Tuesday, September 19, 2023


 You read it right gals and guys!!  Remember in the 60's when the Women's Movement said we should all burn our bras?  They were protesting the Miss America Pageant, saying women weren't meat.  I was sure I saw a flaming trash can on television, but now they said I'm wrong.  There was NO bra burning after all.   It was all a myth they say.

SO ... maybe I'll be the first.  Why on earth you ask?  Because when your rib is twisted out of place, there's nothing in the world that makes it hurt more!!  Besides, remember I was a motorcycle mama for many years, so there's that!!  We held our own protest every single day.  No one ever complained.

Lucky for me, I slept pretty well Sunday night and felt great when I got up.  It was short lived.  I did finally get up the nerve to lay on the floor.  I had my phone on 911 speed dial just in case I couldn't get back up.  In two seconds I popped two bones back into place.  YAY ... SUCCESS!!  But again, it was short lived.  That rib just doesn't want to stay put.  By noon I was back to ice and Advil.  I've got another appointment this morning to see if there's anything else we can do.  

I'm not in severe pain mind you, just enough to be aggravating and not allow me to do what needs to be done.  

In the meantime, here's another historical, fascinating, awesome, Oscar winning performance by my foxy kids.  It just makes me laugh, how they paw at the food.  That's Cooper's leftover chicken.  I got an amazing 60 ... yes that's SIXTY ... videos of them toying with the food before eating it.  Even Kitty Kitty got in on the act, but wasn't really interested in chicken.  What a discerning taste you have Kitty Kitty.

This OTHER kid is cuter, for sure, but pretty stinky since he hasn't had a bath recently.  You can tell by the look on his face he wasn't the least bit excited about the prospect.

All clean and fluffy!!  I tried to sneak in a little trim here and there, but he was having none of it.  He does however, smell WONDERFUL!!  My back wasn't all that happy, but the world is not going to stop because of a little pain.

And then I got the text message.  I have to either except the offer on the house or send a counter offer by 6:00 pm.  I countered with MUCH more than they did.  They were really low balling it I thought.  No surprise with the value of houses through the roof and crazy high interest rates.  

The cash deal fell through because the gentleman would not be allowed to plant the entire 1-1/2 acres as he wanted.  No telling what plants that might be (maybe a marijuana grow), but there are nature preserve areas on maybe 1/3 acre.  He said no way.

Two more wanted to make offers, but again, no horses are allowed.  So why did they call it Lost Horse Ranch when you can't have horses?

My counter is out there ... we shall see what they say.  The FHA loan may be problematic.  They require things other loan companies do not, which may cost me more in the end.  We shall see.  

Thanks for hanging in there with me ... hopefully the house deal will go through with no problems.  I'm saying lots of prayers.


  1. FHA It should be FHS For Heaven Sakes. The crap they make you do is ridiculous. How about put up a railing on stairs that never had a railing in the whole 40 years the house was lived in. How about painting the top of the peak trim so you have to go borrow a ladder because you already moved 100 miles away. Not the whole trim, just that tiny bit at the top! There must have been more, but those two were the worse. Prayers it goes well. Keep showing it, maybe an angel buyer will appear, with cash!

    1. And Bras....... Somebody developing torture techniques must have come up with those. Especially underwire!

    2. That is just crazy! I sure hope they don't mess up my sale.

  2. One cannot help but smile when looking down on Coops face, he is so cute! I bet it will take months for your ribs to fully heal, no fun at all. Good luck on the house sale, but even if this one does not go through, it will happen!

    1. Aww Cooper thanks you! I keep thinking if some of those really junky houses can sell, mine can too.

  3. Think about the rodeo "Bullriders" ribs after a ride, of course now they were a protective jacket, but I bet their plenty sore anyway.

    1. I actually DO think about that. They must be in real pain this time of year. I mean really, their ribs are the first to go!

  4. Praying you get your house sold without complications.

    1. Me too Frances ..... me too!! Hope you and your hubby are doing well.

  5. I see a "UNDER CONTRACT" notice on Zillow!!!!! I hope it goes through for you. Now DON'T jump up and down if it does go through...your back can't take it.

    1. I'm hoping and praying ... but I've got at least 30 days to worry!! LOL. And NO jumping!
