Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 What time is it?  It's not Howdy Doody time, although that might have been just as entertaining as the gambling art of Bingo.  I'll get into that in just a few minutes.

BINGO ... my little foxy friend found the eggs I put out.  It's one of their natural foods ... eggs from anything, but especially chickens.  I don't do this very often because they need to fend for themselves.  They do look a little skinny however.  I've only seen two.  Mom appears to have disappeared.

Speaking of pigs .... SQUIRREL ... this is Trim Tabbs Pig Powder.  You can find it at Pig Powder.  I happened to hear a quiet conversation on TV between Bobby Flay and the winningest bbq lady in the country.  He said "that's pig powder", isn't it?"  

That was enough for me ... I purchased my first bottle and haven't looked back.  It's the best I've ever tried.  Not cheap mind you, but it's worth it.  Rub some mustard on your chicken, ribs or whatever you are smoking, then sprinkle this stuff on.  You don't taste the mustard, it just tenderizes the meat and makes the pig powder stick.  It's worth every penny in my book.

Luckily I changed out the filters BEFORE  I hurt my back.  Never ever go in the garage and try to move a heavy box when you are twisting just to reach it.  I messed up my back big time.  Sadly, my Chiropractor retired ... the best one I've ever had for over 30 years.  Also sadly, no one uses that drop table like he did, so the hunt is on to find another.  That meant Bingo wasn't all that fun!!

So off I went at the appointed hour, along with a truckload of stuff I thought some of the Bingo players may want.  Sure enough, one gal took the entire load.  Blankets, stuffed animals, Yoda backpack and all.

Upstairs, the Bingo crew was in full force.  I've never seen this many folks show up, let alone show up for drinks first.  I opted for popcorn instead.  At last I sauntered down the stairs where Miss Jackie had everything already set up.  It's a good thing, because by now I could hardly lift my purse, let alone those heavy boxes.  This is a first for me and I don't like it one bit!!

I got lots of welcome backs ... and the nice lady that takes my place couldn't stop smiling!  She was pretty happy I was back too.  Surprisingly, there wasn't much of a melee on this night because we only had 95 people.  Our numbers have slowed since one of the towns down the road is now having Bingo four nights a week for $30 a pop.  Can you imagine how much money they spend in one month including us?  

I almost made a couple of mistakes, not remembering the order of things, but was soon back in shape.  I didn't balance, but thankfully figured out why before I left and hit that first stop light.  That's where I always remember what I did wrong.  This time it balanced to the penny, so the infernal machine must have felt sorry for me.

There was one lady who said she never got four of her cards.  She reached for them, but I stopped her.  Can you bring your receipt to me please?  Sure enough, she didn't BUY any.  I walked her through the receipt ... and she just couldn't believe she forgot them.  Yeah, right!!  She had to pay up.  BINGO!!

For the next four games, I played with my phone.  Did you know you can do this to any picture you take?  You can highlight things, move them around, add pointers ... all kinds of stuff.  I'll probably never use it for anything, but at least I learned SOMETHING at Bingo!!

That was it ... no fights, no hair pulling, no police called.  Gosh, this crowd must be getting REALLY OLD!!  And I along with it.  I'll be on the couch all day hoping and praying my back stops hurting long enough to drive to the chiropractor ... if I can find one.  

In the meantime, I found a volunteer to fix my smiling kitchen plug, so I don't get electrocuted.  I'll let you know how that goes!!


  1. What did we ever do with ourselves when we didn't have cell phones LOL.

    1. So true!! I can remember feeling pretty isolated, so I'm happy I have one.

  2. Take easy on your back kiddo.

    1. I'm trying Frances ... I've never really had back trouble, so this is a new experience.

  3. I know it may sound silly, but since I started laying on the wood floor, I haven't needed a chiropracter. Lay down, relax, move slowly and do some range-of-motion movements, pull your knees to your chest, relax, etc. Get up slowly and carefully, sometimes corkscrewing your way up with your hands and feet. I somehow don't use my knees to rest on and end up in a hands on floor bend over. Most of this is after the injury is better, but just laying on the floor doing those slow movements helps so much. If I ever hurt my back, it's straight to the floor.
    Barb ~ this is for you, too, Bob.

    1. I actually do that most every morning. Haven't needed a chiropractor in ten years or more. But this ... this is painful and not loosening up at all.

  4. Thanks for the info in Pig Powder. Sent on to my son-in-law.

    1. You're welcome. I've tried lots of rubs, but this one exceeds them all.

  5. Wish my son and daughter-in-law were closer...both are Chiropractors...but they live in Cincy. Keep looking for one, and rest, and perhaps a heating pad off and on.

    1. That's right ... I remember when they finished school. That's a great occupation to have in the house!

  6. You are the energizer bunny for sure, even with a messed upn back. Amazing. I would have crashed before this.

    1. It's a blessing and a curse, this energy I have. It sure keeps me busy!

  7. Sorry for the back problem at such a bad time.🙏
    Also thank you for the Pig Powder. Gonna order
    some now. Guess it’s good even if you do not
    have a smoker?
    Linda a.

    1. I've used it on chicken in the BBQ. You'll see it on today's blog.

  8. I'm with Barb. I do the same exercise whenever I've hurt my back or just been in the garden bending position too long. With my knees up to my chest while on the floor, I roll from side to side. Hopefully, you'll be back to your own self soon! ♥
