Sunday, July 2, 2023

Not Dead Yet .....

Welcome to Arizona ... the land of creepy crawlies and things that sting and bite.  Apparently I'm allergic to those gigantic paper wasps.  I'm probably lucky I thought to take a Benadryl, or this might cover my entire back.  

It has swollen up nicely and turned a lovely shade of reddish pink in spite of all the meds I've taken.  Just to make it even MORE fun, it's now itching like nothing I've ever experienced.  I could scrape the skin right off my back.  

This not-so-sexy off shoulder look was my all day apparel to try and keep nothing from touching it.  This morning it's even a tad bit bigger, but not as red.  Hopefully that means it's on the mend.

 I decided since it was nice and cool, I should check out why the lawn is dead.  Not that that is unusual for my garden area, but it has never been this bad.  Apparently I didn't set the controls to run long enough.  Add to that the broken pipe that Dan discovered, and all my plants ... even the cactus ... are dying.  What?  Cactus dying in the desert?

I went in and out my sliding glass door several times before I spotted it.  Another one of those wasps flying around the patio.  I followed him .... to find THIS!!  Just as I looked up, that bugger took off after me.  It's good to know that I can still run fast!!  THIS time I beat him to the door.  Nah nah nah na na!!!  You're DEAD!!

I grabbed my almost empty can of spray and soaked them.  It was raining wasps.  This nest is about four inches across ... the biggest one I've seen.  I counted fourteen dead corpses.  I guess I better look UP instead of DOWN when going outside.

I got the system set up at last, replacing all the drips that were plugged up, then turned on the sprinklers.  Rats!!  Those are broken too.  Gosh, this is the worst it's ever been!  I fixed two before it just got too hot to be outside.  It seems this wasp sting is messing with my temperature gauge.  Even when I got the house down to 78 degrees, I just couldn't get cool.  So much for being outside.

I spent a few hours on the couch resting up while smearing everything I could think of on my bite.  That high dollar tube of Benadryl had no affect whatsoever.  

Let's see what the game camera captured ... just trying to keep my mind off the itching.  I guess the water trough inlet got plugged up so there hasn't been water for awhile.  Dan fixed it just before I got here, so the critters are just finding out it's full again.  This guy didn't drink however ... he probably smelled us humans  and ran off ... or maybe the sound of the camera.

In case you have Dish Network and are interested ... it's Cowboy Christmas time.  The Reno Rodeo (now over) starts the main rodeo season where the most money can be made from the biggest rodeos.  It's Christmas for the cowboys.  Those guys are driving and flying back and forth trying to catch all of the big paydays they can in order to quality for the National Finals.

I tried to just sit and watch, but you know that's not me.  I can't stand mess and disorder.  I started putting stuff away and organizing things, which led straight to the living room.  I moved all the old furniture out ... only a snooker/poker table and a huge recliner ... and began to arrange the NEW GORGEOUS furniture from Jan and Bill Mains.  Yup this is my style ... has been all my life.  There's still more to do, but I got too hot to continue.  All that vacuuming was just too much!!

While I worked, Mr. Cooper slept.  I was pretty worried about him on the way down since his breath was flower-wilting.  I was thinking something might be rotten in his mouth.  After several hours of water, along with a couple of treats, he's much better.  Just the results of all that scary traveling, causing a sick tummy.  Thank goodness because my bank account is empty at the moment.

And so another day comes along ... thank you Lord I'm not dead yet from that wasp sting ... and I've got a broken pipeline to dig up before it reaches 103 degrees.  It's going to be a hot week, from 103 to 106 for the next ten days.  Good grief ... will someone write Mother Nature and ask her to please turn the heat off??


  1. Your bee sting looks nasty, good job taking care of that hive. Although I would love a video of you running back into the house!

    1. It's amazing how fast you can go when chased by a stinging insect.

  2. Nasty bee sting Nancy.
    Becareful out there.
    Beautiful furniture I just love it!

    1. Thank you Frances ... that furniture has been my style since I was very little. I love it!

  3. The bite is awful! Love the living room!! :)

  4. Have you tried an ice pack on the red area to control the itching?

    1. On and off, yes. The key seems to be not having anything touch it.

  5. Beats me why you try to have a lawn in the desert. Lawns don't exist in the wild in the desert. When the Colorado river runs dry, then what? No more lawns, that's what.

    1. So true ... but if I don't, it's really dusty and dirty. I've thought about a deck or even rocks, but I'm on a hill and it's difficult to make anything level.

  6. That furniture looks so good together with what you have on your wall... Another day or two and the 'sting' will only be a memory...or perhaps a future nightmare. I am so afraid that I'll have another dream and I am going to reach out with my right hand and bang it against something hard again.

    1. Right? I would be afraid of dreams too, but at least I can move everything away from my bed.

  7. Mr. Ed said. Cortizone 10 Any drugstore or pharmacy it’s over the counter This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (such as insect bites, poison oak/ivy, eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash, itching Hydrocortisone reduces the swelling, itching, and redness that can occur in these types of conditions.

    1. I thought Benadryl would work, but not so much. I'll go get a tube of cortisone to keep around just in case.

  8. Hi Nancy, Do you have email? I'd like to talk quilting with you.

  9. I'm so glad the furniture fit so well in your room. It's nice to know you will enjoy it as much as we did. We never watered our cactus and if you remember the one we had in the side yard grew to over 12 feet high from just a couple of inches when we planted it.

    1. I'm thrilled with the furniture Jan. I will take extra good care of it. You would think this cactus in my yard would be fine with no water, but three are dying ... or already dead. Maybe it doesn't like the location.
