewing machine was THE PATTERN!!   Yay!!  I have a new project!

Instead of sewing however, I tried to put something in the laundry room cupboard, which brought about another frenzy of purging.  I'm pretty sure I don't need 14 cake pans, or this lovely salad bowl.  It's huge, along with only four bowls for serving.  Very cowboy-ish, don't you think?  I'll donate this to someone at the next Bingo meeting.  

That's when I remembered those little slider things you can put under furniture to move it.  I didn't even have to ask Saint Anthony this time.  I knew exactly where they were.  No worries, my back is just fine.  You see when you have loaded and unloaded a truckload of 125 pound hay bales into the barn and stacked it up 5 high, you learn how to use your legs, knees and thighs in particular.  

All the antique furniture is now relaxing in the dining room.  This room is going to get a tile floor (easier to clean) and my longarm will live there since it fits better.  

Yeah, this looks pretty bad, but eventually it will all get sorted out in the wash.  

With the house now looking like a hurricane hit, I decided to relax on the couch.  That didn't last long, as I contemplated how sugar works just as good as Tylenol.  I baked up a batch of peanut butter cookies with white chocolate chips.  Yes they expired three months ago, but still tasted ok, so I stirred them in.  YUM YUM!!

In the meantime, I messed with some phone scammers, one of which turned out to be a Golden Spike RV Group prospect.  Oops!  The good news is, although it looked like we were going down the black hole of extinction, two guys have agreed to put on a rally in Arizona in November.

They were so excited to have ten rigs sign up, when I dropped the bomb on them.  That's wonderful, but the group has to have OFFICERS!!  Someone has to agree to man the Conductor's chair AND plan rallies.   We shall see where it all goes!!  

As for me ..... it's EXERCISE TIME!!!  Which results in Cooper play time, because he thinks ANY time I'm on the floor it's for the BALL GAME!!


  1. Cookies look great!
    Makes me think I need to bake some too. Lol

  2. I think someone said they liked that bright colored quilt. I actually like it too. A deacon told my mom its OK to address St. Anthony as Tony. "Tony Tony, please come around...". But I think that's a little disrespectful. Keep on keeping on!

    1. Hahaha Elva ... that's funny! I don't think I would ever address a Saint as "Tony" .. but whatever works!

  3. That quilt is very autumnesque and should fit nicely with the season. I do have one question though. What is that large stuff animal in your living room?!?

    1. I'm surprised you noticed! That's my Class A rig passenger. He rode in the passenger seat of the RV (seat belted in of course) to keep me company as I drove all over Alaska with Patty and Dan. His name is Grizz!!

  4. "IF" the Golden Spike group does re-gather, remember the park I was at in Cromberg (Golden Coach RV Park). They are open until October 31st, so a late September or early October rally would work. In Portola, 18 miles away, is the Western Pacific Railroad Museum. In Quincy there is a private railroad track from the lumber mill to the regular tracks. The Williams Loop, a rail spiral, is between Cromberg and Quincy. The Spring Garden Tunnel, the longest tunnel along the Feather River Rail Route, is between Cromberg and the Loop. And Sloat and the 29 Mile House each have a strong railroad connection, both right outside Cromberg. Just something to keep in mind...

    1. That sounds like the perfect rally location. They are going to Verde Valley in November, but I will definitely write this down and make it a rally next year. Thanks Dave!!!!

  5. I love the bright quilt. Need to get one to brighten up our RV bedroom.

    1. It's not big Cheryl ... about 50" x 50" ... but would work at the foot of a bed. I'd be happy to send it to you if you send me a note.
